Analysis of the search query | describe the differences in size and shape between the kuiper belt and the oort cloud |
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Top competitors on query "describe the differences in size and shape between the kuiper belt and the oort cloud"
NLS: Digital Book Catalog 2009, Adult Nonfiction Competition: low
North read by Jake Williams Former marine presents personal accounts from American and Allied men and women who participated in the European theater during World War II. Broadnax read by Jake Williams Black journalist relates his flying experiences after enlisting in the Army Air Corp at age seventeen and graduating as a fighter pilot from the Tuskegee Institute in 1945
Astronomical Glossary Competition: low
Since the star can never be focused perfectly, 84 per cent of the light will concentrate into a single disk, and 16 per cent into a system of surrounding rings. A compact telescope in which light passes through a correcting lens at the front of the telescope, then reflects off a primary mirror back up to a secondary mirror, which directs the light through a hole in the primary and out the back of the scope; a popular telescope for backyard observers
The Solar System - Astronomy For Kids - Competition: low
Another important difference is that the outer planets are largely made of gas and water, while the inner planets are made up almost entirely of rock and dust. Scientists define the boundaries of the Solar System as being the border of the Heliosphere, or at the place where the solar winds from the Sun mix with the winds from other stars
Is There Really Scientific Evidence for a Young Earth? Competition: low
Most scientists, however, reject Amino Acid Racemization Dating (AAR) as unreliable because the rate of racemization can be highly dependent on temperature and pressure, and can also be subject to contamination. A few other pieces of "young-Earth evidence" are also repeated multiple times (each time with slight variation), with the effect of increasing the total number of claims, but none on as large a scale as the oceanic abundances
Why Pluto is No Longer a Planet Competition: low
One version of the definition would have actually boosted the number of planets to 12; Pluto was still a planet, and so were Eris and even Ceres, which had been thought of as the largest asteroid. A different proposal kept the total at 9, defining the planets as just the familiar ones we know without any scientific rationale, and a third would drop the number of planets down to 8, and Pluto would be out of the planet club Competition: low
How much more light gathering power does the UF telescope have? 4 times more Again, an FSU student is observing the phases of Venus with his 8 inch reflector telescope, and a UF student is doing the same with a 16 inch reflector telescope. True Astronomers have not yet been able to detect planets outside our solar system False We would expect other planets beyond our own solar system to orbit the equators of their home stars, as our own planets orbit the Sun
asteroid: Definition from Competition: low
Many asteroids are so small that their sizes cannot be measured directly; in many cases, their sizes have been estimated from their brightness and distances. In the last years of the 18th century, Baron Franz Xaver von Zach organized a group of 24 astronomers to search the sky for the missing planet predicted at about 2.8 AU from the Sun by the Titius-Bode law, partly because of the discovery, by Sir William Herschel in 1781, of the planet Uranus at the distance predicted by the law Competition: low
The icy continent is surrounded by the dark blue of three oceans: the Pacific to the left, the Indian to the bottom, and a piece of the Atlantic to the upper right. Two distinct drainage basins are characterized by lighter colors-the Nugaaleed Valley along the western side of the photograph and the other watershed trending toward the Hafun Peninsula, the tombolo along the east coast of Somalia Competition: low
Wilhelm Olbers, an amateur astronomer who discovered the second known asteroid, suggested that asteroids were the remnants of a planet that had been shattered by an explosion. Theories on Asteroid Formation After it became obvious that there was not a planet between Mars and Jupiter, astronomers began to make theories explaining the origins of the many small bodies called asteroids
Orbit Shapes Interactive Animation - Windows to the Universe Competition: low
During its flyby Stardust collected some dust particles from the...moreComet Hale-Bopp Hale-Bopp continues to offer new surprises as two astronomers report of their study of the comet. Considered a planet, though a rather odd one, from its discovery in 1930 until 2006, it was...moreWhen a Comet comes close to the SunWhen comets are kicked out of the Oort Cloud, they begin a passage into the solar system, spinning and tumbling as they come
Dwarf Planets - Classification, Discovery, Definition, Kuiper Belt - Windows to the Universe Competition: low
Since we don't know the actual sizes or shapes of many of the objects we've found (because they are so far away), we can't yet determine whether they are actually dwarf planets or not. Considered a planet, though a rather odd one, from its discovery in 1930 until 2006, it was...moreEris - a dwarf planetEris is a dwarf planet in our Solar System Competition: low
These compounds arrived in the inner planets after their initial formation, most likely brought by impacts of planetesimals formed in the outskirts of the solar system (Q: What was Jupiter's role in bringing water to Earth?). Formation of moon systems As the early jovian planets captured large amounts of gas, the same process that formed the solar nebula -- contraction, spinning, flattening and heating -- formed similar but smaller disks of material around these planets Competition: low
The Sun's radiation pressure and solar wind accelerate materials away from the comet's head at differing velocities according to the size and mass of the materials. A second possible explanation is that the X-rays are produced from the violent collision between the comet material and the supersonic "wind" of plasma and particles streaming away from the Sun Competition: low
aurora (Latin for "dawn") a glow in a planet's ionosphere caused by the interaction between the planet's magnetic field and charged particles from the Sun aurora borealis the "Northern Lights"; caused by the interaction between the solar wind, the Earth's magnetic field and the upper atmosphere. effusive eruption a relative quiet volcanic eruption which puts out basaltic lava that moves at about the speed one walks; the lava is fluid in nature; the eruptions at the Kilauea volcano on the island of Hawaii are effusive Einstein, Albert 1879-1955 German-American physicist; developed the Special and General Theories of Relativity which along with Quantum Mechanics is the foundation of modern physics
Oort cloud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Competition: low
Just as the Moon's tidal force bends and deforms the Earth's oceans, causing the tides to rise and fall, the galactic tide also bends and distorts the orbits of bodies in the outer Solar System, pulling them towards the galactic centre. According to these models, the number of collisions early in the Solar System's history was so great that most comets were destroyed before they reached the Oort cloud
Sedna (2003 VB12) Competition: low
This definition is, we believe, the one in most common colloquial use throughout the world, even if people don't realize that this is the definition they are using. Here is an image of the orbit and position compared to all the known solar system objects (click for bigger version) The sun is in the middle of the swarm of solar system objects
Curious About Astronomy? Comets, Meteors and Asteroids Competition: low
The image was taken at a distance of approximately 500 km (311 miles) and shows Wild 2's nucleus, which is thought to be about 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) in diameter. The smallest asteroids that we've observed in detail are only tens of meters in size, but there are probably a great number of small rocks in space that are currently too small for us to detect
Solar System Fluff Competition: low
Jupiter and perhaps Saturn tend to deflect long period comets completely out of the solar system (or gobble them up as Jupiter did with Shoemaker Levy-9). The comets passing close to a jovian planet are deflected by the planet's gravity into an orbit with a shorter period, only decades to a few thousand years long Competition: low
More about Kuiper Belt objects Kuiper Belt Home Page by David Jewitt Quaoar, one of the largest non-planets 2004 DW,the biggest KBO so far? Chiron info and resources Chiron Perihelion Campaign from NSSDC a chart showing the positions of some of these objects Beyond Pluto, from Phil Plait's excellent Bitsize Astronomy site press release on HST's Kuiper Belt images list of TNOs list of Centaurs the Kuiper Belt's outer edge detected? Open Issues The very existence of the Oort Cloud is only a working hypothesis. (This is highly speculative, however; we don't know how many comets there are out there nor how big they are.) In 2004, the discovery of an object known as 2003 VB12 "Sedna" was announced
Kuiper belt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Competition: low
The mission, headed by Alan Stern of the Southwest Research Institute, will arrive at Pluto on July 14, 2015, and, circumstances permitting, will continue on to study another as-yet undetermined KBO. This suggests that, unlike the large moons of Jupiter and Saturn, which are thought to have coalesced from spinning discs of material encircling their young parent planets, Triton was a fully formed body that was captured from surrounding space Competition: low
The object, temporarily designated 2003UB313 and later named Eris, orbits the sun about once every 560 years, its distance varying from about 38 to 98 AU. In contrast, short-period comets take less than 200 years to orbit the sun and they travel approximately in the plane in which most of the planets orbit Competition: low
You have to enjoy the nuts and bolts of science; otherwise you won't enjoy going to work every day." Gerard Kuiper - (1905 - 1973)Astronomer Alan Stern - Principal Investigator, New Horizons T
NLS: Digital Book Catalog 2009, Adult Nonfiction
North read by Jake Williams Former marine presents personal accounts from American and Allied men and women who participated in the European theater during World War II. Broadnax read by Jake Williams Black journalist relates his flying experiences after enlisting in the Army Air Corp at age seventeen and graduating as a fighter pilot from the Tuskegee Institute in 1945
Astronomical Glossary
Since the star can never be focused perfectly, 84 per cent of the light will concentrate into a single disk, and 16 per cent into a system of surrounding rings. A compact telescope in which light passes through a correcting lens at the front of the telescope, then reflects off a primary mirror back up to a secondary mirror, which directs the light through a hole in the primary and out the back of the scope; a popular telescope for backyard observers
The Solar System - Astronomy For Kids -
Another important difference is that the outer planets are largely made of gas and water, while the inner planets are made up almost entirely of rock and dust. Scientists define the boundaries of the Solar System as being the border of the Heliosphere, or at the place where the solar winds from the Sun mix with the winds from other stars
Is There Really Scientific Evidence for a Young Earth?
Most scientists, however, reject Amino Acid Racemization Dating (AAR) as unreliable because the rate of racemization can be highly dependent on temperature and pressure, and can also be subject to contamination. A few other pieces of "young-Earth evidence" are also repeated multiple times (each time with slight variation), with the effect of increasing the total number of claims, but none on as large a scale as the oceanic abundances
Why Pluto is No Longer a Planet
One version of the definition would have actually boosted the number of planets to 12; Pluto was still a planet, and so were Eris and even Ceres, which had been thought of as the largest asteroid. A different proposal kept the total at 9, defining the planets as just the familiar ones we know without any scientific rationale, and a third would drop the number of planets down to 8, and Pluto would be out of the planet club
How much more light gathering power does the UF telescope have? 4 times more Again, an FSU student is observing the phases of Venus with his 8 inch reflector telescope, and a UF student is doing the same with a 16 inch reflector telescope. True Astronomers have not yet been able to detect planets outside our solar system False We would expect other planets beyond our own solar system to orbit the equators of their home stars, as our own planets orbit the Sun
asteroid: Definition from
Many asteroids are so small that their sizes cannot be measured directly; in many cases, their sizes have been estimated from their brightness and distances. In the last years of the 18th century, Baron Franz Xaver von Zach organized a group of 24 astronomers to search the sky for the missing planet predicted at about 2.8 AU from the Sun by the Titius-Bode law, partly because of the discovery, by Sir William Herschel in 1781, of the planet Uranus at the distance predicted by the law
The icy continent is surrounded by the dark blue of three oceans: the Pacific to the left, the Indian to the bottom, and a piece of the Atlantic to the upper right. Two distinct drainage basins are characterized by lighter colors-the Nugaaleed Valley along the western side of the photograph and the other watershed trending toward the Hafun Peninsula, the tombolo along the east coast of Somalia
Wilhelm Olbers, an amateur astronomer who discovered the second known asteroid, suggested that asteroids were the remnants of a planet that had been shattered by an explosion. Theories on Asteroid Formation After it became obvious that there was not a planet between Mars and Jupiter, astronomers began to make theories explaining the origins of the many small bodies called asteroids
Orbit Shapes Interactive Animation - Windows to the Universe
During its flyby Stardust collected some dust particles from the...moreComet Hale-Bopp Hale-Bopp continues to offer new surprises as two astronomers report of their study of the comet. Considered a planet, though a rather odd one, from its discovery in 1930 until 2006, it was...moreWhen a Comet comes close to the SunWhen comets are kicked out of the Oort Cloud, they begin a passage into the solar system, spinning and tumbling as they come
Dwarf Planets - Classification, Discovery, Definition, Kuiper Belt - Windows to the Universe
Since we don't know the actual sizes or shapes of many of the objects we've found (because they are so far away), we can't yet determine whether they are actually dwarf planets or not. Considered a planet, though a rather odd one, from its discovery in 1930 until 2006, it was...moreEris - a dwarf planetEris is a dwarf planet in our Solar System
These compounds arrived in the inner planets after their initial formation, most likely brought by impacts of planetesimals formed in the outskirts of the solar system (Q: What was Jupiter's role in bringing water to Earth?). Formation of moon systems As the early jovian planets captured large amounts of gas, the same process that formed the solar nebula -- contraction, spinning, flattening and heating -- formed similar but smaller disks of material around these planets
The Sun's radiation pressure and solar wind accelerate materials away from the comet's head at differing velocities according to the size and mass of the materials. A second possible explanation is that the X-rays are produced from the violent collision between the comet material and the supersonic "wind" of plasma and particles streaming away from the Sun
aurora (Latin for "dawn") a glow in a planet's ionosphere caused by the interaction between the planet's magnetic field and charged particles from the Sun aurora borealis the "Northern Lights"; caused by the interaction between the solar wind, the Earth's magnetic field and the upper atmosphere. effusive eruption a relative quiet volcanic eruption which puts out basaltic lava that moves at about the speed one walks; the lava is fluid in nature; the eruptions at the Kilauea volcano on the island of Hawaii are effusive Einstein, Albert 1879-1955 German-American physicist; developed the Special and General Theories of Relativity which along with Quantum Mechanics is the foundation of modern physics
Oort cloud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Just as the Moon's tidal force bends and deforms the Earth's oceans, causing the tides to rise and fall, the galactic tide also bends and distorts the orbits of bodies in the outer Solar System, pulling them towards the galactic centre. According to these models, the number of collisions early in the Solar System's history was so great that most comets were destroyed before they reached the Oort cloud
Sedna (2003 VB12)
This definition is, we believe, the one in most common colloquial use throughout the world, even if people don't realize that this is the definition they are using. Here is an image of the orbit and position compared to all the known solar system objects (click for bigger version) The sun is in the middle of the swarm of solar system objects
Curious About Astronomy? Comets, Meteors and Asteroids
The image was taken at a distance of approximately 500 km (311 miles) and shows Wild 2's nucleus, which is thought to be about 4 kilometers (2.5 miles) in diameter. The smallest asteroids that we've observed in detail are only tens of meters in size, but there are probably a great number of small rocks in space that are currently too small for us to detect
Solar System Fluff
Jupiter and perhaps Saturn tend to deflect long period comets completely out of the solar system (or gobble them up as Jupiter did with Shoemaker Levy-9). The comets passing close to a jovian planet are deflected by the planet's gravity into an orbit with a shorter period, only decades to a few thousand years long
More about Kuiper Belt objects Kuiper Belt Home Page by David Jewitt Quaoar, one of the largest non-planets 2004 DW,the biggest KBO so far? Chiron info and resources Chiron Perihelion Campaign from NSSDC a chart showing the positions of some of these objects Beyond Pluto, from Phil Plait's excellent Bitsize Astronomy site press release on HST's Kuiper Belt images list of TNOs list of Centaurs the Kuiper Belt's outer edge detected? Open Issues The very existence of the Oort Cloud is only a working hypothesis. (This is highly speculative, however; we don't know how many comets there are out there nor how big they are.) In 2004, the discovery of an object known as 2003 VB12 "Sedna" was announced
Kuiper belt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The mission, headed by Alan Stern of the Southwest Research Institute, will arrive at Pluto on July 14, 2015, and, circumstances permitting, will continue on to study another as-yet undetermined KBO. This suggests that, unlike the large moons of Jupiter and Saturn, which are thought to have coalesced from spinning discs of material encircling their young parent planets, Triton was a fully formed body that was captured from surrounding space
The object, temporarily designated 2003UB313 and later named Eris, orbits the sun about once every 560 years, its distance varying from about 38 to 98 AU. In contrast, short-period comets take less than 200 years to orbit the sun and they travel approximately in the plane in which most of the planets orbit
You have to enjoy the nuts and bolts of science; otherwise you won't enjoy going to work every day." Gerard Kuiper - (1905 - 1973)Astronomer Alan Stern - Principal Investigator, New Horizons T
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