Analysis of the search query | similarities between feudalism in japan and medieval europe |
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Top competitors on query "similarities between feudalism in japan and medieval europe" Competition: low
Dog and Cock Fights a pair of either dogs or roosters are released into a ring were they have been trained to attack their own kind until they are dead. The next probable reference is in the accounts of the Royal Household of Edward IV of England (AD 1461-1483) for the purchase of two foxes and twenty-six hounds of silver over-gilt for two sets of Marelles Competition: low
The military structure included ranks not known to the early Roman state: Comes and Dux (probably reflecting the change of the role of commanders: to control barbarian - non-Roman - soldiers). Kornbluth - The Syndic imagines a replacement of the modern bureaucratic state by a personal state, derived from the Mafia.) When the lord died a new oath had to be sworn to his successor Competition: low
This was made to prevent attackers to take shelter in trees or any other buildings outside of a castle as that could mean a castle's defeat due to the archers inneffectivity against hidden targets. This helds true because of the poor nutrition to which peasants were subject to whilst nobles had a better nutrition and a much better way of life (including enough sleep and other necessary factors for growth)
Medieval, Renaissance, Reformation: Western Civilization, Act II Competition: low
But as the centrally located culture, and by far the most stable state, of the Medieval period, Byzantium is of major interest both in itself, and because the development and late history of Western European, Slavic and Islamic cultures are not comprehensible without taking it into consideration. " Plague and Public Health in Renaissance Europe Physicians, writers, poets, and chroniclers wrote about how the plague might have started and how it was affecting the population of Europe
Shoguns, Samurai, and Japanese Culture Competition: low
So are the sacred Taiko (drums), which have been used for centuries to drive away evil spirits, bring rain, offer thanks for the crop and (in former times) call warriors for battle. Architecture The first people of Japan are thought to have come both from the north and from the west (from the Korean peninsula or from the Chinese mainland during the Ice Age, when Japan was not an isolated island country)
What was the relationship between the lord and vassal in the feudal system Competition: low
Last edit by Miss.pelling Answer History Related Answers: What was the relationship between the lord and vassal in the feudal system? Good Answer Right answer: The relationship between the lord and vassal, is that the lord gives a por How was feudalism a system of mutually dependent relationships between lords vassals and serfs What was the importance of land rights in this arrangement? The Feudal lord provides the Vassal with land. The Vassal, in return, vows to fight for the Feudal l What was the system that ruled the relationship between lords and vassals? feudilsm What was the relationship between lord and vassal? The lord gave land to the vassal, the vassal promised his loyalty and service Competition: low
Medieval Europe: Question 7 of 21 The art, music, and philosophy of the medieval period in Europe generally dealt with human scientific achievements religious themes materialism classic Greek and Roman subjects Correct Answer Number: 2 Explanation: Religious themes dominated the art of Europe during the Middle Ages because the Catholic Church was dominant in the lives of everyone during this era. More Information Medieval Europe: Question 8 of 21 Which statement best describes the result of the Crusades? Europeans maintained a lasting control over much of the Middle East Islamic influence dominated Europe Europeans developed tolerance of Non-Christian religions trade between Europe and the Middle East was expanded Correct Answer Number: 4 Explanation: While Europeans were unable to maintain control of the Holy Land in the Middle East, trade between the two areas increased as demand grew for the spices and other items brought back to Europe by the Crusaders
feudalism (social system) -- Encyclopedia Britannica Competition: low
The association popularly made between the feudal construct and ignorance and barbarism fostered its extension to regions which Europeans scarcely knew and which they considered backward and primitive. Legal commentators in the 16th century had prepared the way for the elaboration of the feudal construct by formulating the idea, loosely derived from the Libri feudorum, of a single feudal law, which they presented as being spread throughout Europe during the early Middle Ages
Italy -- Encyclopedia Britannica Competition: low
There are two mountain systems: the scenic Alps, parts of which lie within the neighbouring countries of France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia; and the Apennines, which form the spine of the entire peninsula and of the island of Sicily. Michelangelo Buonarroti, the painter and sculptor, believed that his work was to free an already existing image; Giuseppe Verdi heard the voices of the ancients and of angels in music that came to him in his dreams; Dante Alighieri forged a new language with his incomparable poems of heaven, hell, and the world between
Feudalism definition of Feudalism in the Free Online Encyclopedia. Competition: low
In the Western Roman Empire, this process took the form of a synthesis of the disintegrating late classical slaveholding relations and Germanic primitive communal relations, leading to the creation of a qualitatively new system.Despite their local variations, the ethnopolitical communities that emerged in the Western Roman Empire after the barbarian conquest had several features in common. The existence of feudalism in several civilizations has given rise to theories of feudalism as a necessary and inevitable stage of political development Competition: low
Oda Nobunaga had a reputation as a brutal warlord and unyielding enemy.In 1582 Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a close ally, requested military assistance from Oda Nobunaga. Eventually, 1584, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was able to reach an advantageous stalemate with Tokugawa Ieyasu at the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute and take control of Kyoto and the former Oda domains Competition: low
Venn DiagramLabel the subsets of a Venn diagram.Answers Primes, Even Numbers and Multiples of 3: Venn Diagram PrintoutWhere do the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 belong on this Venn diagram? For the answers, click here. Animals and Flying Things: Venn Diagram Puzzle Put the word bank words in the proper place in the Venn diagram with the headings: animals, things that fly
Medieval Sourcebook: Medieval History in the Movies Competition: low
A Month in the Country (1987) UK, Drama, 96, Rated PG, Color Director: Pat O'Connor; Cast includes: Colin Firth, Kenneth Branagh -A modern story, but with a medieval painting as a focus as a man recovers from WWI shell shock by restoring the painting in a Yorkshire church. The only way I've found is to deliberately pull the sword across the back of a mail glove, but this isn't very authentic!I know it's probably more dramatic, but it sounds so false and is highly annoying
What is the similarity between Japanese Internment camps and the Nazi Concentration camps Competition: low
Last edit by Dfoofnik Answer History Related Answers: What is the similarity between Japanese Internment camps and the Nazi Concentration camps? Japanese internment camps and concentration camps imprisoned citizens during WWII based on racial pr What is the difference between Japanese internment camps and nazi concentration camps? Japanese Internment Camps were in the United States. Although violating their rights as citizens, the US treated the Japanese relatively humanely, whereas the Nazis treated the Jews and other prisoners as animals
Life in Feudal Japan Competition: low
In the Nijo Castle , clay tiles were used on the roofs of the Ninomaru Palace, the kitchen building along with its adjacent buildings in the Nijo Castle compound. The following are examples of castles with work by the Kano painters: The Himeji Castle has small windows, so in order to help reflect light into the larger, dark, rooms, painters screen painted on gold surfaces
History of Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Competition: low
Damage to Fukushima Nuclear Plant led to meltdown of three reactors and release of radioactive material, in the largest nuclear accident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. Many Japanese, however, believed their new empire was still regarded as inferior by the Western powers, and they sought a means of cementing their international standing
feudalism - definition of feudalism by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia. Competition: low
A political and economic system of Europe from the 9th to about the 15th century, based on the holding of all land in fief or fee and the resulting relation of lord to vassal and characterized by homage, legal and military service of tenants, and forfeiture.2. (Historical Terms) Also called feudal system the legal and social system that evolved in W Europe in the 8th and 9th centuries, in which vassals were protected and maintained by their lords, usually through the granting of fiefs, and were required to serve under them in war See also vassalage, fief2
Japan And Europe Comparison Competition: low
Conclusions Were both Europe and Japan agricultural societies? How did this affect the structure of the societies? Why was land the most important factor in feudal life? Conclusions Who are the warriors in medieval Europe and Japan? How are they similar? What makes them different? Explain the code of ethics for each. Though many details were different, and though the Samurai were more successful, Knighthood and the Samurai had the same ideals in mind, so many of the ideals behind the two feudal governments may have been similar as well
A Comparison of Japanese and European Feudalism - Yahoo Voices - Competition: low
Secondly, although the lower nobility in Japan (the samurai) swore fealty to their local lords, the local lords did not give the samurai any land of their own. Perhaps the most important similarity between Japanese and European feudalism for most people was the fact that they were both hereditary caste systems Competition: low
This unrest ultimately spurred greater unity in England and Germany, but in northern France centralized authority broke down and the region split into smaller and smaller political units. The twelfth-century Byzantine princess Anna Komnena wrote that the impact of a group of charging French knights "might rupture the walls of Babylon." At first, most knights were of humble origins, some of them not even possessing land, but by the later twelfth century knights were considered members of the nobility and followed a system of courteous knightly behavior called chivalry (from cheval, the French word for horse)
Feudalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Competition: low
A lord was in broad terms a noble who held land, a vassal was a person who was granted possession of the land by the lord, and the land was known as a fief. During homage, the lord and vassal entered into a contract in which the vassal promised to fight for the lord at his command, whilst the lord agreed to protect the vassal from external forces
Feudalism in Medieval Europe Competition: low
Accommodations and Modification: If there are not enough computers to access the website for the entire classroom, students may use the given information printed out for them to research information and relay the following day. STANDARD 6.3 (World History) All students will demonstrate knowledge of world history in order to understand life and events in the past and how they relate to the present and the future
What are some similarities and differences between feudalism and slavery? - Yahoo! Answers Competition: low
While there are a great deal of similarities between the two systems, the difference lies in the fact that slaves were purchased against their will and in feudalism the serfs were bound to the land in which they lived not an owner. 3 years ago Report Abuse by gatita Member since: June 14, 2007 Total points: 114,741 (Level 7) Badge Image: Add Contact Block Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Feudal society is a sometimes debated term used to describe the medieval social order of western and central Europe and sometimes Japan (particularly in the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries) characterized by the legal subjection of a large part of the peasantry to a hereditary landholding elite exercising administrative and judicial power on the basis of reciprocal private undertakings
The Medieval European Knight vs. The Feudal Japanese Samurai Competition: low
Kenjutsu (Japanese swordsmanship), though consisting of very effective counter-cutting actions, also has no real indigenous provisions for fighting shields. Amusingly, before reflexively reacting with a strong opinion one way or another when thinking about this subject, we might want to stop and ask ourselves to ponder the same imaginary contest between two samurai, for example, a Muromachi era versus say, a Kamakura one
Middle Ages: What are the differences and similarities between Medieval England and Feudal Japan? - Quora Competition: low
Throughout the Middle Ages and beyond, England was a true monarchy, in that the king had absolute and real political power - except when he was so hated (John), ineffective (Richard II) or gasp horror, a woman (Maude) that the lords rebelled and chaos ensued. (So right now we are in the Heisei period, which started in 1989 when the current emperor started his reign.) ------Now the other big difference between British and Japanese history - the part that we still feel the influence of - is of course what happened after 1600 - though this really falls out of the scope of the original question
Dog and Cock Fights a pair of either dogs or roosters are released into a ring were they have been trained to attack their own kind until they are dead. The next probable reference is in the accounts of the Royal Household of Edward IV of England (AD 1461-1483) for the purchase of two foxes and twenty-six hounds of silver over-gilt for two sets of Marelles
The military structure included ranks not known to the early Roman state: Comes and Dux (probably reflecting the change of the role of commanders: to control barbarian - non-Roman - soldiers). Kornbluth - The Syndic imagines a replacement of the modern bureaucratic state by a personal state, derived from the Mafia.) When the lord died a new oath had to be sworn to his successor
This was made to prevent attackers to take shelter in trees or any other buildings outside of a castle as that could mean a castle's defeat due to the archers inneffectivity against hidden targets. This helds true because of the poor nutrition to which peasants were subject to whilst nobles had a better nutrition and a much better way of life (including enough sleep and other necessary factors for growth)
Medieval, Renaissance, Reformation: Western Civilization, Act II
But as the centrally located culture, and by far the most stable state, of the Medieval period, Byzantium is of major interest both in itself, and because the development and late history of Western European, Slavic and Islamic cultures are not comprehensible without taking it into consideration. " Plague and Public Health in Renaissance Europe Physicians, writers, poets, and chroniclers wrote about how the plague might have started and how it was affecting the population of Europe
Shoguns, Samurai, and Japanese Culture
So are the sacred Taiko (drums), which have been used for centuries to drive away evil spirits, bring rain, offer thanks for the crop and (in former times) call warriors for battle. Architecture The first people of Japan are thought to have come both from the north and from the west (from the Korean peninsula or from the Chinese mainland during the Ice Age, when Japan was not an isolated island country)
What was the relationship between the lord and vassal in the feudal system
Last edit by Miss.pelling Answer History Related Answers: What was the relationship between the lord and vassal in the feudal system? Good Answer Right answer: The relationship between the lord and vassal, is that the lord gives a por How was feudalism a system of mutually dependent relationships between lords vassals and serfs What was the importance of land rights in this arrangement? The Feudal lord provides the Vassal with land. The Vassal, in return, vows to fight for the Feudal l What was the system that ruled the relationship between lords and vassals? feudilsm What was the relationship between lord and vassal? The lord gave land to the vassal, the vassal promised his loyalty and service
Medieval Europe: Question 7 of 21 The art, music, and philosophy of the medieval period in Europe generally dealt with human scientific achievements religious themes materialism classic Greek and Roman subjects Correct Answer Number: 2 Explanation: Religious themes dominated the art of Europe during the Middle Ages because the Catholic Church was dominant in the lives of everyone during this era. More Information Medieval Europe: Question 8 of 21 Which statement best describes the result of the Crusades? Europeans maintained a lasting control over much of the Middle East Islamic influence dominated Europe Europeans developed tolerance of Non-Christian religions trade between Europe and the Middle East was expanded Correct Answer Number: 4 Explanation: While Europeans were unable to maintain control of the Holy Land in the Middle East, trade between the two areas increased as demand grew for the spices and other items brought back to Europe by the Crusaders
feudalism (social system) -- Encyclopedia Britannica
The association popularly made between the feudal construct and ignorance and barbarism fostered its extension to regions which Europeans scarcely knew and which they considered backward and primitive. Legal commentators in the 16th century had prepared the way for the elaboration of the feudal construct by formulating the idea, loosely derived from the Libri feudorum, of a single feudal law, which they presented as being spread throughout Europe during the early Middle Ages
Italy -- Encyclopedia Britannica
There are two mountain systems: the scenic Alps, parts of which lie within the neighbouring countries of France, Switzerland, Austria, and Slovenia; and the Apennines, which form the spine of the entire peninsula and of the island of Sicily. Michelangelo Buonarroti, the painter and sculptor, believed that his work was to free an already existing image; Giuseppe Verdi heard the voices of the ancients and of angels in music that came to him in his dreams; Dante Alighieri forged a new language with his incomparable poems of heaven, hell, and the world between
Feudalism definition of Feudalism in the Free Online Encyclopedia.
In the Western Roman Empire, this process took the form of a synthesis of the disintegrating late classical slaveholding relations and Germanic primitive communal relations, leading to the creation of a qualitatively new system.Despite their local variations, the ethnopolitical communities that emerged in the Western Roman Empire after the barbarian conquest had several features in common. The existence of feudalism in several civilizations has given rise to theories of feudalism as a necessary and inevitable stage of political development
Oda Nobunaga had a reputation as a brutal warlord and unyielding enemy.In 1582 Toyotomi Hideyoshi, a close ally, requested military assistance from Oda Nobunaga. Eventually, 1584, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was able to reach an advantageous stalemate with Tokugawa Ieyasu at the Battle of Komaki and Nagakute and take control of Kyoto and the former Oda domains
Venn DiagramLabel the subsets of a Venn diagram.Answers Primes, Even Numbers and Multiples of 3: Venn Diagram PrintoutWhere do the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 belong on this Venn diagram? For the answers, click here. Animals and Flying Things: Venn Diagram Puzzle Put the word bank words in the proper place in the Venn diagram with the headings: animals, things that fly
Medieval Sourcebook: Medieval History in the Movies
A Month in the Country (1987) UK, Drama, 96, Rated PG, Color Director: Pat O'Connor; Cast includes: Colin Firth, Kenneth Branagh -A modern story, but with a medieval painting as a focus as a man recovers from WWI shell shock by restoring the painting in a Yorkshire church. The only way I've found is to deliberately pull the sword across the back of a mail glove, but this isn't very authentic!I know it's probably more dramatic, but it sounds so false and is highly annoying
What is the similarity between Japanese Internment camps and the Nazi Concentration camps
Last edit by Dfoofnik Answer History Related Answers: What is the similarity between Japanese Internment camps and the Nazi Concentration camps? Japanese internment camps and concentration camps imprisoned citizens during WWII based on racial pr What is the difference between Japanese internment camps and nazi concentration camps? Japanese Internment Camps were in the United States. Although violating their rights as citizens, the US treated the Japanese relatively humanely, whereas the Nazis treated the Jews and other prisoners as animals
Life in Feudal Japan
In the Nijo Castle , clay tiles were used on the roofs of the Ninomaru Palace, the kitchen building along with its adjacent buildings in the Nijo Castle compound. The following are examples of castles with work by the Kano painters: The Himeji Castle has small windows, so in order to help reflect light into the larger, dark, rooms, painters screen painted on gold surfaces
History of Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Damage to Fukushima Nuclear Plant led to meltdown of three reactors and release of radioactive material, in the largest nuclear accident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster. Many Japanese, however, believed their new empire was still regarded as inferior by the Western powers, and they sought a means of cementing their international standing
feudalism - definition of feudalism by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
A political and economic system of Europe from the 9th to about the 15th century, based on the holding of all land in fief or fee and the resulting relation of lord to vassal and characterized by homage, legal and military service of tenants, and forfeiture.2. (Historical Terms) Also called feudal system the legal and social system that evolved in W Europe in the 8th and 9th centuries, in which vassals were protected and maintained by their lords, usually through the granting of fiefs, and were required to serve under them in war See also vassalage, fief2
Japan And Europe Comparison
Conclusions Were both Europe and Japan agricultural societies? How did this affect the structure of the societies? Why was land the most important factor in feudal life? Conclusions Who are the warriors in medieval Europe and Japan? How are they similar? What makes them different? Explain the code of ethics for each. Though many details were different, and though the Samurai were more successful, Knighthood and the Samurai had the same ideals in mind, so many of the ideals behind the two feudal governments may have been similar as well
A Comparison of Japanese and European Feudalism - Yahoo Voices -
Secondly, although the lower nobility in Japan (the samurai) swore fealty to their local lords, the local lords did not give the samurai any land of their own. Perhaps the most important similarity between Japanese and European feudalism for most people was the fact that they were both hereditary caste systems
This unrest ultimately spurred greater unity in England and Germany, but in northern France centralized authority broke down and the region split into smaller and smaller political units. The twelfth-century Byzantine princess Anna Komnena wrote that the impact of a group of charging French knights "might rupture the walls of Babylon." At first, most knights were of humble origins, some of them not even possessing land, but by the later twelfth century knights were considered members of the nobility and followed a system of courteous knightly behavior called chivalry (from cheval, the French word for horse)
Feudalism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A lord was in broad terms a noble who held land, a vassal was a person who was granted possession of the land by the lord, and the land was known as a fief. During homage, the lord and vassal entered into a contract in which the vassal promised to fight for the lord at his command, whilst the lord agreed to protect the vassal from external forces
Feudalism in Medieval Europe
Accommodations and Modification: If there are not enough computers to access the website for the entire classroom, students may use the given information printed out for them to research information and relay the following day. STANDARD 6.3 (World History) All students will demonstrate knowledge of world history in order to understand life and events in the past and how they relate to the present and the future
What are some similarities and differences between feudalism and slavery? - Yahoo! Answers
While there are a great deal of similarities between the two systems, the difference lies in the fact that slaves were purchased against their will and in feudalism the serfs were bound to the land in which they lived not an owner. 3 years ago Report Abuse by gatita Member since: June 14, 2007 Total points: 114,741 (Level 7) Badge Image: Add Contact Block Best Answer - Chosen by Voters Feudal society is a sometimes debated term used to describe the medieval social order of western and central Europe and sometimes Japan (particularly in the fourteenth to sixteenth centuries) characterized by the legal subjection of a large part of the peasantry to a hereditary landholding elite exercising administrative and judicial power on the basis of reciprocal private undertakings
The Medieval European Knight vs. The Feudal Japanese Samurai
Kenjutsu (Japanese swordsmanship), though consisting of very effective counter-cutting actions, also has no real indigenous provisions for fighting shields. Amusingly, before reflexively reacting with a strong opinion one way or another when thinking about this subject, we might want to stop and ask ourselves to ponder the same imaginary contest between two samurai, for example, a Muromachi era versus say, a Kamakura one
Middle Ages: What are the differences and similarities between Medieval England and Feudal Japan? - Quora
Throughout the Middle Ages and beyond, England was a true monarchy, in that the king had absolute and real political power - except when he was so hated (John), ineffective (Richard II) or gasp horror, a woman (Maude) that the lords rebelled and chaos ensued. (So right now we are in the Heisei period, which started in 1989 when the current emperor started his reign.) ------Now the other big difference between British and Japanese history - the part that we still feel the influence of - is of course what happened after 1600 - though this really falls out of the scope of the original question
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