Saturday, September 28, 2013

How can i open an openoffice .odt file in word 2003 - Expected Income 450 euro

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Top competitors on query "how can i open an openoffice .odt file in word 2003"  Competition: low
Was This Helpful? 1 Add a Comment Cancel Video Images denglad 1 solutions Mar 31, 2013 What version of Word do you mean? A successful password recovery depends on the version of Word, if you mean a password to open.- Word 2-95. Now when i open this document it required the password and i am forget the password of this file.How can open password protected microsoft word document.Please send me answer on my email id - How to open ods files in Excel? - Super User  Competition: low
Sometimes there will be little differences (more noticeable with word documents), so it's always best to use Office for Microsoft files and OpenOffice for the open formats  Competition: low
BUT when I went to close down word I somehow very stupidly was not concentrating and have ended up with both files being exactly the same copies of version 1. After working on a MS Word 2007 document all day (and saving it several times) I seem to have managed to accidentally save the final version as an old version, completely losing what I have been doing all day

Convert document to Open-Offcice ODT format  Competition: low
odt converter Upload your document you want to convert to ODT: Or enter URL of the file you want to convert to ODT: (by clicking you confirm that you understand and agree to our terms) Our Open-Office ODT converter converts currently from the following formats: DOCX to ODT, DOC to ODT, SXW to ODT, WPD to ODT, RTF to ODT, TXT to ODT and HTML to ODT

Reading ODF Documents (*.odt, *.ods, *.odp) with Apache OpenOffice  Competition: low
ODF files have the following file extensions: *.odt (word processor documents) *.ods (spreadsheet documents) *.odp (presentation documents) The advantage of ODF is that it is not tied to any one office application suite. Apache OpenOffice Apache OpenOffice is the leading open-source office software suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Competition: low
Fontwork is a feature that allows users to create stylized text with special effects differing from ordinary text with the added features of gradient colour fills, shaping, letter height, and character spacing. Base could function as a front-end to a number of different database systems, including Access databases (JET), ODBC data sources, MySQL and PostgreSQL  Competition: low
It was free at the time of writing, and does a good job of opening corrupted Word files, but you lose all your formatting, and hence it is the last on this list. :-) By Jessi 26 September 2011 - 22:31 im freaking out my 3 page essay for social studies isnt workin i downloaded the openoffice and nothing i tried opening it but it didnt say anything about it being corrupted the page just remained blank what does that mean?! the essay is due tomorrow and i have already re typed it three times and all three times it said it was corrupted and i saved it everytime as a completely new file

OpenOffice Writer 3.1 for Microsoft Word users - video tutorials for word, staroffice, writer, openoffice, ooo, odt, microsoftoffice  Competition: low
The focus at the moment is on developing with the Python programming language, one of the backbones of the FOSS movement with a huge number of included and third-party libraries. The club will allow you access to some special videos we're making to pass on programming skills we consider important to the development and enjoyment of Free Open Source Software (FOSS)

How do I open Microsoft Office 2007 files? - Apache OpenOffice Wiki  Competition: low
If you experience imperfections with OOo 3.0 or are using an older version of OOo 2.x, you have several options to open the Microsoft Office files in, or you need to first convert the Microsoft Office documents to a compatible format like the rich text format (.rtf): Upgrade to the most updated version

How can I bypass a Microsoft Word file opening password protection?  Competition: low
February 28, 2011 0 votes Aibek March 2, 2011 Hey Alex, Someone asked a similar question couple of weeks ago, check it out there were some answers there that may help you

OpenDocument - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Competition: low
OpenDocument files can also take the format of a ZIP compressed archive containing a number of files and directories; these can contain binary content and benefit from ZIP's lossless compression to reduce file size. Key contributor Sun Microsystems made an irrevocable intellectual property covenant, providing all implementers with the guarantee that Sun will not seek to enforce any of its enforceable U.S  Competition: low
For more information about the differences between the OpenDocument Text format and the Word format, see Differences between the OpenDocument Text (.odt) format and the Word (.docx) format. When you collaborate on a document shared between Word and another word processing application, such as Google Docs or Writer, think of writing (the words) and formatting (the look) as different tasks

How To Open .ODT File  Competition: low
Use a file converter to convert the document from .odt format to .doc format 1st Step : Sun ODF Plugin Once you have installed the plugin, you can open .ODT file directly from Microsoft Word simply by clicking on the file. Microsoft Office 2007 SP2 has released native support for this format, but for those who are using previous version of Microsoft Office, you will not be able to open this file directly from the program itself  Competition: low
When you collaborate on a document shared between Word and another word processing application, such as Google Docs or Writer, think of writing (the words) and formatting (the look) as different tasks. What do you want to do? Open an OpenDocument Text file in Word Save a Word document in OpenDocument Text format Learn more about the OpenDocument Format Open an OpenDocument Text file in Word Click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click Open  Competition: low
Docx2Rtf can also convert those Word 2007 and OpenOffice documents to PDF format! NW Docx Converter also allows you to view most common graphic file formats. How in the world do I open those docx files? Microsoft introduced the .docx file format in its new Office and Word applications and wants it to replace the commonly used doc format  Competition: low
How do I Open ODT Files in Microsoft Word? Microsoft Word is capable of opening various types of file formats, including OpenDocument Text, a format used by open-source word processing applications.... All articles go through an editorial process that includes subject matter guidelines, plagiarism review, fact-checking, and other steps in an effort to provide reliable information  Competition: low
I haven't a clue what happened, maybe it was because they used to be xls then I converted them to ods??? But they had been working fine as ods for a while so who knows.Again, thanks. I read online that this type of text means that the file contains binary information rather than text, but I don't know how valid that is or if that information is at all helpful

can I open an OpenOffice Presentation (.opd) file with Powerpoint  Competition: low
It is possible that you might have made a typo when you typed the subject of your original post which is making other users think the file is something that is not

Open File Extension ODT  Competition: low
Files are often represented by distinct icons, a normal practice done by Microsoft with their products including system files for their series of operating systems... Please note that Open Document Format used by file extension ODT is different from "Office Open XML" which is used by Microsoft Office (.File extension docx) and "Open Document Architecture" (.File extension rdo) File Microsoft Office doesn't provide native support for ODT files there exists an "ODF add-in for Word"  Competition: low
Download (0.7 MB) Order Now Screenshots How it works? Open Office Writer Recovery software can reads corrupt or damaged ODT files and recover ODT files data such as: text, images, hyperlinks, tables, unicode characters, text formatting, headers and footers, page orientations and every other style and formatting included in the Writer document (.odt) files then save into new OpenOffice Writer (.odt) files and Rich Text Format (.rtf) files which is successfully open with Microsoft Word. Demo version of ODT file recovery or ODT to DOC conversion software can display preview of all recovered ODT file data and restrict file saving options  Competition: low
My guess is you'll never be able to open this particular file with anything other than a hex editor or an XML editor.guconte wrote:The program is set to autosave files, but I generally saved it manually before closing.For backup and recovery purposes, you should not rely on AutoSave but save manually as often as possible. You'll have to reformat it, but at least the content (or most of it, depending on what was last committed to the file with a manual save) should still be there

Open Office (.odt file) - How to open in Word 2003  Competition: low
As an aside, I have the MS compatibility pack to open Word 2007 (.docx) files in 2003 and I understand you can can save as .odt in 2007 but that it will not necessarily open the file automatically. post (more info?) Well, I installed the Sun ODF plug in for Windows Office but when I tried to open the .odt file it still asked me to go to Folder Options and associate the file with a program

Can I open a .wps file using OpenOffice?  Competition: low
Answer from awarulz 1 people found this helpful well, a wps is a Microsoft Works Word Processor Document Text document created with Microsoft Works Word Processor; similar to Microsoft Word (.DOC) document, but does not include advanced formatting options and macros that a Word document may contain; can be opened with most versions of Microsoft Word (included with Microsoft Office) as well as Microsoft Publisher.The Macintosh version of Microsoft Works was discontinued after version 4.0; the WPS format itself was discontinued by Microsoft in 2006 and replaced by the standard MS Word DOC format.NOTE: To open WPS files from within Microsoft Publisher, you may need to select "Word 2000" or "All File Types" in the Open dialog box

How to Open .ODT OpenOffice Files in Word - LockerGnome  Competition: low
Open the ODT File in Google Docs If you prefer to avoid installing any additional software on your computer, the best solution for opening an .ODT file in Word is to convert the .ODT file to .DOC using Google Docs. There are probably additional ways you can convert .ODT files to make them work with Microsoft Office, but keep in mind that other than installing the ODF Add-in, there is no way to natively open .ODT files in Microsoft Word  Competition: low
Reply Reply with quote Report abuse Found this helpful Me Too 0 Jim Gordon Mac MVP replied on March 4, 2013 MVP Community Moderator In reply to Janet 123 post on March 3, 2013 Word for Windows can open .odt files. Reply Reply with quote Report abuse Found this helpful Me Too 0 spq28 replied on August 16, 2013 In reply to Jim Gordon Mac MVP post on March 3, 2013 I don't agree with your advice that the ODT format should not be used any more

How can I open an openoffice .odt file in Word 2003  Competition: low
I merely didn't include a reference to a third party tool given that Open Office is a free download and that the OP wanted to do some work on company files at home, there is simply no point in making this conversion, when the files can be edited in the source application

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