Saturday, September 28, 2013

Senator thinks guam is going to tip over - Expected Income 390 euro

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Man jailed for domestic violence Updated: 1 day ago Prosecutors said Larry Macovitz, 38, has been arrested five times since February on domestic violence and other charges for repeatedly attacking his wife. Woman killed in crash Updated: 1 day ago A woman from Adena, Ohio, was killed Thursday afternoon when the motorcycle she was riding on struck two trees in Columbiana County

Guam Visitors Bureau  Competition: low
As Guam's tourism agency, GVB uses its research, industry and marketing expertise to develop and implement the island's strategic tourism marketing plan. Guam Visitors Bureau recognizes the importance of using these markings to preserve the language and culture of Guam and respectfully uses them in all communications beyond the online platform

Kelly Ayotte Confronted Over Background Checks Vote By Erica Lafferty, Newtown Victim's Daughter  Competition: low
"I think that ultimately when we look at what happened in Sandy Hook, I understand that's what drove this whole discussion -- all of us want to make sure that doesn't happen again," she said. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said Tuesday at a town hall that he opposes legislation to expand background checks for firearms purchases, despite signaling support for..

ThinkProgress  Competition: low
57 Tweets 218 Shares LGBT New Jersey Judge: Same-Sex Couples Have The Right To Marry By Zack Ford on September 27, 2013 A New Jersey judge has ruled that same-sex couples must have access to marriage, a decision that will take effect October 21 if it is not stayed by the appeals process. 450 Tweets 9537 Shares Get ThinkProgress Alerts in Your Inbox: Want daily updates on important issues? Subscribe to Justice NRA Tried To Stifle Study Showing Gun Retailers Support Background Checks By Rebecca Leber on September 27, 2013 The NRA didn't appreciate research showing 55 percent of gun dealers want stronger background checks

The American Spectator : How Many Things Can Jim McDermott Get Wrong in Five Minutes?  Competition: low
A coordinated effort by the Obama regime to subdue, intimidate, and suppress conservatives using the IRS, the EPA, the DOJ, the UN, the Health Department and, most importantly, the power of the White House has and still is occurring. Once again, the rules that the Left wants others to live by should never apply to them (and if you don't think the Left still thinks this way or uses these techniques, call Mitch McConnell's office  Competition: low
dad666 says: February 19, 2013 at 9:18 am I will never surrender my second ammendment rights to some moron politician and neither should anyone else in this rapicly growing communist country. An attacker that wants to get to you can kill or wound the dog and then you are left with a cell phone that if you call 911 they have no clue where you are besides by the time they finally got someone there you would have already been assaulted or killed  Competition: low
Barbara Mikulski ranting against "tea-baggers" -- in the process of concern trolling about preserving the character of the "world's most deliberative body," of course. When the bill comes back to the Senate, when the House yet again stands for principle and fights for the American people, I very much hope that Senate Republicans will rise to the challenge

Breitbart News: Breitbart TV  Competition: low
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jury finds Editorials Commentary Reader Mail Cartoons William Pesek New Zealand may have the fix for asset bubbles by William Pesek As the world's biggest economies search for ways to let the air out of giant asset bubbles, they might find a fix that discourages leverage in tiny New Zealand

Daily Kos: Tea Party Congressman's card to Obama filled with misspellings  Competition: low
I wonder how much money is lost in real terms by going for the less competent but cheap hires first and then wasting time and energy until the company reaches out for those with the union training and standards. I am sorry to say that VW made that announcement after I decided to buy the Mexico built model in part because I didn't want to contribute to the non-union craze in the states  Competition: low
to 2 p.m., Congressman Hank Johnson (GA-04) will hold a free information event on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) at Georgia Piedmont Technical College on North Indian Creek Drive in Clarkson. Johnson on Listening to FairTaxers May 18, 2012 Georgia Now Ground Zero for Super PACs and Citizens United Feb 24, 2012 Stay Connected Constituent Services Sign Up Sign up to receive email updates  Competition: low
stormy says: December 10, 2011 at 4:52 pm I watched the Guam tipping thing.All I can say is that his family needs to go outside the immediate family unit to breed. Beepster says: December 10, 2011 at 1:44 pm Need to send HIM to Guam just before it capsizes!!!! GHOSTRIDERAZ says: December 10, 2011 at 1:30 pm It amazing he is still in office

Ted Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Competition: low
There were also tributes from outside politics as well, including a moment of peace in the fierce rivalry between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox as both teams observed a moment of silence. Unabashedly liberal, Kennedy championed an interventionist government emphasizing economic and social justice, but was also known for working with Republicans to find compromises between senators with disparate views

Hank Johnson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Competition: low
In 2007, Johnson's H.Con.Res.80, a resolution calling for peaceful resolution to the Ugandan civil war between the Government of Uganda and the Lord's Resistance Army, unanimously passed the House and Senate. Johnson's first successful piece of legislation, it was jointly introduced in the Senate by Democratic Senator Russ Feingold and Republican Senator Sam Brownback  Competition: low
National Review quipped: "Presumably, when you're the head guy of a major fleet for a big-time navy, you've got plenty of other ways of filling your time other than reassuring congressmen on whether miscellaneous land masses are likely to tip over and sink." Conservative bloggers Michelle Malkin and at chimed in, as did The Hill newspaper and the Los Angeles Times. It's no April Fools' Day joke: the 55-year-old congressman and member of the House Democratic leadership told a naval officer who was testifying on March 25 that: "My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize." For emphasis, Johnson leaned to his left and added hand motions suggesting a large vessel tipping into the sea

In The Know - The Hill's In The Know  Competition: low
Bush joked Friday that he thought he might need "a tourniquet" after a shaving accident while he was on a blood thinner caused him to bleed profusely.The former president was taking the medication after having a stent placed in his heart last month. In an interview with "Good Morning America" Friday, he said he was "doing fine" after the surgery."Other than the fact that I nearly bled to death when I nicked myself shaving because I'm taking blood thinner, I'm doing pretty good," he said

Hank Johnson Worries Guam Could "Capsize" After Marine Buildup - Political Hotsheet - CBS News  Competition: low
Report offensive content: If you believe this comment is offensive or violates the Terms of Use, you can report it below (this will not automatically remove the comment). reply kfor777 replies: linkicon reporticon emailicon And if this statement was made by a Republican CBS News would have a field day with it for 2 weeks and call for his resignation

Hank Johnson Thinks Guam Is Going To 'Tip Over' (VIDEO)  Competition: low
Simpson Allegedly Caught Stealing Gooey Goodies Kendra Wilkinson Reportedly Suffered A Stroke Woman Sentenced To 20 Years For Firing Warning Shot Gets New Trial This Couple's 'Crappy' Engagement Photos Are Actually Amazing Tina Fey's 'SNL' Promo Suffers ANOTHER Nip Slip Follow HuffPost Email Facebook Twitter Google Plus RSS Mobile HuffPost Daily Brief Politics Get top stories and blogs posts emailed to you each day. These are the nit wits that passed health care and the reason you will look back at this and say "I didn't see it coming, I thought we could afford it, but it must be the Republicans fault because they they um, they have Bush and Bachman, and Palin and they are mean and racist

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