Analysis of the search query | where is the 6 gym leader in pokemon emerald |
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Income per month | 510 € |
Top competitors on query "where is the 6 gym leader in pokemon emerald" Competition: low
Unlike the previous games, this time you have to navigate through a small maze around cliff areas in order to get the Waterfall falling on top of Chuck to stop. Like the previous games, the Vermillion City gym features several bings which feature switches within them to turn off a forcefield protecting the leader Once you reach the end of the Gym, you will encounter the Vermillion City Gym Leader; Lt Competition: low
There are a total of eight Gym Leaders in each region, usually all eight gym leaders in a region will specialise in a different type of Pokemon, the only type not appearing so far (Gen 1-5) being Dark, although certain types are used for multiple gyms but in different regions, the most recurring type for the first gym is Rock due to both Grass and Water being super effective against it. When not at the Gym, a Gym Leader is usually involved in some type of work or service that the surrounding community is known for (this is usually more the case in the Anime series rather than the game series)
How do i beat the 7th gym leader? - Pokemon Emerald Version Answers for Game Boy Advance - GameFAQs Competition: low
This question is open with pending answers, but none have been accepted yet Submitted Answers STATUS From: SmokeRulz 2 years ago Answer For one thing, level up. Don't be scared to use alot of items! (So what if you used alot of revival herbs and revives! It's the win that counts!) 2.You could catch a sealo and level it up to 36-42 it's good cause it learns ice and water moves! Which are excellent for this battle!( You can find one by surfing north of mossdeep in a cave.)3
How do I beat Wats ( the maville gym leader )? - Pokemon Emerald Version Answers for Game Boy Advance - GameFAQs Competition: low
Marshstomp is also part ground type, so Wattson's electrical attacks will have no effect against you.Two other pokemon would be useful at this time as well, especially a fire type such as torkoal. I had to train my Treecko to evolve in a Grovyle and that didnt worked so I trained my Nuzleaf to meke it resistent enought to use Bide and survive, all the others of the team worked hard too but they werent my principals Competition: low
Despite Gym Leaders themselves being introduced in Generation I, the name did not appear onscreen until Generation II, and has been incorporated into every game since. Giovanni, for example, could keep his title as a Gym Leader despite not being at the Viridian Gym during the majority of the events of Generation I, and his successor, Blue, was also absent from the Gym several times
Unlike the previous games, this time you have to navigate through a small maze around cliff areas in order to get the Waterfall falling on top of Chuck to stop. Like the previous games, the Vermillion City gym features several bings which feature switches within them to turn off a forcefield protecting the leader Once you reach the end of the Gym, you will encounter the Vermillion City Gym Leader; Lt
There are a total of eight Gym Leaders in each region, usually all eight gym leaders in a region will specialise in a different type of Pokemon, the only type not appearing so far (Gen 1-5) being Dark, although certain types are used for multiple gyms but in different regions, the most recurring type for the first gym is Rock due to both Grass and Water being super effective against it. When not at the Gym, a Gym Leader is usually involved in some type of work or service that the surrounding community is known for (this is usually more the case in the Anime series rather than the game series)
How do i beat the 7th gym leader? - Pokemon Emerald Version Answers for Game Boy Advance - GameFAQs
This question is open with pending answers, but none have been accepted yet Submitted Answers STATUS From: SmokeRulz 2 years ago Answer For one thing, level up. Don't be scared to use alot of items! (So what if you used alot of revival herbs and revives! It's the win that counts!) 2.You could catch a sealo and level it up to 36-42 it's good cause it learns ice and water moves! Which are excellent for this battle!( You can find one by surfing north of mossdeep in a cave.)3
How do I beat Wats ( the maville gym leader )? - Pokemon Emerald Version Answers for Game Boy Advance - GameFAQs
Marshstomp is also part ground type, so Wattson's electrical attacks will have no effect against you.Two other pokemon would be useful at this time as well, especially a fire type such as torkoal. I had to train my Treecko to evolve in a Grovyle and that didnt worked so I trained my Nuzleaf to meke it resistent enought to use Bide and survive, all the others of the team worked hard too but they werent my principals
Despite Gym Leaders themselves being introduced in Generation I, the name did not appear onscreen until Generation II, and has been incorporated into every game since. Giovanni, for example, could keep his title as a Gym Leader despite not being at the Viridian Gym during the majority of the events of Generation I, and his successor, Blue, was also absent from the Gym several times
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