Analysis of the search query | is it illegal to smoke pot in california |
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The expected traffic per day | 6 |
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Income per month | 180 € |
Top competitors on query "is it illegal to smoke pot in california"
Is smoking incense legal? Competition: low
Dear Karen: If you have custody or visitations orders in place, then you will need to ask the court to modify such orders before keeping your son with you for the summer. outlawing that, but incense use wont stop because its like when prohibition happened, all over again! China sells the chemicals and we will always have users of incense, so stop that ! It will be a large waste of tax dollars, stop selling cigarettes, thats what the govt
Is marijuana toxic to cats? Competition: low
The fact that you posted elsewhere in this thread that you give your cats chocolate milk only points out how ignorant you are about what is and is not safe for cats. Also i would like to know why its so bad? Alcohol gets more people into more trouble every year and marijuana is only illegal because the government isnt growing it and selling it like they are tobacco
Mama Birth: Smoking Marijuana While Breastfeeding Competition: low
Nurturing Your Spirituality During Motherhood First Baby- A Home Birth Story An Accidental Home VBAC- VBAC Story Vaginal Birth After THREE C-Sections- A Hospital V... Some studies conclude that it could decrease motor development of the child at one year of age." THC is stored in the infant's fat tissues for long periods of time- "Its half-life is 1 to 2.3 days, and traces can persist for up to 4 to 6 weeks Competition: low
Conditions that are approved for the treatment of medical marijuana include, but are not limited to the following: AIDS, anorexia, arthritis, cancer, glaucoma, migraine, persistent muscle spasms, seizures and severe nausea as well as other chronic or persistent medical symptoms as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. How to Get a Medical Card in Colorado How to Get a Medicinal Marijuana License; How to Apply for a Medical Card in Kentucky; What Is Needed to Apply for..
California Proposition 19, the Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2010) - Ballotpedia,_the_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2010) Competition: low
Local government regulation Local government may authorize the retail sale of up to 1 ounce of marijuana per transaction, and regulate the hours and location of the business. Prohibits people from possessing marijuana on school grounds, using it in public, smoking it while minors are present, or providing it to anyone under 21 years old
Does Regular Marijuana Smoking Lead to COPD? Competition: low
If you feel the lump in your throat that indicates a cold is coming on, take a multivitamin and a jug of water and hit the sack RIGHT AWAY, rest for at least 8-12 hours until the lump is gone. This makes the 1701 an outstanding choice for agencies that use numerous folding shapes or who definitely have users whom struggle to put in place complicated hardware equipment.A Martin Yale 1701 is capable of coping with letter dimensions, legal size and A4 newspaper
"Synthetic marijuana" blamed for teen's death: What is it? - HealthPop - CBS News Competition: low
Report offensive content: If you believe this comment is offensive or violates the Terms of Use, you can report it below (this will not automatically remove the comment). E-mail this to: Your e-mail address: Send me a copy of this message Note: Your e-mail address is used only to let the recipient know who sent the e-mail and in case of transmission error
bible - Is Smoking Weed a Sin? - Christianity Stack Exchange Competition: low
If you have a serious question, please put some serious effort into the asking process by doing some research beforehand, then taking time to form a quality question. The question posed by this image is logically equivalent to asking "is it really wrong to stab someone with a knife, seeing as how God created metal and it is good?" Having said that, the Bible says nothing about smoking marijuana, because it wasn't something people did back then
ELI5: Why is weed generally illegal? : explainlikeimfive Competition: low
This paved the road for government legislation leading up to the Harrison Narcotic Act in 1914, which required anyone in America to obtain a license from the federal government if they were going to sell opiates or cocaine. There were several smaller government agencies that regulated drugs, but this new super-agency was the brainchild of Anslinger, who was actually a terrible racist and just a bit power hungry
Is smoking marijuana bad for your lungs? - HealthPop - CBS News Competition: low
Report offensive content: If you believe this comment is offensive or violates the Terms of Use, you can report it below (this will not automatically remove the comment). "Casual or recreational marijuana use is not a safe alternative to tobacco smoking." 18 Photos 17 stoner states: Where's marijuana use highest? Marijuana smoke not as damaging to lungs as cigarette smoke from uabnews on Vimeo
CollegeNET Forum - Why is marijuana illegal and alcohol legal? Competition: low
But do you ever hear of someone getting into an accident and killing someone because they are high? I DO know what the effects of marijuana are and have seen people drive when they are really stoned. Here are the requirements for drug to be listed as Schedule I, according to the DEA website, (A) The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse
Casual Marijuana Smoking Not Harmful to Lungs: Scientific American Competition: low
I am sure that many people, who have been fooled by the propaganda surrounding this topic for several decades, will be unwilling to accept that they have been duped. It will be no problem allowing people with non-curable forms of cancer using Cannabis as a relievemnt for some kind of nuisances, but for the rest, there is no reason why to legalize this
High Science: Synthetic Marijuana Is Legal, and It Might Get You High -- But Is It Safe? - - News - Phoenix - Phoenix New Times Competition: low
"It's the stigma of being someone who takes drugs to get high that I don't want." Three other regular spice smokers with whom New Times talked also refused to use their real names in this story. Initially, she was amazed at the effectiveness of spice, but after smoking it "a few times a week" for the past few months, she's considering stopping spice and going back to using marijuana again
Ex-Microsoft Man Jamen Shively Plans To Unveil Mystery Marijuana Brand Competition: low
Shively laid out his plans, along with his vision for a future in which marijuana will be imported from Mexico, at a Thursday news conference in downtown Seattle. Gallup has been polling the marijuana legalization question for 40 years but found majority support for the first time in 2011, with 50 percent of voters in favor and just 46 percent opposed
Legality of cannabis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Competition: low
Some infractions are taken more seriously in some countries than others in regard to the cultivation, use, possession or transfer of cannabis for recreational use. Importing countries were required to issue certificates approving the importation and stating that the shipment was to be used "exclusively for medical or scientific purposes" Competition: low
however it's sad that government has to intervene where common sense should have already been in place...i used to smoke and i was very considerate of others when i did... If smoking only affected the smoker, it wouldn't be necessary, but it affects others, too, and children especially deserve to be protected from second-hand smoke.I'm an ex-smoker, too (It's been nineteen years since I quit!), and I like to think that I was considerate in not exposing others to my filthy habit, too Competition: low
Zimmerman should have been tested for drugs and alcohol, being the shooter, but I'm not sure if it violates his Constitutional rights since he wasn't originally charged until Al Sharpton and the main stream media made it out to be racial.And your reality statistics are purely hypothetical and speculative. robosnitz 5pts I don't think that being under the influence in the case of Martin is as important as the fact that he was a minor with a STILL illegal substance (in Florida) in his blood stream
How to Get a Medical Marijuana Prescription in California Competition: low
Doctors can, however, provide their patients with a written document that recommends marijuana use for their medical conditions, with which said patients can legally obtain and use marijuana in accordance with local and state laws. There are certain places where it is illegal to use marijuana, including: Areas where smoking is prohibited Within 1,000 feet of a school, recreation or youth center In a moving motor vehicle or while operating a boat On a school busAmericans for Safe Access: Consumption of Medical Marijuana If you have any questions regarding the legality of medical marijuana use, contact a professional familiar with medical marijuana legislation Competition: low
Possession by Guatemalans in not normally prosecuted for personal use, but tourists are commonly arrested and jailed for several days before being released. I am puzzled with the law there that states even small amounts of weed can get you 12 years .How come only 88 foreigners are in jail since 2004.What are the real jail terms and fines
World Marijuana Laws: Where To Smoke Weed Competition: low
THIS IS FALSE! It is the CZECH REPUBLIC where one can possess up to 15 grams and where cultivation of up to 5 plants is only a misdemeanor, NOT CYPRUS! In Cyprus, LIFE IMPRISONMENT is possible for cannabis use and up to 8 years in prison for possession. Post Comment Preview Comment To reply to a Comment: Click "Reply" at the bottom of the comment; after being approved your comment will appear directly underneath the comment you replied to
Is it legal to buy Marijuana seeds online in the USA (Nevada)? - Yahoo! Answers Competition: low
Member since: May 11, 2007 Total points: 513 (Level 2) Add Contact Block Im not from Nevada...but seeing as how last time i checked Nevada was part of the thinking no. im not suggesting you break the law...but wouldnt you be alittle safer goin with someone you know? 6 years ago Report Abuse by airlines charge for the seat
The Bible Answer Show: Is it a sin to smoke weed? What does the Bible say about using other drugs? Can a Christian Get High? What if it is legal? Competition: low
The question under consideration is not the legitimate medicinal usage of drugs, but instead, is it okay for a Christian to recreationally use drugs for the purpose of being stoned? What does the Bible say? 1. Can a Christian participate in "combat sports" like MMA or Wresling? Question: May a Christian in good conscience participate in combat sports such as Boxing, Wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), Karate or M..
Marijuana grows openly in California towns as traffickers hide behind laws, police say - Rock Center with Brian Williams Competition: low
So for you that want to label you might want to research before you attack, and do not blame this on conservatives because I am a die hard conservative and just about everyone my age (50 years old) agree with my position. Long-term marijuana abusers trying to quit report withdrawal symptoms including: irritability, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, anxiety, and drug craving, all of which can make it difficult to remain abstinent Competition: low
As its already been said, a legalization of Marijuana would vastly effect: Big Pharma Tobacco Alcohol Private Prisons among others, and all of which have Lobbyists to make sure it won't be legalized. They created the FBI with a rule that no agent is ever to have used cannabis (someone at DEA had to fight tooth and nail to get cannabis labeled a hypnotic because it awakens the mind's eye) AND THEN 3 Competition: low
Just how f@cked are cannabis users under this bill? Not only do medical marijuana users have no protection, cannabis can stay in the blood for up to a week after use
Cannabis (drug) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Competition: low
Many jurisdictions have lessened the penalties for possession of small quantities of cannabis, so that it is punished by confiscation and sometimes a fine, rather than imprisonment, focusing more on those who traffic the drug on the black market. John Gregory Bourke described use of "mariguan", which he identifies as Cannabis indica or Indian hemp, by Mexican residents of the Rio Grande region of Texas in 1894 - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws Competition: low
Sixty-eight percent of likely voters also believe that the US government should not enforce federal anti-marijuana laws in states that have approved the plant's use. Voters In Colorado and Washington Make History: Vote To Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Legalized Marijuana - Information for Each State LEGALIZATION Marijuana prohibition causes far more problems than it solves, and results in the needless arrest of hundreds of thousands of otherwise law abiding citizens each year Competition: low
But in all my travelling, as long as your not being a retard about smoking, and you go into a private place for heavy blazing, you should be totally fine. I feel cheated because the vibe is always a tinge negative unless your sitting at a cafe in Amsterdam (and even there, there's a weird bit of distrust because of regulations on these owners.) The hype is so ridiculous Competition: low
Why? Because Jesus Christ never sinned, and the Bible specifically calls drunkenness a sin because drunkenness alters your judgment and your ability to perceive reality. My info is cited from and a documentary entitled The Union: The Business Behind Getting High Concerned Parent and Taxpayer said September 17, 2009 at 1:01 pm The Congressional failure to implement a fee and regulatory program for marijuana in the United States is irresponsible and a violation of the public trust Competition: low
-Jack Herer In recent years, we have been sending a clear, consistent signal about the harm of drugs, particularly marijuana, which for most young people is the first illegal drug that they are exposed to. Tea time in Holland is at 5:30 pm, or is it 2:30 pm? Seems no one is quite sure when the wonderful people of Holland drink their tea.According to Steven Hager, editor of High Times, the term 420 originated at San Rafael High School, in 1971, among a group of about a dozen pot-smoking wiseacres who called themselves the Waldos, who are now pushing 50
Why Is Marijuana Illegal? - Reasons to Legalize Marijuana Competition: low
Not surprisingly, when a follow-up study after five years revealed that these marijuana gestated kids were performing just as good as kids who were free from cannabis exposure, the National Institute on Drug Abuse immediately stopped funding the study. The government is allowing Big Pharma to stuff us full of pills and drugs that are harmful to our system while banning marijuana which can be a harmless natural substitute to hundreds of synthetic drugs
Where is it legal to smoke Marijuana? Competition: low
No case of cancer has ever been linked to the sole comsption of marijuana and it dose not posses the nicotine that lead to the ultimate destruction of your life. they need helicopters and planes burning taxpayer gas outfitted with infrared cameras to see through walls, to invade your privacy to find you breaking the law Competition: low
The pharmaceutical companies could neither identify nor standardize cannabis dosages, and besides, with cannabis, folks could grow their own medicine and not have to purchase it from large companies. Those who voted on the legal fate of this plant never had the facts, but were dependent on information supplied by those who had a specific agenda to deceive lawmakers Competition: low
If I lived in say Santa Clara, California and had an marijuana ID card, can I grown as much as I want and perhaps sell it as well? If you referring to dealing -- it is my understanding that discussions of Dealling Marijuana are prohibitted on this part of the website. If I lived in say Santa Clara, California and had an marijuana ID card, can I grown as much as I want and perhaps sell it as well? Also, can the federal police still come after me despite I getting perfect legal permission in California? I realy doubt that your allowed to sell it, although it would be a nice money maker
Is smoking incense legal? Competition: low
Dear Karen: If you have custody or visitations orders in place, then you will need to ask the court to modify such orders before keeping your son with you for the summer. outlawing that, but incense use wont stop because its like when prohibition happened, all over again! China sells the chemicals and we will always have users of incense, so stop that ! It will be a large waste of tax dollars, stop selling cigarettes, thats what the govt
Is marijuana toxic to cats? Competition: low
The fact that you posted elsewhere in this thread that you give your cats chocolate milk only points out how ignorant you are about what is and is not safe for cats. Also i would like to know why its so bad? Alcohol gets more people into more trouble every year and marijuana is only illegal because the government isnt growing it and selling it like they are tobacco
Mama Birth: Smoking Marijuana While Breastfeeding Competition: low
Nurturing Your Spirituality During Motherhood First Baby- A Home Birth Story An Accidental Home VBAC- VBAC Story Vaginal Birth After THREE C-Sections- A Hospital V... Some studies conclude that it could decrease motor development of the child at one year of age." THC is stored in the infant's fat tissues for long periods of time- "Its half-life is 1 to 2.3 days, and traces can persist for up to 4 to 6 weeks Competition: low
Conditions that are approved for the treatment of medical marijuana include, but are not limited to the following: AIDS, anorexia, arthritis, cancer, glaucoma, migraine, persistent muscle spasms, seizures and severe nausea as well as other chronic or persistent medical symptoms as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. How to Get a Medical Card in Colorado How to Get a Medicinal Marijuana License; How to Apply for a Medical Card in Kentucky; What Is Needed to Apply for..
California Proposition 19, the Marijuana Legalization Initiative (2010) - Ballotpedia,_the_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(2010) Competition: low
Local government regulation Local government may authorize the retail sale of up to 1 ounce of marijuana per transaction, and regulate the hours and location of the business. Prohibits people from possessing marijuana on school grounds, using it in public, smoking it while minors are present, or providing it to anyone under 21 years old
Does Regular Marijuana Smoking Lead to COPD? Competition: low
If you feel the lump in your throat that indicates a cold is coming on, take a multivitamin and a jug of water and hit the sack RIGHT AWAY, rest for at least 8-12 hours until the lump is gone. This makes the 1701 an outstanding choice for agencies that use numerous folding shapes or who definitely have users whom struggle to put in place complicated hardware equipment.A Martin Yale 1701 is capable of coping with letter dimensions, legal size and A4 newspaper
"Synthetic marijuana" blamed for teen's death: What is it? - HealthPop - CBS News Competition: low
Report offensive content: If you believe this comment is offensive or violates the Terms of Use, you can report it below (this will not automatically remove the comment). E-mail this to: Your e-mail address: Send me a copy of this message Note: Your e-mail address is used only to let the recipient know who sent the e-mail and in case of transmission error
bible - Is Smoking Weed a Sin? - Christianity Stack Exchange Competition: low
If you have a serious question, please put some serious effort into the asking process by doing some research beforehand, then taking time to form a quality question. The question posed by this image is logically equivalent to asking "is it really wrong to stab someone with a knife, seeing as how God created metal and it is good?" Having said that, the Bible says nothing about smoking marijuana, because it wasn't something people did back then
ELI5: Why is weed generally illegal? : explainlikeimfive Competition: low
This paved the road for government legislation leading up to the Harrison Narcotic Act in 1914, which required anyone in America to obtain a license from the federal government if they were going to sell opiates or cocaine. There were several smaller government agencies that regulated drugs, but this new super-agency was the brainchild of Anslinger, who was actually a terrible racist and just a bit power hungry
Is smoking marijuana bad for your lungs? - HealthPop - CBS News Competition: low
Report offensive content: If you believe this comment is offensive or violates the Terms of Use, you can report it below (this will not automatically remove the comment). "Casual or recreational marijuana use is not a safe alternative to tobacco smoking." 18 Photos 17 stoner states: Where's marijuana use highest? Marijuana smoke not as damaging to lungs as cigarette smoke from uabnews on Vimeo
CollegeNET Forum - Why is marijuana illegal and alcohol legal? Competition: low
But do you ever hear of someone getting into an accident and killing someone because they are high? I DO know what the effects of marijuana are and have seen people drive when they are really stoned. Here are the requirements for drug to be listed as Schedule I, according to the DEA website, (A) The drug or other substance has a high potential for abuse
Casual Marijuana Smoking Not Harmful to Lungs: Scientific American Competition: low
I am sure that many people, who have been fooled by the propaganda surrounding this topic for several decades, will be unwilling to accept that they have been duped. It will be no problem allowing people with non-curable forms of cancer using Cannabis as a relievemnt for some kind of nuisances, but for the rest, there is no reason why to legalize this
High Science: Synthetic Marijuana Is Legal, and It Might Get You High -- But Is It Safe? - - News - Phoenix - Phoenix New Times Competition: low
"It's the stigma of being someone who takes drugs to get high that I don't want." Three other regular spice smokers with whom New Times talked also refused to use their real names in this story. Initially, she was amazed at the effectiveness of spice, but after smoking it "a few times a week" for the past few months, she's considering stopping spice and going back to using marijuana again
Ex-Microsoft Man Jamen Shively Plans To Unveil Mystery Marijuana Brand Competition: low
Shively laid out his plans, along with his vision for a future in which marijuana will be imported from Mexico, at a Thursday news conference in downtown Seattle. Gallup has been polling the marijuana legalization question for 40 years but found majority support for the first time in 2011, with 50 percent of voters in favor and just 46 percent opposed
Legality of cannabis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Competition: low
Some infractions are taken more seriously in some countries than others in regard to the cultivation, use, possession or transfer of cannabis for recreational use. Importing countries were required to issue certificates approving the importation and stating that the shipment was to be used "exclusively for medical or scientific purposes" Competition: low
however it's sad that government has to intervene where common sense should have already been in place...i used to smoke and i was very considerate of others when i did... If smoking only affected the smoker, it wouldn't be necessary, but it affects others, too, and children especially deserve to be protected from second-hand smoke.I'm an ex-smoker, too (It's been nineteen years since I quit!), and I like to think that I was considerate in not exposing others to my filthy habit, too Competition: low
Zimmerman should have been tested for drugs and alcohol, being the shooter, but I'm not sure if it violates his Constitutional rights since he wasn't originally charged until Al Sharpton and the main stream media made it out to be racial.And your reality statistics are purely hypothetical and speculative. robosnitz 5pts I don't think that being under the influence in the case of Martin is as important as the fact that he was a minor with a STILL illegal substance (in Florida) in his blood stream
How to Get a Medical Marijuana Prescription in California Competition: low
Doctors can, however, provide their patients with a written document that recommends marijuana use for their medical conditions, with which said patients can legally obtain and use marijuana in accordance with local and state laws. There are certain places where it is illegal to use marijuana, including: Areas where smoking is prohibited Within 1,000 feet of a school, recreation or youth center In a moving motor vehicle or while operating a boat On a school busAmericans for Safe Access: Consumption of Medical Marijuana If you have any questions regarding the legality of medical marijuana use, contact a professional familiar with medical marijuana legislation Competition: low
Possession by Guatemalans in not normally prosecuted for personal use, but tourists are commonly arrested and jailed for several days before being released. I am puzzled with the law there that states even small amounts of weed can get you 12 years .How come only 88 foreigners are in jail since 2004.What are the real jail terms and fines
World Marijuana Laws: Where To Smoke Weed Competition: low
THIS IS FALSE! It is the CZECH REPUBLIC where one can possess up to 15 grams and where cultivation of up to 5 plants is only a misdemeanor, NOT CYPRUS! In Cyprus, LIFE IMPRISONMENT is possible for cannabis use and up to 8 years in prison for possession. Post Comment Preview Comment To reply to a Comment: Click "Reply" at the bottom of the comment; after being approved your comment will appear directly underneath the comment you replied to
Is it legal to buy Marijuana seeds online in the USA (Nevada)? - Yahoo! Answers Competition: low
Member since: May 11, 2007 Total points: 513 (Level 2) Add Contact Block Im not from Nevada...but seeing as how last time i checked Nevada was part of the thinking no. im not suggesting you break the law...but wouldnt you be alittle safer goin with someone you know? 6 years ago Report Abuse by airlines charge for the seat
The Bible Answer Show: Is it a sin to smoke weed? What does the Bible say about using other drugs? Can a Christian Get High? What if it is legal? Competition: low
The question under consideration is not the legitimate medicinal usage of drugs, but instead, is it okay for a Christian to recreationally use drugs for the purpose of being stoned? What does the Bible say? 1. Can a Christian participate in "combat sports" like MMA or Wresling? Question: May a Christian in good conscience participate in combat sports such as Boxing, Wrestling, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ), Karate or M..
Marijuana grows openly in California towns as traffickers hide behind laws, police say - Rock Center with Brian Williams Competition: low
So for you that want to label you might want to research before you attack, and do not blame this on conservatives because I am a die hard conservative and just about everyone my age (50 years old) agree with my position. Long-term marijuana abusers trying to quit report withdrawal symptoms including: irritability, sleeplessness, decreased appetite, anxiety, and drug craving, all of which can make it difficult to remain abstinent Competition: low
As its already been said, a legalization of Marijuana would vastly effect: Big Pharma Tobacco Alcohol Private Prisons among others, and all of which have Lobbyists to make sure it won't be legalized. They created the FBI with a rule that no agent is ever to have used cannabis (someone at DEA had to fight tooth and nail to get cannabis labeled a hypnotic because it awakens the mind's eye) AND THEN 3 Competition: low
Just how f@cked are cannabis users under this bill? Not only do medical marijuana users have no protection, cannabis can stay in the blood for up to a week after use
Cannabis (drug) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Competition: low
Many jurisdictions have lessened the penalties for possession of small quantities of cannabis, so that it is punished by confiscation and sometimes a fine, rather than imprisonment, focusing more on those who traffic the drug on the black market. John Gregory Bourke described use of "mariguan", which he identifies as Cannabis indica or Indian hemp, by Mexican residents of the Rio Grande region of Texas in 1894 - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws Competition: low
Sixty-eight percent of likely voters also believe that the US government should not enforce federal anti-marijuana laws in states that have approved the plant's use. Voters In Colorado and Washington Make History: Vote To Repeal Cannabis Prohibition Legalized Marijuana - Information for Each State LEGALIZATION Marijuana prohibition causes far more problems than it solves, and results in the needless arrest of hundreds of thousands of otherwise law abiding citizens each year Competition: low
But in all my travelling, as long as your not being a retard about smoking, and you go into a private place for heavy blazing, you should be totally fine. I feel cheated because the vibe is always a tinge negative unless your sitting at a cafe in Amsterdam (and even there, there's a weird bit of distrust because of regulations on these owners.) The hype is so ridiculous Competition: low
Why? Because Jesus Christ never sinned, and the Bible specifically calls drunkenness a sin because drunkenness alters your judgment and your ability to perceive reality. My info is cited from and a documentary entitled The Union: The Business Behind Getting High Concerned Parent and Taxpayer said September 17, 2009 at 1:01 pm The Congressional failure to implement a fee and regulatory program for marijuana in the United States is irresponsible and a violation of the public trust Competition: low
-Jack Herer In recent years, we have been sending a clear, consistent signal about the harm of drugs, particularly marijuana, which for most young people is the first illegal drug that they are exposed to. Tea time in Holland is at 5:30 pm, or is it 2:30 pm? Seems no one is quite sure when the wonderful people of Holland drink their tea.According to Steven Hager, editor of High Times, the term 420 originated at San Rafael High School, in 1971, among a group of about a dozen pot-smoking wiseacres who called themselves the Waldos, who are now pushing 50
Why Is Marijuana Illegal? - Reasons to Legalize Marijuana Competition: low
Not surprisingly, when a follow-up study after five years revealed that these marijuana gestated kids were performing just as good as kids who were free from cannabis exposure, the National Institute on Drug Abuse immediately stopped funding the study. The government is allowing Big Pharma to stuff us full of pills and drugs that are harmful to our system while banning marijuana which can be a harmless natural substitute to hundreds of synthetic drugs
Where is it legal to smoke Marijuana? Competition: low
No case of cancer has ever been linked to the sole comsption of marijuana and it dose not posses the nicotine that lead to the ultimate destruction of your life. they need helicopters and planes burning taxpayer gas outfitted with infrared cameras to see through walls, to invade your privacy to find you breaking the law Competition: low
The pharmaceutical companies could neither identify nor standardize cannabis dosages, and besides, with cannabis, folks could grow their own medicine and not have to purchase it from large companies. Those who voted on the legal fate of this plant never had the facts, but were dependent on information supplied by those who had a specific agenda to deceive lawmakers Competition: low
If I lived in say Santa Clara, California and had an marijuana ID card, can I grown as much as I want and perhaps sell it as well? If you referring to dealing -- it is my understanding that discussions of Dealling Marijuana are prohibitted on this part of the website. If I lived in say Santa Clara, California and had an marijuana ID card, can I grown as much as I want and perhaps sell it as well? Also, can the federal police still come after me despite I getting perfect legal permission in California? I realy doubt that your allowed to sell it, although it would be a nice money maker
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