Saturday, September 28, 2013

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2010 Gulf Oil Spill News, Pictures, Video  Competition: low
Pre-Katrina Conditions Return Ocean conditions this spring resemble those of 2005, the most active and destructive Atlantic hurricane season on record, meteorologists say. Oil Cleanup Crews Trample Birds For rare birds in the path of the Gulf oil spill, well-meaning cleanup crews may be doing more harm than the oil itself, experts say

Slick Solution: How Microbes Will Clean Up the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill: Scientific American  Competition: low
The Coast Guard sent a letter from headquarters stating to the FOSC to take action with OSE II, and the EPA, Lisa Jackson stopped the Coast Guard from allowing BP from implementing OSE II. Instead of risking death in criminal coal mines, or skirting safety rules on oil rigs, the same workers could be manufacturing and installing solar panels and building and recycling electric plug-in cars and reforming their batteries.10

BP Oil Spill: Oil Hits Louisiana Coast; Obama Administration Calls Louisiana Spill of National Significance - ABC News  Competition: low
It said 76 tugs, barges and skimmers were on scene to help in containment and cleanup, along with six fixed-wing aircraft, 11 helicopters, 10 remotely operated vehicles, and two mobile offshore drilling units. Department of Defense for advanced imaging technology and other equipment to help contain the spill, which the Obama administration labeled earlier today as an event of "national significance." Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said during the White House briefing that designating the spill as one of "national significance" means that "we can now draw down assets from across the country" to assist with cleanup

Timeline of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Competition: low
federal government is suing BP Exploration and Production, Inc., and eight other corporations, for unlimited liability, in an effort to have them pay for the massive expenses involved in the cleanup and environmental recovery from the spill, including damages to natural resources; it also seeks civil penalties under the Clean Water Act. Finally, the OSC determined in situ burning (ISB) was a safe and effective way to remove large volumes of oil from the ocean surface, based on data for in situ burns from previous spills  Competition: low
All rights reserved (About Us).The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of NOLA Media Group  Competition: low
They mostly blame the companies' vast network of rusting pipes and storage tanks, corroding pipelines, semi-derelict pumping stations and old wellheads, as well as tankers and vessels cleaning out tanks.The scale of the pollution is mind-boggling. Five small steps to greener technology and travel We know not everyone can ditch their smartphone, laptop or car, but there are small steps you can take to lessen their effect on the environment  Competition: low
Given that the Gulf of Mexico provides more than 40 per cent of all the seafood caught in the continental US, this phenomenon does not bode well for the region, or the country. The material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving it for research and educational purposes

What P.R. experts think of BP's response to the oil spill.  Competition: low
"People wondered, How much can we trust you?" It also violated a rule that Larry Smith of the Institute for Crisis Management tells his clients: "Don't speculate. Hayward initially said that BP "will honor all legitimate claims for business interruption." A reporter asked what an illegitimate claim would look like

BP exec: New cap could stop oil leak - by www - Newsvine  Competition: low
West said that the relief well operation is continuing to make good progress and has come within 20 feet of the Macando well that has been spewing oil into the Gulf since April 20. In a technical briefing for reporters, BP Senior Vice President Kent Wells said that replacement of the oil containment cap with a bigger cap, which could happen as soon as two weeks, could stop the oil leak under the right circumstances

4 ways to stop the oil leak - May. 13, 2010  Competition: low
Methane hydrates, potentially a vast energy source themselves, form when natural gas comes into contact with water at high pressure and low temperatures.By using a smaller dome, BP hopes it can inject methanol into the container, which should act like an antifreeze and keep the outlet clear.The top hat was placed on the sea floor Wednesday, and BP plans on moving it into place and connecting it to the surface over the weekend.The junk shot: This idea has attracted lots of attention, not all of it good.The plan is to use ground up rubber and plastic from old tires, golf balls and other items and inject it at high pressure down a three inch hose from the surface right into the blowout preventer. Disclaimer LIBOR Warning: Neither BBA Enterprises Limited, nor the BBA LIBOR Contributor Banks, nor Reuters, can be held liable for any irregularity or inaccuracy of BBA LIBOR

How to stop the oil leak - NBC  Competition: low
Over the weekend, The New York Times reported on a similar operation in Australia that required five drilling attempts and 10 weeks of work.However long it takes, Plan C appears to be the only way to bring an end to the Deepwater Horizon oil flow

Louisiana Oil Spill 2010 PHOTOS: Gulf Of Mexico Disaster Unfolds  Competition: low
BP is not actually facilitating clean-up...only putting-on 'pony and balloon' shows, i.e., calling-in clean-up works to areas where officials visit...and then releasing them afterward. He was also right when he placed the moratorium, and that judge, the gulf states that still support drilling, and people that live in them, don't deserve the land they live on  Competition: low
and when this happens the companies never admit guilt, its pushed to someone else to take the rap, well we as a nation are the fall guys, we accept what we are told and what facts are presented to us, are we that stupid that we accept the bs that is being said? no not always but this mistake that has happened will take generations to recover from if ever, our fuel prices will sore sky high, and the ripple effect is only to come, and we as a nation will be left to pick up the pieces and pay for this. 6 Sign In or Join to post comments (not verified) at 14:31 on June 20th, 2010 Definitely a "False Flag Operation".If this was not the result of faulty cement, then one has to ask ones self, why, after so many different drilling disasters, with the billions if not trillions of dollars spent on the very best high priced consulting and management, could this NOT be the INTENDED outcome.And IF this was an INTENDED outcome, then WHY would they want this to happen?Could it be that they want to ratchet up the desire of Americans to accept a "Carbon Credit Taxation System"? Obama and many others have been pushing for such a thing....  Competition: low
June 29, 2012 7:17 PM EDT Major Step Forward for Gulf Coast Restoration Our goal and commitment is not simply to address the damage caused by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill - it is to ensure the long term improvement and restoration of the Gulf Coast and its unique ecosystems. Booms to capture and deflect anticipated oil are being deployed at Breton National Wildlife Refuge, where thousands of brown pelicans and shorebirds are currently nesting  Competition: low
Henry Waxman, D-Calif., have been asking BP for underwater video and information such as the size of the slicks and how much oil could be trapped, but BP has said it will not provide the information due to pending investigations and litigation. Such collective amnesia may seem surprising, but there may be a good explanation for it: BP mounted a cover-up that concealed the full extent of its crimes from public view  Competition: low
"They've already done this on a smaller scale, with the 'special registration' detentions of immigrant men from Muslim countries, and with Guantanamo." Plans for detention facilities or camps have a long history, going back to fears in the 1970s of a national uprising by black militants. In January 2006, the current Non-executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs International, was appointed by United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Annan, as his Special Representative for Migration

LIVE Gulf Oil Spill Cam: Watch Video Feed Of BP Spill  Competition: low
David Wild: From Built to Spill to "Bridge Over Troubled Water": A Playlist for BP Seeing that horrifying video of BP's oil spill was a sickening experience. Simpson Allegedly Caught Stealing Gooey Goodies Kendra Wilkinson Reportedly Suffered A Stroke Woman Sentenced To 20 Years For Firing Warning Shot Gets New Trial This Couple's 'Crappy' Engagement Photos Are Actually Amazing Tina Fey's 'SNL' Promo Suffers ANOTHER Nip Slip Follow HuffPost Email Facebook Twitter Google Plus RSS Mobile HuffPost Daily Brief Green Get top stories and blogs posts emailed to you each day  Competition: low
(A NALCO plant was located just 30 miles west of New Orleans.) But Corexit was decidedly not safe without taking proper precautions, as the manual BP got from NALCO spelled out in black and white. Such collective amnesia may seem surprising, but there may be a good explanation for it: BP mounted a cover-up that concealed the full extent of its crimes from public view

BP Gulf Oil Spill Cheat Sheet: A Timeline of Unfortunate Events : TreeHugger  Competition: low
Scientists claim they have found more than one oil plume, one of them "22 miles long, six miles wide and more than a thousand feet deep".BP CEO, Tony Hayward, was quoted saying: ""I'd Like My Life Back". BP was reported to be a finalist.On Friday we also compiled videos about the BP oil spill and we looked at how the oil could be cleaned up.Read more: The 'Katrina of Smell' is Attacking News Orleans Thanks to BP Oil SpillSaturday, May 1st SkyTruth, a small non-profit, analyzed radar and satellite imagery and estimated that the oil was leaking much faster than the original official estimates  Competition: low
Billy says: May 20, 2010 at 3:20 pm I cant believe those idiots from BP are refusing to let thousands of gallons of oil just leak into the oceans, could they at least help a little bit they could let the oil seep into OUR water systems and kill hendreds of people. HOW DARE THESE PIGGY BANKS HOLD OUR PRESIDENTS AND THE AMERICAN ECONOMY HOSTAGE WITH THREATS OF ECONOMIC SABOTAGE! I dedicate to both the Piggy Oil Companies and Piggy Banks the following song by George Harrision and John Lennon

Visualizing the BP Oil Spill  Competition: low
The spill actually covers the same area on the map no matter where you place it, what changes is the map itself! Google Maps, and many maps we're used to looking at, use something called "Mercator Projection" in order to draw the spherical surface of the earth onto a flat plane. On July 15, 2010 BP sucesfully stopped the flow of oil from the wellhead, after spilling 190 million gallons of oil into the gulf over a period of 3 months  Competition: low
In order to give you a better sense of just how big the unfolding tragedy in the Gulf is, we dug out some surprising statistics: The Size of the Spill 127,000 barrels: Amount of oil BP's containment cap has collected since its installation on June 5. All reside in "Important Bird Areas," according to Audubon, designated because of their "essential habitat value." Among the most vulnerable species is the brown pelican -- the state bird of Louisiana -- which was only recently removed from the endangered species list  Competition: low
How much damage was done? How is BP making up for it? This is what we discovered: In the BP Oil Spill, more than 200 million gallons of crude oil was pumped into the Gulf of Mexico for a total of 87 days, making it the biggest oil spill in U.S. One method of treating the oil spill is "in-situ burning" or burning oil in a contained area on the surface of the water, which has negative effects on the environment

How did the BP oil spill happen  Competition: low
Alaska (2006) An oil pipe in Alaska, cracked and starte Where did the BP oil spill happen? The BP oil spills happened in: 2006 Prudhoe Bay, Alaska 2010 Gulf Of Mexico, on the Deepwater Hori Why did BP oil spill happen? Looks like USA Halliburton 'screwed up'on the mud job and well capping, because well pressure not he What happened after the BP Oil Spill? It costed a lot of money and killed many animals  Competition: low
September 27, 2013 5:06 PM EDT President Obama Announces New Diplomatic Efforts with the Islamic Republic of Iran President Obama and President Rouhani of Iran spoke on the phone regarding ongoing efforts to reach an agreement over Iran's nuclear program

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