Analysis of the search query | does the bible ever say homosexuality is a sin |
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Income per month | 150 € |
Top competitors on query "does the bible ever say homosexuality is a sin"
CARM - Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry Competition: low
Finally, persecution is expressed against the group with various penalties such as being fired from jobs, fines, lawsuits, imprisonment, and confiscation of property
Home - Desiring God Competition: low
Tolkien by Colin Duriez Blog Latest Posts Fed Up with Life and Ready to Write by David Mathis Lewis Live-Stream Free for All by David Mathis Hope for the Battle with Intractable Weakness by Jon Bloom The Strange Glory of Ordinary Things by John Piper Categories DG Resources Recommendations Conferences Ministry Updates Outside Events Commentary Events Featured Events 2013 National Conference The Romantic Rationalist: God, Life, and Imagination in the Work of C.S
Jerry Falwell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Competition: low
Board of Education ruling, he said, in 1958: "If Chief Justice Warren and his associates had known God's word and had desired to do the Lord's will, I am quite confident that the 1954 decision would never had been made. Though he never officially stated his rejection of this movement, the evidence of his life from the late 1970s onwards indicates he moved toward a conservative Evangelical standpoint to the right of mainline Protestantism or "open" Evangelicalism but to the left of traditional, separatist Fundamentalism
After vote allowing gay kids to become Boy Scouts, some families call it quits - U.S. News Competition: low
he cried for about 10 minutes because I told him that the Boy Scouts were not honoring their own law," Butler said, referring to the BSA oath that he interpreted as barring gay people Competition: low
To exhort people to REPENT-ref Mk 1:15; Lk 13:3; to believe on and receive JESUS CHRIST by FAITH, as their ONLY HOPE of SALVATION-ref Mk 1:15; Eph 2:8-10; Gal 3:26; and afterwards to be BAPTIZED by FULL IMMERSION-ref Ro 6:4; Col 2:12; IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, AND OF THE SON, AND OF THE HOLY GHOST-ref Mt 28:18. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places
A Conquering Faith: WHERE IN THE BIBLE IS THE "SINNER'S PRAYER"? Competition: low
After advising the sinner that all that was necessary for salvation was to pray for it, the need for repentance is added presumably as another step for salvation. In Acts 2:21, Joel was quoted as saying, "whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." Strangely enough, the Sinner-prayer web-site didn't point to this verse, even though only a few verses later the same people were repenting and being baptized
Archaeology and the Bible - ChristianAnswers.Net Competition: low
Although all Christian Answers Network Team Member organizations are in close general agreement in their interpretation of the Bible, the individual views expressed are, of course, those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the views of all Team organizations. God's Story: From Creation to Eternity (multimedia summary of the Bible) Find answers to your questions about God, the meaning of life, and your place in the universe
Bible - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Competition: low
The Torah always maintained its pre-eminence as the basis of the canon but the collection of prophetic writings, based on the Nevi'im, had various hagiographical works incorporated into it. A related, but distinguishable belief is that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, without error in any aspect, spoken by God and written down in its perfect form by humans
Politics, Business, Technology, and the Arts Competition: low
By John Dickerson GOP Already Hatching Next Scheme for Gutting Obamacare By David Weigel Romance in the Age of the Internet Is Lovelier Than You Think By Amanda Hess Rush: A Sleekly Assembled Thrill Machine By Dana Stevens Archaeology Used to Be About Picks. Teicher Behold The Glory Days of Big Hair in Kentucky By David Rosenberg Behold Nature Is Front and Center in These Wild Interiors By David Rosenberg Behold This Is What the Most Violent City in America Looks Like By Jordan G Competition: low
What makes a person a Christian is when he or she grasps that FACT Jesus guarantees everlasting life to all who simply TRUST ONLY IN HIM FOR THEIR SALVATION, which results in eternal life in Heaven (the current Heaven and the new Heaven that will be here on earth), and for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. God did this to demonstrate his righteousness, for he himself is fair and just, and he declares sinners to be right in his sight when they believe in Jesus Competition: low
Russia said it would not permit a no-fly zone to be implemented over Syria, following reports that plans for such a measure were being drawn up by the United States. However, it is entirely interesting to note that Damascus is still a viable city, unlike many of the other localities in the Bible that have since vanished Competition: low
Permission requests that exceed the above guidelines must be directed to Good News Publishers, Attn: Bible Rights, 1300 Crescent Street, Wheaton, IL 60187, USA. The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV) is adapted from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A Competition: low
Pair appear in court via videolink to deny murdering soldier Lee Rigby near barracks How JK Rowling's sob story about her past as a single mother has left the churchgoers who cared for her... Dog steers baby away from dangerous waves in Turkey Frisky fella! Baboon gropes TV reporter live on air Vile three-minute rant on London Tube that went viral A taste of goings-on at Little Liaison nights in promo..
Alan Chambers, Exodus International President: 'The Only Thing I Can Do Is Say I'm Sorry' (VIDEO) Competition: low
For nearly four decades, the organization claimed to offer a "cure" for homosexuality, but recently its leader, Alan Chambers, has been offering a very different message: an apology. Following his first 2011 interview with Lisa Ling, Chambers once again reached out to Ling for the opportunity to formally apologize to those hurt by Exodus International Competition: low
Pagan philosophers once had great and sophisticated knowledge of the world; in fact, they knew many things that took Christians hundreds of years to discover- or rediscover, as it were. Without Jesus asking for intervention, which he could have done and had the power to do, it played out the way it did but not because HE wanted to suffer but because so many during that time were not true believers and did not believe in what Jesus taught or in the Kingdom of God Competition: low
In our current culture people modify their appearance for beauty in many ways such as clothing choice, makeup, plastic surgery, haircutting and coloring, weight loss, body-building, and ear piercing. The Jews learned this custom in Egypt, and though weaned from it, relapsed in a later and degenerate age into this old superstition (Is 15:2; Je 16:6; 41:5)
Does the Bible Say We Can Eat Anything Competition: low
Paul begins this passage by saying we are to accept those who are weak in faith and the weaker in faith eat only vegetables while the stronger in faith may eat all things. There may also be times when He will tell you NOT to eat what is set before you as a warning to protect you from potential disease in what is offered to you Competition: low
Now the UPC is forced to defend a doctrine that makes no sense, because if they back off this doctrine then it might cause their members to doubt other doctrines as well. But what happens when they find out that something they taught as Truth was wrong? It throws everything else into question! If they can be wrong on one point then they can be wrong on other points as well
Biblical Self-Defense: What does the Bible say about self-defense? Bible study about self-defense questions: Can a Christian own a gun? What do the Scriptures say about using lethal force for self-protection? Competition: low
Though heavenly beings do battle and render judgments with the sword, in the perfection pictured in both the garden of Eden and in the Heavenly city, the primary activities are fellowship with God, fellowship with His people, singing in worship, and living in peace. They are powerful enough to kill a bear and lion--in today's market, we're talking about a .44 magnum, not a .22, in the hands of someone too young to be in the army Competition: low
Regards Sheep Reply Mark Wilson says: 24 September 2011 at 6:17 pm Hi Sheep You probably know that Jesus Christ died to set you free and to give you abundant life. I mean theres a fine line between hoping for something and expecting something, and when i start expecting i stop giving, because i know theres a good chance i might sin after that
David Lose: What Does the Bible Really Say About Homosexuality? Competition: low
How lacking in Scriptural knowledge should we think the Jews of the day were? The chances are that the Jews of Jesus time were better versed on the Scriptures than many today are. Jesus indicated that Moses only permitted divorce, but from the beginning the situation was that when a man divorced his wife and married another woman, that man committed adultery
CARM - Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
Finally, persecution is expressed against the group with various penalties such as being fired from jobs, fines, lawsuits, imprisonment, and confiscation of property
Home - Desiring God
Tolkien by Colin Duriez Blog Latest Posts Fed Up with Life and Ready to Write by David Mathis Lewis Live-Stream Free for All by David Mathis Hope for the Battle with Intractable Weakness by Jon Bloom The Strange Glory of Ordinary Things by John Piper Categories DG Resources Recommendations Conferences Ministry Updates Outside Events Commentary Events Featured Events 2013 National Conference The Romantic Rationalist: God, Life, and Imagination in the Work of C.S
Jerry Falwell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Board of Education ruling, he said, in 1958: "If Chief Justice Warren and his associates had known God's word and had desired to do the Lord's will, I am quite confident that the 1954 decision would never had been made. Though he never officially stated his rejection of this movement, the evidence of his life from the late 1970s onwards indicates he moved toward a conservative Evangelical standpoint to the right of mainline Protestantism or "open" Evangelicalism but to the left of traditional, separatist Fundamentalism
After vote allowing gay kids to become Boy Scouts, some families call it quits - U.S. News
he cried for about 10 minutes because I told him that the Boy Scouts were not honoring their own law," Butler said, referring to the BSA oath that he interpreted as barring gay people
To exhort people to REPENT-ref Mk 1:15; Lk 13:3; to believe on and receive JESUS CHRIST by FAITH, as their ONLY HOPE of SALVATION-ref Mk 1:15; Eph 2:8-10; Gal 3:26; and afterwards to be BAPTIZED by FULL IMMERSION-ref Ro 6:4; Col 2:12; IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, AND OF THE SON, AND OF THE HOLY GHOST-ref Mt 28:18. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places
After advising the sinner that all that was necessary for salvation was to pray for it, the need for repentance is added presumably as another step for salvation. In Acts 2:21, Joel was quoted as saying, "whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." Strangely enough, the Sinner-prayer web-site didn't point to this verse, even though only a few verses later the same people were repenting and being baptized
Archaeology and the Bible - ChristianAnswers.Net
Although all Christian Answers Network Team Member organizations are in close general agreement in their interpretation of the Bible, the individual views expressed are, of course, those of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the views of all Team organizations. God's Story: From Creation to Eternity (multimedia summary of the Bible) Find answers to your questions about God, the meaning of life, and your place in the universe
Bible - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Torah always maintained its pre-eminence as the basis of the canon but the collection of prophetic writings, based on the Nevi'im, had various hagiographical works incorporated into it. A related, but distinguishable belief is that the Bible is the inerrant word of God, without error in any aspect, spoken by God and written down in its perfect form by humans
Politics, Business, Technology, and the Arts
By John Dickerson GOP Already Hatching Next Scheme for Gutting Obamacare By David Weigel Romance in the Age of the Internet Is Lovelier Than You Think By Amanda Hess Rush: A Sleekly Assembled Thrill Machine By Dana Stevens Archaeology Used to Be About Picks. Teicher Behold The Glory Days of Big Hair in Kentucky By David Rosenberg Behold Nature Is Front and Center in These Wild Interiors By David Rosenberg Behold This Is What the Most Violent City in America Looks Like By Jordan G
What makes a person a Christian is when he or she grasps that FACT Jesus guarantees everlasting life to all who simply TRUST ONLY IN HIM FOR THEIR SALVATION, which results in eternal life in Heaven (the current Heaven and the new Heaven that will be here on earth), and for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. God did this to demonstrate his righteousness, for he himself is fair and just, and he declares sinners to be right in his sight when they believe in Jesus
Russia said it would not permit a no-fly zone to be implemented over Syria, following reports that plans for such a measure were being drawn up by the United States. However, it is entirely interesting to note that Damascus is still a viable city, unlike many of the other localities in the Bible that have since vanished
Permission requests that exceed the above guidelines must be directed to Good News Publishers, Attn: Bible Rights, 1300 Crescent Street, Wheaton, IL 60187, USA. The Holy Bible, English Standard Version (ESV) is adapted from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A
Pair appear in court via videolink to deny murdering soldier Lee Rigby near barracks How JK Rowling's sob story about her past as a single mother has left the churchgoers who cared for her... Dog steers baby away from dangerous waves in Turkey Frisky fella! Baboon gropes TV reporter live on air Vile three-minute rant on London Tube that went viral A taste of goings-on at Little Liaison nights in promo..
Alan Chambers, Exodus International President: 'The Only Thing I Can Do Is Say I'm Sorry' (VIDEO)
For nearly four decades, the organization claimed to offer a "cure" for homosexuality, but recently its leader, Alan Chambers, has been offering a very different message: an apology. Following his first 2011 interview with Lisa Ling, Chambers once again reached out to Ling for the opportunity to formally apologize to those hurt by Exodus International
Pagan philosophers once had great and sophisticated knowledge of the world; in fact, they knew many things that took Christians hundreds of years to discover- or rediscover, as it were. Without Jesus asking for intervention, which he could have done and had the power to do, it played out the way it did but not because HE wanted to suffer but because so many during that time were not true believers and did not believe in what Jesus taught or in the Kingdom of God
In our current culture people modify their appearance for beauty in many ways such as clothing choice, makeup, plastic surgery, haircutting and coloring, weight loss, body-building, and ear piercing. The Jews learned this custom in Egypt, and though weaned from it, relapsed in a later and degenerate age into this old superstition (Is 15:2; Je 16:6; 41:5)
Does the Bible Say We Can Eat Anything
Paul begins this passage by saying we are to accept those who are weak in faith and the weaker in faith eat only vegetables while the stronger in faith may eat all things. There may also be times when He will tell you NOT to eat what is set before you as a warning to protect you from potential disease in what is offered to you
Now the UPC is forced to defend a doctrine that makes no sense, because if they back off this doctrine then it might cause their members to doubt other doctrines as well. But what happens when they find out that something they taught as Truth was wrong? It throws everything else into question! If they can be wrong on one point then they can be wrong on other points as well
Biblical Self-Defense: What does the Bible say about self-defense? Bible study about self-defense questions: Can a Christian own a gun? What do the Scriptures say about using lethal force for self-protection?
Though heavenly beings do battle and render judgments with the sword, in the perfection pictured in both the garden of Eden and in the Heavenly city, the primary activities are fellowship with God, fellowship with His people, singing in worship, and living in peace. They are powerful enough to kill a bear and lion--in today's market, we're talking about a .44 magnum, not a .22, in the hands of someone too young to be in the army
Regards Sheep Reply Mark Wilson says: 24 September 2011 at 6:17 pm Hi Sheep You probably know that Jesus Christ died to set you free and to give you abundant life. I mean theres a fine line between hoping for something and expecting something, and when i start expecting i stop giving, because i know theres a good chance i might sin after that
David Lose: What Does the Bible Really Say About Homosexuality?
How lacking in Scriptural knowledge should we think the Jews of the day were? The chances are that the Jews of Jesus time were better versed on the Scriptures than many today are. Jesus indicated that Moses only permitted divorce, but from the beginning the situation was that when a man divorced his wife and married another woman, that man committed adultery
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