Saturday, September 28, 2013

How does focal length affect depth of field - Expected Income 510 euro

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Top competitors on query "how does focal length affect depth of field"  Competition: low
Thomson Mysterious Rays 1897 Experiments Corpuscles to Electrons Legacy for Today Exhibit Info Mysterious Rays Click here for information about this exhibit and suggested readings and links. He was investigating a long-standing puzzle known as "cathode rays." His experiments prompted him to make a bold proposal: these mysterious rays are streams of particles much smaller than atoms, they are in fact minuscule pieces of atoms  Competition: low
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RetouchPRO Tutorials  Competition: low
It is specific to Adobe Photoshop, however there are plugins available (they might even be free) that allow you to achieve similar results to the lens blur filter  Competition: low
Related Articles How to Choose a Surround Sound System What is a speaker tweeter? Speaker Sensitivity Explained In any sound system, ultimate quality depends on the speakers

Beautiful Bugs: How to Do Macro Insect Photography  Competition: low
Since you control the light (with your TTL flash or flashes), you can set your camera to whatever aperture and shutter speed you desire, and then just let the flash do its job. The learning curve is also rather steep, as new shooters will have to learn and practice using new or unfamiliar equipment and techniques, in addition to watching and learning the behaviors of their favorite bug subjects  Competition: low
4 years ago by Joe Schmo Photo Member since: May 25, 2007 Total points: 22,806 (Level 6) Add Contact Block Best Answer - Chosen by Voters No, 2x is the zoom ratio, meaning the largest focal length being 2 times the smallest, or the largest focal length divided by the smallest

Depth-of-field explained  Competition: low
Words Steve Bavister, Images Peter Bargh The way a subject is reproduced in a photograph can be very different from how it looked to you as you took the picture. Here, once again, a depth-of-field scale on the lens helps, or, failing that a depth-of-field preview facility on the camera, This will give a visual indication of what will and won't be in focus by manually stopping down the lens

How Everything Works - How Everything Works Home Page  Competition: low
There is a problem, however, with sending low voltage electric power long distances: it's inefficient because wires waste power as heat in proportion to the square of the electric current they carry. An electric field exerts forces on electric charges, so one electric charge pushes on other electric charges by way of its electric field.As more and more like charges accumulate on the sphere, their electric fields overlap and add so that the overall electric field around the sphere becomes stronger and stronger  Competition: low
Password Confirm Password Username Other suggestions: Use our suggestion or enter your own By clicking Register, you confirm that you accept our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Sign In Using Facebook or Email or Username Password Stay signed in Forgot your password? Forgot your username or email? Reopen your account? loading Whoops! A stitch has gone awry  Competition: low
Goes all the way back to late nineteenth century! Carting sets of metal plates with holes in them is a bore, not to mention really slow to use and before long the aperture diaphragm was invented. At the same time the measure needs to show that as the size of the hole becomes smaller, less light flows through (and vice versa: bigger aperture lets in more light)

Depth of Field  Competition: low
In fact the depth of field is so shallow that even though his head is only slightly turned, one eye is in focus and the other isn't! (You can see a larger and clearer version of this image by clicking on it). Distance between camera and subject If you photograph your subject sitting on a wall about 20-30 meters away or more, and using a wide angle or standard lens, you can almost guarantee that a lot of your image will be in focus whatever the aperture (within reason)

Understanding Camera Lenses  Competition: low
In the rest of this tutorial, when a lens is referred to as having lower optical quality than another lens, this is manifested as some combination of the above artifacts. Perspective control can be a powerful compositional tool in photography, and often determines one's choice in focal length (when one can photograph from any position)  Competition: low
vik says: March 25, 2007 at 2:31 am I think this is a gr8 article explaining the concepts but one question, what is the significance behind your profile photo on the website? It has a certain sadness and mystery to it! kazuya888 says: March 25, 2007 at 10:12 am Thanks for this information. Subscribe and get your FREE GIFT! Focal Length and Aperture Explained for the Photography Novice Focal Length The focal length of a lens determines its angle of view, and also how much the subject will be magnified for a given photographic position  Competition: low
Thank you jennifer 8:39 am November 30th, 2012 hi im 29 been drinking for about three years, first year i was a bartender and thats just what i did then i became pregnant quit drinking for 10 months then i just picked up where i left off i have been drinking about a fifth of whiskey a day for the last year. You can also check out the SMART Recovery and Rational Recovery programs and learn more about cognitive behavioral self-help that you can apply to drinking

WHAT IS... Depth of Field? - Photoxels - Digital Photography  Competition: low
So, here we have these 3 dots, arranged one behind the other (with the closest dot to the right of the middle dot, and the farthest dot to the left of the middle dot, so a camera can take a picture of all 3 dots). The two other dots also appear in focus, but peering closely at the resultant photograph, we notice, however, that the dot in front of and behind the middle dot appears as circles instead of perfect dots

Depth of Field  Competition: low
With subjects such as portraits, a small depth of field is often used to blur the background and reduce distractions from the main subject of the image  Competition: low
Given a 28mm wide angle lens set at at a distance of 8 feet at an aperture of f8, the effective depth of field is started from around 6-7 feet to beyond 18 feet! Which mean to say, you can practically use a tape to lock your lens and move yourself around determine the the rough image size, just snap without even have to worry about focusing! Anyway, I learnt this a trick from a news photographer during that time. The pity fact is, some lens manufacturers are omitting this useful features with their lenses which generally regarded as a cost saving measure as the colored coded indicators were generally painted by hand

Depth of Field - Digital Photography Tutorial - Photoxels  Competition: low
So, here we have these 3 dots, arranged one behind the other (with the closest dot to the right of the middle dot, and the farthest dot to the left of the middle dot, so a camera can take a picture of all 3 dots). In the movie making business, it is critical to understand that, so we don't automatically just run back 100 feet and create audio problems, and also so that we focus on the framing and desired image size, knowing that even though our small LCD display may not be giving us that 'soft background' we want, that when the entire picture is blown up, the true effect will indeed be seen  Competition: low
These apparent colours, it should be noted, are artefacts of the way coatings absorb reflections, and do not mean that photos taken through decent quality coated glass are going to be tinted one colour or another. It can be very annoying to set a filter to achieve the effect you want, touch up the focus, and find that the polarizing or graduated ND effect has changed because the end of the lens has rotated

Depth of field and diffraction  Competition: low
The depth of field (DOF) is the range of distances between sf and sr, (Dr + Df ), where the circles of confusion, Cf and Cr, are small enough so the image appears to be "in focus." The standard criterion for choosing C (the largest allowable value of Cf and Cr) is that on an 8x10 inch print viewed at a distance of 10 inches, the smallest distinguishable feature is (allegedly) 0.01 inch. If large DOF was required, it was obtained by using the camera's movements, particularly the tilt, which allows the plane of focus to be altered (via the Scheimpflug effect)

Digital Photography FAQ  Competition: low
The benefits of this are that your camera may provide hints to help you frame properly (by darkening parts of the LCD), and it will remove any uncertainty about which part of the photo will get cropped. What resolution camera do I need if I want to produce prints of a certain size? If you want to know how many pixels per inch you need to get good results at a particular size then check: How large can I print my digital photos? However, the best answer to your question is that you are thinking about the problem the wrong way  Competition: low
How does the aperture relate to the f-number and how does this affect the amount of light to which the film is exposed? Log In Sign Up MyWeegy Manage Resources Archive Blog About Ask a question

camera basics - What is aperture, and how does it affect my photographs? - Photography Stack Exchange  Competition: low
If you're asking about lens design in general, the maximum aperture is limited by the size and weight of its lens elements and of certain limitations of the lens design. However, the term "one stop" is generally also used by analogy for shutter speed and sensor ISO to mean "the amount by which this factor must be adjusted to double or half the recorded exposure"

Focal length - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Competition: low
To render closer objects in sharp focus, the lens must be adjusted to increase the distance between the rear nodal point and the film, to put the film at the image plane. The corresponding front focal distance is: and the back focal distance: In the sign convention used here, the value of R1 will be positive if the first lens surface is convex, and negative if it is concave

Depth of field - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Competition: low
On manual-focus small- and medium-format lenses, the focus and f-number usually are determined using the lens DOF scales, which often are based on the approximate equations above. Focusing beyond the hyperfocal distance does not increase the far DOF (which already extends to infinity), but it does decrease the DOF in front of the subject, decreasing the total DOF  Competition: low
sorry if this is a bit off topic but does anyone know of any good tips on how to hold a camera steadily to avoid any camera shake when not using a tripod. Enter your email address for Daily Updates: Weekly Summary For those wanting a weekly summary of what happens on this site this free email newsletter is probably your best option

How do I convert lens focal length (mm) to x-times optical zoom? - Photography Stack Exchange  Competition: low
For instance, even on a "bridge" or "ultrazoom" camera, one camera being marketed as a 30X zoom and another as a 28X zoom doesn't tell you whether the longest field of view is longer or the widest is wider, just that the lens has a greater range between the two. For interchangeable lens cameras, like digital SLRs or mirrorless compact system cameras, in some ways the complexity of using focal lengths is a selling point

Depth of Field: What Affects it and How to Control it  Competition: low
With the very short lenses, there is immense depth of field and if you want to throw the background out of focus it's going to be really difficult or perhaps impossible. Sometimes I consciously go after immense depth of field or shallow depth of field, a lot of the time the DOF is a factor I unconsciously consider in picking my lens

Understanding Depth of Field in Photography  Competition: low
This tutorial is designed to give a better intuitive and technical understanding for photography, and provides a depth of field calculator to show how it varies with your camera settings. This is equal to one for lenses which are internally symmetric, although for wide angle and telephoto lenses this is greater or less than one, respectively

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