Analysis of the search query | should animals be kept in zoos pros and cons |
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Income per month | 150 € |
Top competitors on query "should animals be kept in zoos pros and cons"
Snails in the Aquarium Competition: low
Advantages of snails in the aquarium Snails and water quality The exact diet of a snail depends on size and species, but a majority of the snails are scavengers that will feed on plants (especially decomposing plants), algae and dead animals. Snails are especially prone to multiply rapidly in hard alkaline water and the aquarist must therefore pay special attention to their numbers in such aquariums
CDC - Preventing Ticks on Your Pets - Ticks Competition: low
To reduce the chances that a tick will transmit disease to you or your pets: Check your pets for ticks daily, especially after they spend time outdoors. Examples of topically applied products (active ingredients): Fipronil Pyrethroids (permethrin, etc.) Amitraz Repel Ticks on Dogs A repellent product may prevent the tick from coming into contact with an animal at all or have anti-feeding effects once the tick comes into contact with the chemical, thus preventing a bite
A Look at the Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing Competition: low
2) Some school systems are under great pressure to raise their scores so they have resorted to decreasing (and sometimes doing away with) time spent in recess. 4) Since all students in a school are taking the same test (with respect to grade level) standardized tests provide an accurate comparison across groups Competition: low
Certain breeds have characteristics that suit the lifestyles of certain individuals - surely it is morally better to keep an animal that does not need a lot of exercise to be happy if you work long hours. Around 12,000 years ago this relationship developed into the domestication of dogs as a separate species from wolves through selective breeding to choose those individuals who were most obedient and less likely to harm their human keepers
Facebook vs Twitter Competition: low
So whilie I recognise what you are saying, and appreciate you putting it out there in an open forum, I cannot agree that social networking is impersonal, unnecessary or boring. So it seems today that applications like Twitter and Facebook, while attracting new users at astounding rates have not fully defined their business models and the 800-pound gorilla has yet to emerge
What Are Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Zoo? - Blurtit Competition: low
What's your embarrassing list of the mobile phones you've owned? Can One Bad Scene Ruin A Whole Movie? Why do we wash bath towels? Aren't we clean when we use them? Who was the shortest man in the Bible? Job 25.1 Also asked as Should Wild Animals Be Kept In Zoos? What Are The Advantages Of Keeping Animals In The Zoo? What Are The Disadvantages Of A Zoo? Advantages And Disadvantages Of Keeping Animals In The Zoo? ? Here are questions that have been merged into this question. The cons to zoos would primarily be based on the zoos for profit, and probably most of them do not sustain the proper habitats for their animals and are capitalizing on the public's curiosity and are not likely to offer much education because they are not trying to conserve they are trying to make money
Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering in Humans Competition: low
Once we fully understand the genetics of ageing it may be possible to slow down or reverse some of the cellular mechanisms that lead to our decline - for example by preventing telomeres at the ends of chromosomes from shortening. Or in the case of some conditions such as the heart disease Cardiomyopathy, genetic mutations can make our bodies more susceptible to attack from viruses or our own immune system Competition: low
This product offers customers a Risk-Free Trial, and makes sure to both repair and protect the skin with Matrixyl 3000 for collagen and Uniprotect-PT-3 for UV protection. Dark circles under my eyes have faded and wrinkles above my lips as well as the jowl area below lips are dimished and I notice results on a daily basis.I did fail to notice that the 90 day shipment would be billed in 3 installment payments Competition: low
Expat Sentenced To 40 Lashes Wednesday, 24 April 2013 Denis Foynes- A Qatari court has sentenced an expat from an unknown Asian country to 40 lashes for drinking alcohol. The Countries With The Most Prostitutes Tuesday, 09 July 2013 Denis Foynes- Every year, about 3 million people travel on sex tourism trips and this figure is on the rise Competition: low
The most common examples of animal experimentation for scientific knowledge are animal biopsies and vivisections in schools to teach children biology and medical procedures. No one knows what knowledge that will be attained through animal testing, so the value of such animal testing cannot be ascertained ahead of time or even guessed Competition: low
I find that Gerbils are very easy to take care of, they are not nocturnal like Hamsgters so they are up most of the day and sleeping most of the night (No more squeeky running wheel all through the night!!) Hope this helps Source(s): Me 5 years ago Report Abuse 2 people rated this as good Asker's Rating: Asker's Comment: thank you very much for your reply! It showed that gerbils are a great pet to own. Thank you for your very imformative post and it has taught me alot!! thanks xx 1 stars - mark this as Interesting! Email Comment (0) Save Add to My Yahoo! Add to RSS There are currently no comments for this question
Pros and Cons of Abortion Competition: low
In several countries across the world such as Australia, Canada, Germany, United States and as many as 30 others, there are laws that make abortion legal, at any point of time until birth. So what if we cannot see the human form, it does have the potential to gain one.Choosing adoption as an alternative to abortion would give the baby its right to life.Should people resort to abortion as a last-minute contraception tool while preaching their kids about the consequences of casual sex?Infection, sepsis, recurrent miscarriages and rarely death could be the complications of abortions.An abortion can cause serious psychological impairment to the woman in the form of depression and guilt.Abortion ProsAlthough women have a hard time choosing abortion as an option for unwanted pregnancies, they have been making the choice for a long time
Advantages and Disadvantages of Keeping Animals in the Zoos - Term Papers - Yura9999 Competition: low
Welcome is the web's leading learning tool.We inspire millions of students every day with over 1,400,000model essays and papers, AP notes and book notes Competition: low
At this stage the embryo is referred to as a "blastocyst." There are about 100 cells in a blastocyst, a very large percentage of which are stem cells, which can be kept alive indefinitely, grown in cultures, where the stem cells continue to double in number every 2-3 days. In the treatment of cancer, cells destroyed by radiation or chemotherapy can be replaced with new healthy stem cells that adapt to the affected area, whether it be part of the brain, heart, liver, lungs, or wherever Competition: low
But what would you do if you knew the child would have Down's Syndrome? What would you do if you knew the child would have an intelligence level lower than that required to enter public school? What if the child had a strong risk of schizophrenia? Would you still have the child or would you want an abortion? As genetic knowledge continues to grow, we are able to determine more and more about what a child will be like as an adult. It's arguably better for society to have babies aborted than have them be brought up poor and neglected, where not only will the child suffer but society when that child develops a higher attraction to crime, welfare, etc
Are zoos good or bad for animals?: Animal Planet Competition: low
animal exhibitors, like the 265-acre (107-hectare) Bronx Zoo just a subway ride away from Fifth Avenue, must apply for and receive a license from the Department of Agriculture. Every year, millions of people go on safaris, board whale-watching cruises and watch Jeff Corwin get attacked by snakes on Animal Planet; others drive to their local zoo for a full day of animal gazing Competition: low
However, because online education is a relatively new phenomenon, lots of people are suspicious of whether a qualification gained from an online institution is as good as one gained from a traditional educational institution. Solar powered gadgets are all around us: solar powered lights provide illumination in the garden at night and many homes now have solar panels on south facing roofs, soaking up the sunlight on bright days and generating lots of free electricity
Using Animals for Testing: Pros Versus Cons Competition: low
It is this aspect of animal testing that many view as a major negative against the practice, as it seems that the animal died in vain because no direct benefit to humans occurred. Some substances tested, may never be used for anything useful:The unfortunate aspect is that many of these animals received tests for substances that will never actually see approval or public consumption and use
Reintroduction of the Gray Wolf: Pros and Cons Competition: low
According to this and other studies, the elk numbers have not been substantially reduced, rather, the migration patterns of the elk are changing as they attempt to avoid wolf populated areas. (I happen to fall into this category myself.)The "pro" wolf groups are mostly wildlife advocates and environmental groups such as Defenders of Wildlife and Earthjustice who fear that if the wolves are not federally protected they will surely be mismanaged, over-hunted and sadly exterminated again.There is a third school of thought
What are the pros and cons of having exotic animals as pets Competition: low
They've changed the face of nature in some southern states by breeding in huge numbers, overpowering some domestic species, and altering the ecology permanently. And, then finally, one thing I've noticed is that the average house guest does not have the common sense to know how to behave around an unusual animal
What Are the Pros and Cons of Keeping a Pet Sloth? Competition: low
The only reason for someone to own it would be to say that they own an exotic animal, but they are owning an easy going exotic animal that is not dangerous like a lion or tiger. Thus they become a special needs animal and in order for the owner to be right and humane they have to continually go the extra mile to accommodate their pet sloth
Should You Sleep With Your Dog? The Pros and Cons of Sharing the Bed - PawNation Competition: low
More Share on Tumblr Pin It Email to a friend Thinkstock 3 of 9 The Pros Sleeping in the same bed has strong emotional benefits for you and your pooch: 1. Lemon, Yoga, Himself Follow PawNation Never miss a single purr or woof Sign up here for newsletter Partner Offers: Yes, I would like to receive occasional email offers from our affiliated websites, partners and sponsors - Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues Competition: low
Bush and his wife Barbara attended the Kennebunk, Maine gay marriage of their longtime friends Bonnie Clement and Helen Thorgalsen as "private citizens and friends," according to Bush's official spokesman Jim McGrath. Other Obamacare changes have already happened such as no more denials for pre-existing conditions, no more lifetime limits on coverage, and the establishment of the Independent Payment Advisory Board Competition: low
When a pet tiger decides to destroy the house, what will the owner do then? Punish the tiger? That's when the tiger might see the owner as a threat, then as a meal. We confine "domestic" pets just like we confine "nondomestic" when they are relatively the same, give or take a few genes.There are people who shouldn't own anything more than a cactus, while true pet people will take a chance to figure out about what animal they are getting into before buying it
The Pros and Cons of Fish Farming - Advocacy For Animals Competition: low
Agencies worldwide have called for better management of fish farms, strict enforcement of regulations to protect consumers, more research on sustainable practices, and sharing of information on sound aquacultural practices. Reply Good read, perfect for debate material, thank you very much! But i think that if fish farming was done right, like all other things, it would be great Competition: low
- Usefulness - Animals kept in unnatural conditions ( a lab and not their natural habitat), or animals in pain or distress, are not giving rise to accurate or consistent results. Animal testing should now and forever be taken down to a minimum! Reply Evan says: November 30, 2011 at 2:35 am If you guys are so worried about losing a life of an animal then how about you take its place, be the test subject and yes I know that using animals for test subjects is cruel but life will be hard, there will be alot of people that would die without animal testing
I need reasons why animals should not be kept in zoos.? - Yahoo! Answers Competition: low
Member since: November 07, 2007 Total points: 186 (Level 1) Add Contact Block Did your teacher assign specifically to argue that they should not be kept in zoos, or did you get to chose? In my opinion, it is beneficial in certain circumstances that some animals be kept in zoos. The problem with zoos is not these places and the great work they do, but with the unscrupulous idiots out there who see rare or tropical animals as nothing more than a means to make a quick buck or two
What are the pros and cons of zoos Competition: low
Most modern zoos have their main emphasis on conservation and education - the reason that so many schools take children to zoos is to teach them about nature, the environment, endangered species, and conservation. Good zoos are fine, but there are some zoos out there which most people don't even know exist which are illegal and the species of animals kept are not well looked after.While I agree to a great extent to both of the previous statements I would also have to say that the one thing about zoos that is good is that there are countless people in the world that do not have the means or opportunity to see wild animals in their natural habitat and a zoo is the only way they will ever have the chance to do so Competition: low
Most modern zoos have their main emphasis on conservation and education - the reason that so many schools take children to zoos is to teach them about nature, the environment, endangered species, and conservation. And as long as animals are treated well in zoos there is no reason why conservation, education, and cruelty-free entertainment should not all be combined in a zoo Competition: low
More than 1,850 animals from all continents live here (...) Carl Hagenbeck's panoramas, listed as landmarks, characterize zoo architecture of the 20th Century to the present. It grew out of spontaneous responses to emergency situations by people who just happened to be in the right place at the right time to respond to the immediate needs of injured wild animals found by the road (cats indigenous to Florida, like panthers) or pets, circus animals, or zoo animals abandoned by their owners or confiscated by the authorities from animal traffickers or criminals Competition: low
They are not kept in Cages, they have good enviroments, are provided fresh food and water each day, are given love and affection from people visiting, and get medical treatment. Only anima with special conditions like endanger species for breeding and animals that never been in the wild should bekept in captivity because they dont will survie and we will loose the opportunity to interac, see and learn about them Competition: low
So instead of making animals fit and adapt to our way of life, can we not adjust- being the 'superior species' that we believe we are? Once an animal has been fed and sheltered, the chances of it returning to a normal animal life out in the wild are very slim. But is it fair to keep birds in cages when their animals that should roam the skies, and how about Tigers that have fury inside them because they've been trapped in a cage Competition: low
These messages have truly hit their target when visitors go home with a heightened sense of purpose, inspired to do their part to save threatened wildlife. Seeing them in zoos and aquariums may be the only opportunity they ever have to meet these fascinating animals up close, and this may be the spark that triggers them to care more about conservation
Pros and Cons of Zoos Competition: low
It is observed that visitors tend to abuse animals by throwing objects at them; such kind of careless and irresponsible behavior by visitors has a negative effect on animals. According to animal right activists, one doesn't need to exhibit animals for recreational purposes if the sole objective behind setting up a zoo is of conservation
Should Animals be Kept in Zoos? Competition: low
That is why I think zoos are acceptable in society Login or register to post comments This site ONLY incorproates human views Stormwolf - Feb 12 2009 - 4:13pm stop thinking about how zoos are good for education or conservation think about how the animals in zoos feelhow do they feel to be imprisoned for no reason? Login or register to post comments Good question Curious - Mar 4 2009 - 8:45am How do you determine how an animal feels? I assume you have an idea of how you might feel if "imprisoned with no reason." Can you explain how you would get an answer from an animal?As I understand it, very little is know about what and how animals "feel." Less is known about how a human can make sense of what an animals "feels" without comparing them to humans. How do you scientifically solve it? Login or register to post comments Behavior tek - Aug 8 2009 - 4:33pm of animals and even their moods are very easy to read for a person that spends their time with the animals
Snails in the Aquarium
Advantages of snails in the aquarium Snails and water quality The exact diet of a snail depends on size and species, but a majority of the snails are scavengers that will feed on plants (especially decomposing plants), algae and dead animals. Snails are especially prone to multiply rapidly in hard alkaline water and the aquarist must therefore pay special attention to their numbers in such aquariums
CDC - Preventing Ticks on Your Pets - Ticks
To reduce the chances that a tick will transmit disease to you or your pets: Check your pets for ticks daily, especially after they spend time outdoors. Examples of topically applied products (active ingredients): Fipronil Pyrethroids (permethrin, etc.) Amitraz Repel Ticks on Dogs A repellent product may prevent the tick from coming into contact with an animal at all or have anti-feeding effects once the tick comes into contact with the chemical, thus preventing a bite
A Look at the Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing
2) Some school systems are under great pressure to raise their scores so they have resorted to decreasing (and sometimes doing away with) time spent in recess. 4) Since all students in a school are taking the same test (with respect to grade level) standardized tests provide an accurate comparison across groups
Certain breeds have characteristics that suit the lifestyles of certain individuals - surely it is morally better to keep an animal that does not need a lot of exercise to be happy if you work long hours. Around 12,000 years ago this relationship developed into the domestication of dogs as a separate species from wolves through selective breeding to choose those individuals who were most obedient and less likely to harm their human keepers
Facebook vs Twitter
So whilie I recognise what you are saying, and appreciate you putting it out there in an open forum, I cannot agree that social networking is impersonal, unnecessary or boring. So it seems today that applications like Twitter and Facebook, while attracting new users at astounding rates have not fully defined their business models and the 800-pound gorilla has yet to emerge
What Are Advantages And Disadvantages Of A Zoo? - Blurtit
What's your embarrassing list of the mobile phones you've owned? Can One Bad Scene Ruin A Whole Movie? Why do we wash bath towels? Aren't we clean when we use them? Who was the shortest man in the Bible? Job 25.1 Also asked as Should Wild Animals Be Kept In Zoos? What Are The Advantages Of Keeping Animals In The Zoo? What Are The Disadvantages Of A Zoo? Advantages And Disadvantages Of Keeping Animals In The Zoo? ? Here are questions that have been merged into this question. The cons to zoos would primarily be based on the zoos for profit, and probably most of them do not sustain the proper habitats for their animals and are capitalizing on the public's curiosity and are not likely to offer much education because they are not trying to conserve they are trying to make money
Pros and Cons of Genetic Engineering in Humans
Once we fully understand the genetics of ageing it may be possible to slow down or reverse some of the cellular mechanisms that lead to our decline - for example by preventing telomeres at the ends of chromosomes from shortening. Or in the case of some conditions such as the heart disease Cardiomyopathy, genetic mutations can make our bodies more susceptible to attack from viruses or our own immune system
This product offers customers a Risk-Free Trial, and makes sure to both repair and protect the skin with Matrixyl 3000 for collagen and Uniprotect-PT-3 for UV protection. Dark circles under my eyes have faded and wrinkles above my lips as well as the jowl area below lips are dimished and I notice results on a daily basis.I did fail to notice that the 90 day shipment would be billed in 3 installment payments
Expat Sentenced To 40 Lashes Wednesday, 24 April 2013 Denis Foynes- A Qatari court has sentenced an expat from an unknown Asian country to 40 lashes for drinking alcohol. The Countries With The Most Prostitutes Tuesday, 09 July 2013 Denis Foynes- Every year, about 3 million people travel on sex tourism trips and this figure is on the rise
The most common examples of animal experimentation for scientific knowledge are animal biopsies and vivisections in schools to teach children biology and medical procedures. No one knows what knowledge that will be attained through animal testing, so the value of such animal testing cannot be ascertained ahead of time or even guessed
I find that Gerbils are very easy to take care of, they are not nocturnal like Hamsgters so they are up most of the day and sleeping most of the night (No more squeeky running wheel all through the night!!) Hope this helps Source(s): Me 5 years ago Report Abuse 2 people rated this as good Asker's Rating: Asker's Comment: thank you very much for your reply! It showed that gerbils are a great pet to own. Thank you for your very imformative post and it has taught me alot!! thanks xx 1 stars - mark this as Interesting! Email Comment (0) Save Add to My Yahoo! Add to RSS There are currently no comments for this question
Pros and Cons of Abortion
In several countries across the world such as Australia, Canada, Germany, United States and as many as 30 others, there are laws that make abortion legal, at any point of time until birth. So what if we cannot see the human form, it does have the potential to gain one.Choosing adoption as an alternative to abortion would give the baby its right to life.Should people resort to abortion as a last-minute contraception tool while preaching their kids about the consequences of casual sex?Infection, sepsis, recurrent miscarriages and rarely death could be the complications of abortions.An abortion can cause serious psychological impairment to the woman in the form of depression and guilt.Abortion ProsAlthough women have a hard time choosing abortion as an option for unwanted pregnancies, they have been making the choice for a long time
Advantages and Disadvantages of Keeping Animals in the Zoos - Term Papers - Yura9999
Welcome is the web's leading learning tool.We inspire millions of students every day with over 1,400,000model essays and papers, AP notes and book notes
At this stage the embryo is referred to as a "blastocyst." There are about 100 cells in a blastocyst, a very large percentage of which are stem cells, which can be kept alive indefinitely, grown in cultures, where the stem cells continue to double in number every 2-3 days. In the treatment of cancer, cells destroyed by radiation or chemotherapy can be replaced with new healthy stem cells that adapt to the affected area, whether it be part of the brain, heart, liver, lungs, or wherever
But what would you do if you knew the child would have Down's Syndrome? What would you do if you knew the child would have an intelligence level lower than that required to enter public school? What if the child had a strong risk of schizophrenia? Would you still have the child or would you want an abortion? As genetic knowledge continues to grow, we are able to determine more and more about what a child will be like as an adult. It's arguably better for society to have babies aborted than have them be brought up poor and neglected, where not only will the child suffer but society when that child develops a higher attraction to crime, welfare, etc
Are zoos good or bad for animals?: Animal Planet
animal exhibitors, like the 265-acre (107-hectare) Bronx Zoo just a subway ride away from Fifth Avenue, must apply for and receive a license from the Department of Agriculture. Every year, millions of people go on safaris, board whale-watching cruises and watch Jeff Corwin get attacked by snakes on Animal Planet; others drive to their local zoo for a full day of animal gazing
However, because online education is a relatively new phenomenon, lots of people are suspicious of whether a qualification gained from an online institution is as good as one gained from a traditional educational institution. Solar powered gadgets are all around us: solar powered lights provide illumination in the garden at night and many homes now have solar panels on south facing roofs, soaking up the sunlight on bright days and generating lots of free electricity
Using Animals for Testing: Pros Versus Cons
It is this aspect of animal testing that many view as a major negative against the practice, as it seems that the animal died in vain because no direct benefit to humans occurred. Some substances tested, may never be used for anything useful:The unfortunate aspect is that many of these animals received tests for substances that will never actually see approval or public consumption and use
Reintroduction of the Gray Wolf: Pros and Cons
According to this and other studies, the elk numbers have not been substantially reduced, rather, the migration patterns of the elk are changing as they attempt to avoid wolf populated areas. (I happen to fall into this category myself.)The "pro" wolf groups are mostly wildlife advocates and environmental groups such as Defenders of Wildlife and Earthjustice who fear that if the wolves are not federally protected they will surely be mismanaged, over-hunted and sadly exterminated again.There is a third school of thought
What are the pros and cons of having exotic animals as pets
They've changed the face of nature in some southern states by breeding in huge numbers, overpowering some domestic species, and altering the ecology permanently. And, then finally, one thing I've noticed is that the average house guest does not have the common sense to know how to behave around an unusual animal
What Are the Pros and Cons of Keeping a Pet Sloth?
The only reason for someone to own it would be to say that they own an exotic animal, but they are owning an easy going exotic animal that is not dangerous like a lion or tiger. Thus they become a special needs animal and in order for the owner to be right and humane they have to continually go the extra mile to accommodate their pet sloth
Should You Sleep With Your Dog? The Pros and Cons of Sharing the Bed - PawNation
More Share on Tumblr Pin It Email to a friend Thinkstock 3 of 9 The Pros Sleeping in the same bed has strong emotional benefits for you and your pooch: 1. Lemon, Yoga, Himself Follow PawNation Never miss a single purr or woof Sign up here for newsletter Partner Offers: Yes, I would like to receive occasional email offers from our affiliated websites, partners and sponsors - Pros and Cons of Controversial Issues
Bush and his wife Barbara attended the Kennebunk, Maine gay marriage of their longtime friends Bonnie Clement and Helen Thorgalsen as "private citizens and friends," according to Bush's official spokesman Jim McGrath. Other Obamacare changes have already happened such as no more denials for pre-existing conditions, no more lifetime limits on coverage, and the establishment of the Independent Payment Advisory Board
When a pet tiger decides to destroy the house, what will the owner do then? Punish the tiger? That's when the tiger might see the owner as a threat, then as a meal. We confine "domestic" pets just like we confine "nondomestic" when they are relatively the same, give or take a few genes.There are people who shouldn't own anything more than a cactus, while true pet people will take a chance to figure out about what animal they are getting into before buying it
The Pros and Cons of Fish Farming - Advocacy For Animals
Agencies worldwide have called for better management of fish farms, strict enforcement of regulations to protect consumers, more research on sustainable practices, and sharing of information on sound aquacultural practices. Reply Good read, perfect for debate material, thank you very much! But i think that if fish farming was done right, like all other things, it would be great
- Usefulness - Animals kept in unnatural conditions ( a lab and not their natural habitat), or animals in pain or distress, are not giving rise to accurate or consistent results. Animal testing should now and forever be taken down to a minimum! Reply Evan says: November 30, 2011 at 2:35 am If you guys are so worried about losing a life of an animal then how about you take its place, be the test subject and yes I know that using animals for test subjects is cruel but life will be hard, there will be alot of people that would die without animal testing
I need reasons why animals should not be kept in zoos.? - Yahoo! Answers
Member since: November 07, 2007 Total points: 186 (Level 1) Add Contact Block Did your teacher assign specifically to argue that they should not be kept in zoos, or did you get to chose? In my opinion, it is beneficial in certain circumstances that some animals be kept in zoos. The problem with zoos is not these places and the great work they do, but with the unscrupulous idiots out there who see rare or tropical animals as nothing more than a means to make a quick buck or two
What are the pros and cons of zoos
Most modern zoos have their main emphasis on conservation and education - the reason that so many schools take children to zoos is to teach them about nature, the environment, endangered species, and conservation. Good zoos are fine, but there are some zoos out there which most people don't even know exist which are illegal and the species of animals kept are not well looked after.While I agree to a great extent to both of the previous statements I would also have to say that the one thing about zoos that is good is that there are countless people in the world that do not have the means or opportunity to see wild animals in their natural habitat and a zoo is the only way they will ever have the chance to do so
Most modern zoos have their main emphasis on conservation and education - the reason that so many schools take children to zoos is to teach them about nature, the environment, endangered species, and conservation. And as long as animals are treated well in zoos there is no reason why conservation, education, and cruelty-free entertainment should not all be combined in a zoo
More than 1,850 animals from all continents live here (...) Carl Hagenbeck's panoramas, listed as landmarks, characterize zoo architecture of the 20th Century to the present. It grew out of spontaneous responses to emergency situations by people who just happened to be in the right place at the right time to respond to the immediate needs of injured wild animals found by the road (cats indigenous to Florida, like panthers) or pets, circus animals, or zoo animals abandoned by their owners or confiscated by the authorities from animal traffickers or criminals
They are not kept in Cages, they have good enviroments, are provided fresh food and water each day, are given love and affection from people visiting, and get medical treatment. Only anima with special conditions like endanger species for breeding and animals that never been in the wild should bekept in captivity because they dont will survie and we will loose the opportunity to interac, see and learn about them
So instead of making animals fit and adapt to our way of life, can we not adjust- being the 'superior species' that we believe we are? Once an animal has been fed and sheltered, the chances of it returning to a normal animal life out in the wild are very slim. But is it fair to keep birds in cages when their animals that should roam the skies, and how about Tigers that have fury inside them because they've been trapped in a cage
These messages have truly hit their target when visitors go home with a heightened sense of purpose, inspired to do their part to save threatened wildlife. Seeing them in zoos and aquariums may be the only opportunity they ever have to meet these fascinating animals up close, and this may be the spark that triggers them to care more about conservation
Pros and Cons of Zoos
It is observed that visitors tend to abuse animals by throwing objects at them; such kind of careless and irresponsible behavior by visitors has a negative effect on animals. According to animal right activists, one doesn't need to exhibit animals for recreational purposes if the sole objective behind setting up a zoo is of conservation
Should Animals be Kept in Zoos?
That is why I think zoos are acceptable in society Login or register to post comments This site ONLY incorproates human views Stormwolf - Feb 12 2009 - 4:13pm stop thinking about how zoos are good for education or conservation think about how the animals in zoos feelhow do they feel to be imprisoned for no reason? Login or register to post comments Good question Curious - Mar 4 2009 - 8:45am How do you determine how an animal feels? I assume you have an idea of how you might feel if "imprisoned with no reason." Can you explain how you would get an answer from an animal?As I understand it, very little is know about what and how animals "feel." Less is known about how a human can make sense of what an animals "feels" without comparing them to humans. How do you scientifically solve it? Login or register to post comments Behavior tek - Aug 8 2009 - 4:33pm of animals and even their moods are very easy to read for a person that spends their time with the animals
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