Saturday, September 28, 2013

Why did the ozone layer hole start over antarctica - Expected Income 210 euro

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Top competitors on query "why did the ozone layer hole start over antarctica"

ozone layer - National Geographic Education  Competition: low
However, scientists now know that UVA light is even more harmful than UVB, penetrating more deeply and causing a deadly skin cancer, melanoma, and premature aging. The ozone layer is thinnest near the poles.In the 1970s, people all over the world started realizing that the ozone layer was getting thinner and that this was a bad thing  Competition: low
Under the Clean Air Act, EPA has created several regulatory programs to address numerous issues, including: ending the production of ozone-depleting substances ensuring that refrigerants and halon fire extinguishing agents are recycled properly identifying safe and effective alternatives to ozone-depleting substances banning the release of ozone-depleting refrigerants during the service, maintenance, and disposal of air conditioners and other refrigeration equipment requiring that manufacturers label products either containing or made with the most harmful ODS. These refinements to the Protocol and other treaties are based on ongoing scientific assessments of ozone depletion which are coordinated by the United Nations Environment Programme and the World Meteorological Organization, with cooperation from EPA and other agencies around the globe  Competition: low
From my eyes it shows we can adapt, we can do it reasonably and based on sound scientific evidence, and that just stopping the increase in the ozone hole is an initial measure of success. While we will never be able to validate what the size of the hole was back when CFCs started being used in 1920s, we do have a record of the ozone hole behavior since the late 1970s

Science - Ozone Basics  Competition: low
CFCs, carbon tetrachloride, and methyl chloroform are important human-produced ozone-depleting gases that have been used in many applications including refrigeration, air conditioning, foam blowing, cleaning of electronics components, and as solvents. Another important group of human-produced halocarbons is the halons, which contain carbon, bromine, fluorine, and (in some cases) chlorine and have been mainly used as fire extinguishants  Competition: low
Production of Chlorine Radicals One of the most important points to realise about the chemistry of the ozone hole is that the key chemical reactions are unusual. However, we still have many more atoms of ozone than we do of the active chlorine so how it is possible to destroy nearly all of the ozone? The answer to this question lies in what are known as 'catalytic cycles'

Depletion of the Ozone Layer  Competition: low
At ground level ozone is a pollutant, but in the upper stratosphere (a segment of atmosphere extending approximately 9 miles to 30 miles above the earth's surface) it forms a layer that protects the earth from the sun's harmful ultraviolet radiation. This was the first time that the international community had recognized a need for action on an environmental problem before actual damages were recorded

Depletion Of The Ozone Layer :: essays research papers  Competition: low
The Company makes no representations about the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or timeliness of the Material or about the results to be obtained from using the Material. Bromine is estimated to be 50 times more effective than chlorine in destroying ozone.13 Insect fumigation, burning biomass, and gasoline usage all release methyl bromide into the air

Timely Measures Almost Repair The Ozone 'Hole' - Can The Same Be Done For Global Warming? - Kids News Article  Competition: low
While a similar vortex forms over the Arctic, high altitude winds from the mountain ranges in the Northern Hemisphere, end up pushing the vortex off the pole and letting the warmer air seep in. What was even more concerning is that from September to November, it got to such low levels above the South Pole, that they began to call that area the ozone hole  Competition: low
Are volcanos a major source of chlorine to the stratosphere? No, volcanos contribute at most just a few percent of the chlorine found in the stratosphere. The pesticide methyl bromide, another significant ozone-depleting substance, was scheduled to be phased out in 2004 in developing countries, but a U.S.-led delaying effort led to a one-year extension until the end of 2005  Competition: low
I have always believed that atmospheric friction is greater in the northern hemisphere than the southern hemisphere because of the greater surface area of land mass and this is why we see more electrical discharges in the northern hemisphere. Because of the big scare concerning Ozone, most people are aware that Ozone absorbs UV which can be harmful to people, so running out of it sounded awful bad  Competition: low
In 1992, reacting to the latest scientific assessment of the ozone layer, the Parties to the Protocol decided to completely end production of halons by the beginning of 1994 and of CFCs by the beginning of 1996 in developed countries. UVB has been linked to many harmful effects, including various types of skin cancer, cataracts, and harm to some crops, certain materials, and some forms of marine life

Whatever Happened to the Ozone Hole?  Competition: low
This blanket of ozone, or O3, blocks most of the sun's high-frequency ultraviolet rays.These UV rays can cause skin cancer and cataracts in humans, as well as reproductive problems in fish, crabs, frogs, and even in the single-celled phytoplankton at the bottom of the ocean food chain.Ozone is created naturally when oxygen molecules (O2) high in the atmosphere get broken by sunlight into two free oxygen atoms. That's because atmospheric conditions during the cold, dark, Antarctic winters were building stockpiles of CFCs over the South Pole.Returning spring sunshine would then spawn an abundance of free chlorine, depleting ozone levels above Antarctica by as much as 65 percent  Competition: low
5 10 Click to rate Report comment rob512, mansfield, United Kingdom, 11 months ago the thing with scientists is, they convince themselves and then compare rubbish between themselves then offer there findings to people in high places who have no knowledge of anything. Vile three-minute rant on London Tube that went viral Bunny swooped up by hawk moments after its release Kenya mall terror attack survivors emerge from fridge..  Competition: low
After making revisions, the author submits the article back to the journal editor, who can then accept the article, reject it, or send it back for another round of review. They also asked how Americans would go about putting sunscreen and hats on cows and stalks of corn, since plants and animals are adversely affected by UV light, as well  Competition: low
NASA has been monitoring the status of the ozone layer through satellite observations since the 1970s, beginning with the TOMS sensors on the Nimbus satellites. For example, the National Ozone Expedition (NOZE) measured elevated levels of the chemical chlorine dioxide (OClO) during the springtime ozone hole from McMurdo Research Station  Competition: low
The sun and heat are very intense ( you have to live and work in 45 degree C heat to believe it ) and there is a large population of north European origin. 7 years ago Report Abuse Asker's Rating: Asker's Comment: thanky danky 0 stars - mark this as Interesting! Email Comment (0) Save Add to My Yahoo! Add to RSS There are currently no comments for this question

Depletion of the Ozone Layer - ChemWiki  Competition: low
In years with a strong polar vortex, the ozone hole is seen to expand in diameter, where as in years with a weaker polar vortex, the ozone hole is noted to shrink Ozone Depleting Substances The following substances are listed as ozone depleting substances under Title VI of the United State Clean Air Act: Table 1: Ozone Depleting Substances And Their Ozone-Depletion Potential. This extreme stability allows CFC's to slowly make there way into the stratosphere (most molecules are not around long enough to cross into the stratosphere from the troposphere)

What can we do to protect the ozone layer  Competition: low
Last edit by EldestSon18 Answer History Related Answers: What can we do to protect the ozone layer? Since the banning of CFC in industry (Montreal Protocol, 1989), ozone depletion has mostly stopped w How does the ozone layer protect us? Ozone layer serves a beneficial role by screening out the sun's harmful ultraviolet rays, expose to What can we do to help protect the ozone layer? Ozone layer can be protected by minimizing pollution. but it perf Why do you need to protect the ozone layer? because if we don't protect the ozone layer, the ultra-violet ray is going to enter to the planet an Why does the Ozone layer needs to be protected? The ozone layer protects us from the harmful effects of the suns rays

Is the ozone layer on the road to recovery?  Competition: low
HS3 mission identifies area of strong winds, rain in Hurricane Ingrid Sep 26, 2013 One of the instruments that flew aboard one of two unmanned Global Hawk aircraft during NASA's HS3 mission was the Hurricane Imaging Radiometer known as HIRAD. First long temperature reconstruction for the eastern Mediterranean based on tree rings Sep 26, 2013 For the eastern Mediterranean, an exactly dated time series of almost 900 year length was established, exhibiting the medieval warm period, the little ice age between the 16th and 19th century as well as ..  Competition: low
However, these were initially rejected as unreasonable by data quality control algorithms (they were filtered out as errors since the values were unexpectedly low); the ozone hole was only detected in satellite data when the raw data was reprocessed following evidence of ozone thinning in in situ observations. While several alternatives to HFCs have been proposed for fi re protection, including inert gases, fl uoroketones (FKs) and water mist, HFCs and inert gases have become, and appear likely to remain, the most commonly used clean agents and have achieved equilibrium in the market

Ozone depletion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Competition: low
These models work by combining satellite measurements of chemical concentrations and meteorological fields with chemical reaction rate constants obtained in lab experiments. The discrepancy between the Arctic and Antarctic noted by Dobson was primarily a matter of timing: during the Arctic spring ozone levels rose smoothly, peaking in April, whereas in the Antarctic they stayed approximately constant during early spring, rising abruptly in November when the polar vortex broke down

What are the causes of the hole in the ozone layer  Competition: low
The concentration of ozone at any point is a balance of incident UV-C from the Sun (both making and destroying ozone), UV-B from the Sun (destroys ozone when absorbed), time, and compounds that can accelerate the decay of ozone. Some have the opinion that CFC's are also having some contributory affect on the amount of thinning of the ozone and there is some evidence to support that man may be contributing to this natural affect

What is the ozone layer and why is it important?How does ozone depletion occur? - Yahoo! Answers India  Competition: low
Source(s): comon logic 7 years ago Report Abuse by silivren Member since: 16 February 2007 Total points: 1,374 (Level 3) Add Contact Block the ozone layer is a layer in the stratosphere of our planet. In addition, research has shown that ozone depletion occurs over the latitudes that include North America, Europe, Asia, and much of Africa, Australia, and South America

The Ozone Hole-Chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs  Competition: low
CFCs have a lifetime in the atmosphere of about 20 to 100 years, and consequently one free chlorine atom from a CFC molecule can do a lot of damage, destroying ozone molecules for a long time. Other commercial names from around the world are Algofrene, Arcton, Asahiflon, Daiflon, Eskimo, FCC, Flon, Flugene, Forane, Fridohna, Frigen, Frigedohn, Genetron, Isceon, Isotron, Kaiser, Kaltron, Khladon, Ledon, Racon, and Ucon  Competition: low
During the winter, temperatures inside the Antarctic polar vortex fall so low that water vapor and several other types of molecules in the stratosphere condense into extremely small icy particles. All through the long, dark winter, especially during July and August, the chemical reactions taking place on the surfaces of the PSC particles continue, and more and more Cl builds up inside the vortex

Ozone hole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Competition: low
However, the ozone hole is most usually measured not in terms of ozone concentrations at these levels (which are typically of a few parts per million) but by reduction in the total column ozone, above a point on the earth's surface, which is normally expressed in Dobson units

The Ozone Hole  Competition: low
Scientific theory and evidence suggest that, once emitted to the atmosphere, these compounds could significantly deplete the stratospheric ozone layer that shields the planet from damaging UV-B radiation. The Ozone Hole About Us Awards Donate Contact Us Site Map News Links Ozone Hole History Montreal Protocol Ozone Hole 2006 Ozone hole 2013 Arctic Ozone Hole The Ozone Hole For nearly a billion years, ozone molecules in the atmosphere have protected life on Earth from the effects of ultraviolet rays  Competition: low
Unlike the Antarctic, large-scale weather systems disturb the wind flow in the Arctic and prevent the temperature in the stratosphere from being as cold. That research team, led by 1999 National Medal of Science winner, Susan Solomon, conducted observations that have significantly advanced our understanding of the global ozone layer and changed the direction of ozone research

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