Analysis of the search query | when ammonium nitrate nh4no3 explodes the products are nitrogen oxygen |
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Top competitors on query "when ammonium nitrate nh4no3 explodes the products are nitrogen oxygen"
Full text of "Soil microbiology" Competition: low
The new bacterial population produces a change in the composition of the soil which may subsequently affect plant growth, whereby some plant species are favored and others are retarded. The fixation of nitrogen by Azotobacter is brought about by a sys- tem of enzymes designated as "azotase." Nitrogenase, one of the components of this system, is capable of combining directly with elementary nitrogen
What happens when you combine bleach and ammonia Competition: low
Last edit by A little chemist Answer History Related Answers: What happens when you combine bleach and ammonia? The two react to form many toxic products, including chloramine, dichloramine, nitrogen trichloride What happens when you combine bleach and ammonia.? It will make Chlorine Gas (among other deadly things)That warning is there to protect you. Household What happens if you mix ammonia and bleach? It makes mustard gas that burns away skin makes you nacious and choke to death What happens when you mix bleach and ammonia? I just had that incident from cleaning, and my lungs started to burn and i started to cough, i think What happens when you inhale ammonia and bleach? Ammonia and Bleach create Chlorine gas
The chemical equation is not any different from an algebraic equation in that you can multiply both sides by the same thing and not change the equation. Reversible reactions are symbolized in chemical equations by a double-headed arrow, but the standard remains to call the materials on the left the reactants and the materials on the right the products
Texas fertilizer plant also stored explosive chemical used in Oklahoma City bomb - Investigations Competition: low
No state permit for the tanks had been required when the plant was built in 1962, and it was grandfathered in until a 2004 change in state law required even those older plants to have permits. Spokesman Carrie Williams of the Department of Health Services told NBC News that although the state requires registration of hazardous materials to alert emergency planners and the community, the department's role is limited to receiving the reports and making them available to the public Competition: low
Another document How do I to Work Safely With Oxidizing Liquids and Solids has information about handling, using, storing, and disposing of oxidizing agents. When you search using a chemical name or synonym or Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (CAS RN), the search results list the databases that contain information on the chemical
nitrate: Definition from Competition: low
The presence of nitrates in the soil is of great importance, since it is from these compounds that plants obtain the nitrogen necessary for their growth. After evaporation of rainwater, saltpeter appears as white powder on the surface.Since the temperate climates of Europe and North America did not favor the formation of saltpeter, its supply was a vital concern for American colonists
Anhydrous Ammonia Material Safety Data Sheet - Tanner Industries Competition: low
For escape in emergencies, NIOSH approved respiratory protection that consists of a full-face gas mask and canisters approved for ammonia or SCBA should be used. The material is subject to the reporting requirements of Section 304, Section 312 and Section 313, Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986 and 40 CFR 372
Texas City Disaster Report Competition: low
The original source is not known but is believed to have been one of the mid-western Army ordnance plants since similar bags with identical lettering were shipped by such a plant. Loss was general throughout from flying missiles and blast effect, practically every building experiencing some damage but the majority was slight to moderate
Understanding the West TX explosion Competition: low
Nearly all of the survivors were seriously injured.A residential area of 500 homes was also leveled by the blast.Another ship, the High Flyer, which was carrying similar cargo, waspushed completely across the harbor. The principalreason for this is that new security regulations governingthe handling of ammonium nitrate by distributors anddealers have led many of them to decide not to carry it Competition: low
The Synthesis of ammonia - The Haber Process Ammonia gas is synthesised in the chemical industry by reacting nitrogen gas with hydrogen gas in what is known as the Haber-Bosch Process, named after two highly inventive and subsequently famous chemists. Five examples 1a to 1e of reversible reactions are described below: 1a The thermal decomposition of ammonium chloride On heating strongly above 340oC, the white solid ammonium chloride, thermally decomposes into a mixture of two colourless gases ammonia and hydrogen chloride
CmfThirdPartyHeader - Houston Chronicle Competition: low
Brian says: April 18, 2013 at 12:14 pm I am not a chemist but it appears that the article is stating that the firefighters may have accidently created the explosion by applying water? JohnD says: April 18, 2013 at 12:44 pm Unfortunately, yes. YellowRose says: April 18, 2013 at 8:49 am Natural is ALWAYS better! Chemicals not only destroy the soil of eathworms and fungi, but also is suspect in the infamous algae bloom every year at the mouth of the Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico Competition: low
Regulatory Information What is this information? This section contains regulatory information from the Title III Consolidated List of Lists (see details about each regulatory field). Belongs to the Following Reactive Group(s) Salts, Acidic Carbonate Salts Nitrate and Nitrite Compounds, Inorganic Potentially Incompatible Absorbents Use caution: Liquids with this reactive group classification have been known to react with the absorbents listed below
Explosives - ANFO (Ammonium Nitrate - Fuel Oil) Competition: low
As in other combustion reactions, a deficiency of oxygen favors the formation of carbon monoxide and unburned organic compounds and produces little, if any, nitrogen oxides. When ANFO is used in boreholeing, the VOD has a positive slope as a function of depth, the VOD increases as the detonation front progresses down the borehole
The presence of nitrates in the soil is of great importance, since it is from these compounds that plants obtain the nitrogen necessary for their growth. Nitrates, which are salts or esters of nitric acid contains NO3- (nitrate ion), are formed by replacing the hydrogen with a metal (e.g., sodium or potassium) or a radical (e.g., ammonium or ethyl) Competition: low
How to Use Ammonia Nitrate on My Yard What Happens When You Add Ammonium Nitrate to Water? Ammonium nitrate is a fairly safe chemical that has some interesting ... Uses for Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer A combination of urea and ammonium nitrate dissolved in water sprayed in a liquid form and contains about 30 percent nitrogen
Ammonia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Competition: low
Because of its relatively high boiling point (compared to helium and hydrogen), ammonia could potentially be refrigerated and liquefied aboard an airship to reduce lift and add ballast (and returned to a gas to add lift and reduce ballast). Although it is unlikely that biomimetic methods that are competitive with the Haber process will be developed, intense effort has been directed toward understanding the mechanism of biological nitrogen fixation Competition: low
However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. Notes to Physician: Absorption of this product into the body may cause cyanosis (bluish discoloration of skin due to deficient oxygenation of the blood)
Ammonium nitrate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Competition: low
The initiation happens by an explosive charge going off in the mass, by the detonation of a shell thrown into the mass, or by detonation of an explosive mixture in contact with the mass. Employees of those with licenses to deal with the substance are still required to be supervised by authorized personnel and are required to pass a security and national police check before a license may be granted
Full text of "Soil microbiology"
The new bacterial population produces a change in the composition of the soil which may subsequently affect plant growth, whereby some plant species are favored and others are retarded. The fixation of nitrogen by Azotobacter is brought about by a sys- tem of enzymes designated as "azotase." Nitrogenase, one of the components of this system, is capable of combining directly with elementary nitrogen
What happens when you combine bleach and ammonia
Last edit by A little chemist Answer History Related Answers: What happens when you combine bleach and ammonia? The two react to form many toxic products, including chloramine, dichloramine, nitrogen trichloride What happens when you combine bleach and ammonia.? It will make Chlorine Gas (among other deadly things)That warning is there to protect you. Household What happens if you mix ammonia and bleach? It makes mustard gas that burns away skin makes you nacious and choke to death What happens when you mix bleach and ammonia? I just had that incident from cleaning, and my lungs started to burn and i started to cough, i think What happens when you inhale ammonia and bleach? Ammonia and Bleach create Chlorine gas
The chemical equation is not any different from an algebraic equation in that you can multiply both sides by the same thing and not change the equation. Reversible reactions are symbolized in chemical equations by a double-headed arrow, but the standard remains to call the materials on the left the reactants and the materials on the right the products
Texas fertilizer plant also stored explosive chemical used in Oklahoma City bomb - Investigations
No state permit for the tanks had been required when the plant was built in 1962, and it was grandfathered in until a 2004 change in state law required even those older plants to have permits. Spokesman Carrie Williams of the Department of Health Services told NBC News that although the state requires registration of hazardous materials to alert emergency planners and the community, the department's role is limited to receiving the reports and making them available to the public
Another document How do I to Work Safely With Oxidizing Liquids and Solids has information about handling, using, storing, and disposing of oxidizing agents. When you search using a chemical name or synonym or Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (CAS RN), the search results list the databases that contain information on the chemical
nitrate: Definition from
The presence of nitrates in the soil is of great importance, since it is from these compounds that plants obtain the nitrogen necessary for their growth. After evaporation of rainwater, saltpeter appears as white powder on the surface.Since the temperate climates of Europe and North America did not favor the formation of saltpeter, its supply was a vital concern for American colonists
Anhydrous Ammonia Material Safety Data Sheet - Tanner Industries
For escape in emergencies, NIOSH approved respiratory protection that consists of a full-face gas mask and canisters approved for ammonia or SCBA should be used. The material is subject to the reporting requirements of Section 304, Section 312 and Section 313, Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986 and 40 CFR 372
Texas City Disaster Report
The original source is not known but is believed to have been one of the mid-western Army ordnance plants since similar bags with identical lettering were shipped by such a plant. Loss was general throughout from flying missiles and blast effect, practically every building experiencing some damage but the majority was slight to moderate
Understanding the West TX explosion
Nearly all of the survivors were seriously injured.A residential area of 500 homes was also leveled by the blast.Another ship, the High Flyer, which was carrying similar cargo, waspushed completely across the harbor. The principalreason for this is that new security regulations governingthe handling of ammonium nitrate by distributors anddealers have led many of them to decide not to carry it
The Synthesis of ammonia - The Haber Process Ammonia gas is synthesised in the chemical industry by reacting nitrogen gas with hydrogen gas in what is known as the Haber-Bosch Process, named after two highly inventive and subsequently famous chemists. Five examples 1a to 1e of reversible reactions are described below: 1a The thermal decomposition of ammonium chloride On heating strongly above 340oC, the white solid ammonium chloride, thermally decomposes into a mixture of two colourless gases ammonia and hydrogen chloride
CmfThirdPartyHeader - Houston Chronicle
Brian says: April 18, 2013 at 12:14 pm I am not a chemist but it appears that the article is stating that the firefighters may have accidently created the explosion by applying water? JohnD says: April 18, 2013 at 12:44 pm Unfortunately, yes. YellowRose says: April 18, 2013 at 8:49 am Natural is ALWAYS better! Chemicals not only destroy the soil of eathworms and fungi, but also is suspect in the infamous algae bloom every year at the mouth of the Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico
Regulatory Information What is this information? This section contains regulatory information from the Title III Consolidated List of Lists (see details about each regulatory field). Belongs to the Following Reactive Group(s) Salts, Acidic Carbonate Salts Nitrate and Nitrite Compounds, Inorganic Potentially Incompatible Absorbents Use caution: Liquids with this reactive group classification have been known to react with the absorbents listed below
Explosives - ANFO (Ammonium Nitrate - Fuel Oil)
As in other combustion reactions, a deficiency of oxygen favors the formation of carbon monoxide and unburned organic compounds and produces little, if any, nitrogen oxides. When ANFO is used in boreholeing, the VOD has a positive slope as a function of depth, the VOD increases as the detonation front progresses down the borehole
The presence of nitrates in the soil is of great importance, since it is from these compounds that plants obtain the nitrogen necessary for their growth. Nitrates, which are salts or esters of nitric acid contains NO3- (nitrate ion), are formed by replacing the hydrogen with a metal (e.g., sodium or potassium) or a radical (e.g., ammonium or ethyl)
How to Use Ammonia Nitrate on My Yard What Happens When You Add Ammonium Nitrate to Water? Ammonium nitrate is a fairly safe chemical that has some interesting ... Uses for Ammonium Nitrate Fertilizer A combination of urea and ammonium nitrate dissolved in water sprayed in a liquid form and contains about 30 percent nitrogen
Ammonia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Because of its relatively high boiling point (compared to helium and hydrogen), ammonia could potentially be refrigerated and liquefied aboard an airship to reduce lift and add ballast (and returned to a gas to add lift and reduce ballast). Although it is unlikely that biomimetic methods that are competitive with the Haber process will be developed, intense effort has been directed toward understanding the mechanism of biological nitrogen fixation
However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. Notes to Physician: Absorption of this product into the body may cause cyanosis (bluish discoloration of skin due to deficient oxygenation of the blood)
Ammonium nitrate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The initiation happens by an explosive charge going off in the mass, by the detonation of a shell thrown into the mass, or by detonation of an explosive mixture in contact with the mass. Employees of those with licenses to deal with the substance are still required to be supervised by authorized personnel and are required to pass a security and national police check before a license may be granted
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