Analysis of the search query | where did most immigrants come from between 1800 and 1860 |
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Top competitors on query "where did most immigrants come from between 1800 and 1860"
Immigration Records Competition: low
What We Don't Have: To locate other passenger lists from 1538-1819, consult these books (among many others), which are found in libraries with genealogical collections: Indexes Filby, P. There are, however, two exceptions to this general rule: Arrivals at New Orleans, Louisiana, 1813-1819, are reproduced in NARA microfilm publication: Roll 1 of M2009, Work Projects Administration Transcript of Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New Orleans, Louisiana, 1813-1849 (2 rolls)
On the Water - Maritime Nation, 1800-1850: Enterprise on the Water Competition: low
Rigged Model, Auxiliary Steamship Savannah Enlarge Image View Record Steam packet ship Savannah Built at New York, 1819 Capacity: Cargo and 34 passengers The Savannah, 1819 View Object Record The Savannah was the first steamship to cross the Atlantic, although mostly under wind power. Enlarge Image Sailing notices from the New York Times, May 31, 1855 Courtesy of Smithsonian Institution Libraries Oil Painting, Black Ball Packet Ship Isaac Webb Enlarge Image View Record Oil painting on canvas by Samuel Walters, 1851 The Isaac Webb View Object Record The Black Ball Line pioneered scheduled packet service on the Atlantic Ocean in 1818
U.S. Immigration Collection Competition: low
census records between 1900 and 1930 to help you determine the approximate year an immigrant came to America and narrow your search for a passenger list. Yours could be one of the almost 16,000 Scottish immigrants who came through Baltimore, which, incidentally, offered immigrants a quick route to the Midwest Competition: low
Why They Left: The first Danes to settle in America during the 1600s and 1700s were mostly well-to-do merchants and businessmen who were attracted to the New World by the promise of commercial profits. In the mid-1800s, when mass migration began, Danish immigrants tended to be farmers and unskilled laborers, who had been displaced by the industrial revolution and by the consolidation of small landholdings into large farms Competition: low
The latest in styles and conveniences - at least as defined by mass culture - were as equally available to folks in Chicago as they were to those living at the far reaches of western settlement. First promoted by Catherine Beecher and her sister, Harriet Beecher Stowe in the 1830s and 1840s, this notion was carried through in the Western and Midwestern land grant colleges founded after the Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862 Competition: low
and China finally getting serious about climate change? Fareed Zakaria GPS TVEvery week we bring you in-depth interviews with world leaders, newsmakers and analysts who break down the world's toughest problems. ET Immigrants founded America hundreds of years ago, coming to the promised land in search of freedom and opportunity, in pursuit of the American dream Competition: low
8- 12) The Branding of AmericaWhat are "brand name" products? Why do they endure over the years? Discover some favorite brand name products from across the USA. 4-12) Maps and Mapmakers: Seeing What's on the MapStudents examine Martin Waldseemller's 1507 map of the world to discover a new way of thinking about what was important to the mapmaker Competition: low
Among the great variety of resources collected here, you'll find historical essays on German influence in the settlement of Texas, the great Palatine migration from the Rhineland in 1709, as well as German and Swiss migration patterns. Where possible, individuals are cited again with reference to a corresponding range of Pennsylvania source materials (notably church records, wills, and tax lists)
A Guide to Primary Resources for US History : Competition: low
President Jackson viewed nullification as a direct threat to federal power and threatened military intervention, but Congress eventually worked out a compromise that defused the issue. South Carolina, which saw the tariffs as a bold extension of federal powers and a prelude to forced emancipation of slaves, led the charge to nullify the cotton tariffs Competition: low
How middle-class clubwomen contributed to infant and maternal health among New York City immigrants Well supported activity from Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000 For a miscellany of images, statistics and maps (unfortunately not all is credited) as well as links to additional resources on: German Immigrants in the U.S. Kislak Collection This exhibition examines indigenous cultures, the drama of the encounters between Native Americans and Europeans, and the changes caused by the meeting of the two worlds
Music from 1800-1860 Competition: low
by Frederick Nicholls Crouch, 1808-1896 I Love the Heights of Brooklyn (National Ballad) William Mitchison William Mitchison I Touch My Harp, and Dream Again! J. by John Watson Our Old Tom Cat; or, The Cat's March Out of the Ash Hole (Comic Song or Duett) William Clifton Arranged by Jupiter Zeus Hesser Rory O'Moore Samuel Lover, 1797-1868 Irish melody; adapted by Samuel Lover, 1797-1868 The Dumb Wife (Comic Song No
Gold Rush Ships and Passengers arriving at San Francisco during the 1800s. The Maritime Heritage Project. Sea Captains, Ships, World Seaports, Immigration and Passengers. Competition: low
Drawings, paintings, and photographs show the grandeur and grace of these oceangoing vessels, maps help the reader follow the routes of great seafarers and naval campaigns, and chronologies offer a perspective on underwater archaeology sites, maritime technology, exploration, and disasters at sea. Paine The stories of 125 vessels that have played important roles in voyages of geographical exploration and scientific discovery, from early Polynesian double canoes to the most technically sophisticated submersibles Competition: low
None would address our two major problems: a current high rate of unemployment and a long-term mismatch between projected spending and projected revenues. Nate Silver of the New York Times points out that in Texas the Republican nominee for any statewide office typically wins in a landslide and Perry has actually underperformed the average Republican Competition: low
But that happened when the population of the Upper Basin states was sufficiently small that those states did not use their full allotments on the Colorado, leaving plenty of water for California. It is the nation's only think tank devoted exclusively to research and policy analysis of the economic, social, demographic, fiscal, and other impacts of immigration on the United States
Immigration Issues Competition: low
The nationwide effort is aimed at reinforcing the idea among Catholics that immigration isn't just a political issue, but also and spiritual and moral one. A few of the more prominent sites for the naturalization ceremonies include the USS Battleship North Carolina in Wilmington, N.C., the New York Public Library, the Smithsonian National Museum of American History in Washington and the Fort Sill military base in Oklahoma
Yahoo! Answers - How did industrialization, immigration, and urbanization affect the US from the period 1870-1900? Competition: low
The new immigrants became the labor for the new mills and all the services needed to keep them running and housing them led to the urban tenement problems. Industries knew this and encouraged immigration; immigrants knew this and flocked to America to work the factories for a decent wage (at least to them)
ILW.COM - Irish Immigration to America From the 1800s to the Present Competition: low
Other Notable Irish Americans The son of Irish immigrants, Henry Ford would go down in the history books as the man responsible for introducing the concept of mass-production and for making the first car affordable to the middle class, the Model T. In this the second of two reports focusing on Irish immigration to America, we bring to light numerous contributions the Irish have made in virtually all aspects of American Society
Immigration: The Chinese Competition: low
However, in 1870, hasty exploitation of gold mines and a lack of well-paying jobs for non-Asians spurred sentiment that the "rice-eaters" were to blame. In the years that followed, those virulent temperaments were felt through laws and attitudes, and Blacks as well as Chinese suffered throughout the mid-century Competition: low
Of the 1,849,056 persons involved in this migration, which lasted until 1893, the vast majority came from northeastern Germany, an area dominated by Prussia but including the states of Pornerania, Upper Silesia, and Mecklenburg. The spreading railroad network of the 1850's had assured the primacy of wheat growing in Wisconsin, bringing seaboard and European markets to the farmer's doorstep Competition: low
France established colonies along the Saint Lawrence River, in what is now Canada; and also in the southern part of North America, in the region that is now Louisiana. Enduring great hardship, the colonists built new communities in the New World 1492-1500s The Explorers In 1492, Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer and excellent sailor, crossed the Atlantic Ocean in search of a shorter trade route to Asia
Immigrant workers, farmers fearful in wake of Alabama immigration law - Rock Center with Brian Williams Competition: low
He worries that none of them will return for the spring harvest, when a provision requiring that employers check the immigration status of workers will be in effect. As for my point of illegals you need to get a handle on the ramifications of what you imply which to me is to go on some "witch hunt", spend tens of millions if not hundreds of millions with personal we do not have and get these illegals
Aliyah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Competition: low
Following the war, Berihah ("flight"), an organization of former partisans and ghetto fighters was primarily responsible for smuggling Jews from Poland and Eastern Europe to the Italian ports from which they traveled to Palestine. Refugee artists introduced Bauhaus (the White City of Tel Aviv has the highest concentration of Bauhaus architecture in the world) and founded the Palestine Philharmonic Orchestra Competition: low
France established colonies along the Saint Lawrence River, in what is now Canada; and also in the southern part of North America, in the region that is now Louisiana. Enduring great hardship, the colonists built new communities in the New World 1492-1500s The Explorers In 1492, Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer and excellent sailor, crossed the Atlantic Ocean in search of a shorter trade route to Asia Competition: low
In the early part of the century, just getting to a port of embarkation might mean days or weeks of travel on foot, by rivercraft, or in horse-drawn vehicles. Sometimes immigrants had to spend several days awaiting boarding, during which they were lodged and fed by the steamship company.Source: Destination America by Charles A
Immigration: The Irish Competition: low
Industry working Irish soon found themselves lifted up into boss and straw-boss positions as common laborers more and more arrived from southern and eastern Europe- Italians, Slavs, and Hungarians. The British Passenger Acts attempted to deflect the immigration from the British Isles to Canada instead of the U.S., making the fare a cheap 15 shilling compared to the 4 or 5 pound fare to New York
Immigration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Competition: low
Those with security concerns cite the 2005 civil unrest in France that point to the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy as an example of the value conflicts arising from immigration of Muslims in Western Europe. Over a million Jews from the former Soviet Union have immigrated to Israel since the 1990s, and large numbers of Ethiopian Jews were airlifted to the country in Operation Moses Competition: low
As a result, relations became openly hostile, with many Americans becoming anti-immigrant, fearing the customs, religion, and poverty of the new immigrants, considering them less desirable than old immigrants. It was, however, apt to generalizations about these regional groups that were subjective and failed to differentiate between distinct cultural attributes The Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act in 1921, followed by the Immigration Act of 1924 Competition: low
Reply jj says: September 26, 2012 at 2:49 pm sure Reply mirelis says: August 27, 2012 at 11:23 am this website is so cool and i love it i was doing an absract and i got all the information from here adn i am just thanking you for making this website about immigrants. The remaining 40 percent of immigrants come from an incredible mix of countries: Canada, Guatemala, Colombia, the United Kingdom, Jamaica, Germany, Haiti, Honduras, and many others
What was life like for immigrants in 1800s when the came to america ? - Yahoo! Answers Competition: low
That year Congress also began to expand its list of unacceptable immigrants beyond convicts and prostitutes to include such people as beggars, contract laborers, the insane, and unaccompanied minors. In terms of air travel to over sea land, the trip immigrants took nearly a month of sea travel and they did not have the benefits of radar or GPS to guide their paths
Why did immigrants come to the US in the 1800s Competition: low
Last edit by Miss.pelling Answer History Related Answers: What reasons did immigrants come to the US in the 1800s? Some of the reasons were:To make a better life for themselves and their family.The freedom or tolera Most of the immigrants coming to the US in the mid 1800s were? German Why did the immigrants come to the US in the late 1700s and early 1800s? To escape religious persecution, to find better opportunities
Where did immigrants come from between 1880-1924 Competition: low
Last edit by Miss.pelling Answer History Related Answers: Where did immigrants come from between 1880-1924? Prior to 1880, a large majority of immigrants came from Great Britain, Germany, or Scandinavia. This law favored immigration from nations like Great Britain, but discriminated against central and eastern European nations like Poland, Russia and Syria
Immigration Records Competition: low
What We Don't Have: To locate other passenger lists from 1538-1819, consult these books (among many others), which are found in libraries with genealogical collections: Indexes Filby, P. There are, however, two exceptions to this general rule: Arrivals at New Orleans, Louisiana, 1813-1819, are reproduced in NARA microfilm publication: Roll 1 of M2009, Work Projects Administration Transcript of Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New Orleans, Louisiana, 1813-1849 (2 rolls)
On the Water - Maritime Nation, 1800-1850: Enterprise on the Water Competition: low
Rigged Model, Auxiliary Steamship Savannah Enlarge Image View Record Steam packet ship Savannah Built at New York, 1819 Capacity: Cargo and 34 passengers The Savannah, 1819 View Object Record The Savannah was the first steamship to cross the Atlantic, although mostly under wind power. Enlarge Image Sailing notices from the New York Times, May 31, 1855 Courtesy of Smithsonian Institution Libraries Oil Painting, Black Ball Packet Ship Isaac Webb Enlarge Image View Record Oil painting on canvas by Samuel Walters, 1851 The Isaac Webb View Object Record The Black Ball Line pioneered scheduled packet service on the Atlantic Ocean in 1818
U.S. Immigration Collection Competition: low
census records between 1900 and 1930 to help you determine the approximate year an immigrant came to America and narrow your search for a passenger list. Yours could be one of the almost 16,000 Scottish immigrants who came through Baltimore, which, incidentally, offered immigrants a quick route to the Midwest Competition: low
Why They Left: The first Danes to settle in America during the 1600s and 1700s were mostly well-to-do merchants and businessmen who were attracted to the New World by the promise of commercial profits. In the mid-1800s, when mass migration began, Danish immigrants tended to be farmers and unskilled laborers, who had been displaced by the industrial revolution and by the consolidation of small landholdings into large farms Competition: low
The latest in styles and conveniences - at least as defined by mass culture - were as equally available to folks in Chicago as they were to those living at the far reaches of western settlement. First promoted by Catherine Beecher and her sister, Harriet Beecher Stowe in the 1830s and 1840s, this notion was carried through in the Western and Midwestern land grant colleges founded after the Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862 Competition: low
and China finally getting serious about climate change? Fareed Zakaria GPS TVEvery week we bring you in-depth interviews with world leaders, newsmakers and analysts who break down the world's toughest problems. ET Immigrants founded America hundreds of years ago, coming to the promised land in search of freedom and opportunity, in pursuit of the American dream Competition: low
8- 12) The Branding of AmericaWhat are "brand name" products? Why do they endure over the years? Discover some favorite brand name products from across the USA. 4-12) Maps and Mapmakers: Seeing What's on the MapStudents examine Martin Waldseemller's 1507 map of the world to discover a new way of thinking about what was important to the mapmaker Competition: low
Among the great variety of resources collected here, you'll find historical essays on German influence in the settlement of Texas, the great Palatine migration from the Rhineland in 1709, as well as German and Swiss migration patterns. Where possible, individuals are cited again with reference to a corresponding range of Pennsylvania source materials (notably church records, wills, and tax lists)
A Guide to Primary Resources for US History : Competition: low
President Jackson viewed nullification as a direct threat to federal power and threatened military intervention, but Congress eventually worked out a compromise that defused the issue. South Carolina, which saw the tariffs as a bold extension of federal powers and a prelude to forced emancipation of slaves, led the charge to nullify the cotton tariffs Competition: low
How middle-class clubwomen contributed to infant and maternal health among New York City immigrants Well supported activity from Women and Social Movements in the United States, 1600-2000 For a miscellany of images, statistics and maps (unfortunately not all is credited) as well as links to additional resources on: German Immigrants in the U.S. Kislak Collection This exhibition examines indigenous cultures, the drama of the encounters between Native Americans and Europeans, and the changes caused by the meeting of the two worlds
Music from 1800-1860 Competition: low
by Frederick Nicholls Crouch, 1808-1896 I Love the Heights of Brooklyn (National Ballad) William Mitchison William Mitchison I Touch My Harp, and Dream Again! J. by John Watson Our Old Tom Cat; or, The Cat's March Out of the Ash Hole (Comic Song or Duett) William Clifton Arranged by Jupiter Zeus Hesser Rory O'Moore Samuel Lover, 1797-1868 Irish melody; adapted by Samuel Lover, 1797-1868 The Dumb Wife (Comic Song No
Gold Rush Ships and Passengers arriving at San Francisco during the 1800s. The Maritime Heritage Project. Sea Captains, Ships, World Seaports, Immigration and Passengers. Competition: low
Drawings, paintings, and photographs show the grandeur and grace of these oceangoing vessels, maps help the reader follow the routes of great seafarers and naval campaigns, and chronologies offer a perspective on underwater archaeology sites, maritime technology, exploration, and disasters at sea. Paine The stories of 125 vessels that have played important roles in voyages of geographical exploration and scientific discovery, from early Polynesian double canoes to the most technically sophisticated submersibles Competition: low
None would address our two major problems: a current high rate of unemployment and a long-term mismatch between projected spending and projected revenues. Nate Silver of the New York Times points out that in Texas the Republican nominee for any statewide office typically wins in a landslide and Perry has actually underperformed the average Republican Competition: low
But that happened when the population of the Upper Basin states was sufficiently small that those states did not use their full allotments on the Colorado, leaving plenty of water for California. It is the nation's only think tank devoted exclusively to research and policy analysis of the economic, social, demographic, fiscal, and other impacts of immigration on the United States
Immigration Issues Competition: low
The nationwide effort is aimed at reinforcing the idea among Catholics that immigration isn't just a political issue, but also and spiritual and moral one. A few of the more prominent sites for the naturalization ceremonies include the USS Battleship North Carolina in Wilmington, N.C., the New York Public Library, the Smithsonian National Museum of American History in Washington and the Fort Sill military base in Oklahoma
Yahoo! Answers - How did industrialization, immigration, and urbanization affect the US from the period 1870-1900? Competition: low
The new immigrants became the labor for the new mills and all the services needed to keep them running and housing them led to the urban tenement problems. Industries knew this and encouraged immigration; immigrants knew this and flocked to America to work the factories for a decent wage (at least to them)
ILW.COM - Irish Immigration to America From the 1800s to the Present Competition: low
Other Notable Irish Americans The son of Irish immigrants, Henry Ford would go down in the history books as the man responsible for introducing the concept of mass-production and for making the first car affordable to the middle class, the Model T. In this the second of two reports focusing on Irish immigration to America, we bring to light numerous contributions the Irish have made in virtually all aspects of American Society
Immigration: The Chinese Competition: low
However, in 1870, hasty exploitation of gold mines and a lack of well-paying jobs for non-Asians spurred sentiment that the "rice-eaters" were to blame. In the years that followed, those virulent temperaments were felt through laws and attitudes, and Blacks as well as Chinese suffered throughout the mid-century Competition: low
Of the 1,849,056 persons involved in this migration, which lasted until 1893, the vast majority came from northeastern Germany, an area dominated by Prussia but including the states of Pornerania, Upper Silesia, and Mecklenburg. The spreading railroad network of the 1850's had assured the primacy of wheat growing in Wisconsin, bringing seaboard and European markets to the farmer's doorstep Competition: low
France established colonies along the Saint Lawrence River, in what is now Canada; and also in the southern part of North America, in the region that is now Louisiana. Enduring great hardship, the colonists built new communities in the New World 1492-1500s The Explorers In 1492, Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer and excellent sailor, crossed the Atlantic Ocean in search of a shorter trade route to Asia
Immigrant workers, farmers fearful in wake of Alabama immigration law - Rock Center with Brian Williams Competition: low
He worries that none of them will return for the spring harvest, when a provision requiring that employers check the immigration status of workers will be in effect. As for my point of illegals you need to get a handle on the ramifications of what you imply which to me is to go on some "witch hunt", spend tens of millions if not hundreds of millions with personal we do not have and get these illegals
Aliyah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Competition: low
Following the war, Berihah ("flight"), an organization of former partisans and ghetto fighters was primarily responsible for smuggling Jews from Poland and Eastern Europe to the Italian ports from which they traveled to Palestine. Refugee artists introduced Bauhaus (the White City of Tel Aviv has the highest concentration of Bauhaus architecture in the world) and founded the Palestine Philharmonic Orchestra Competition: low
France established colonies along the Saint Lawrence River, in what is now Canada; and also in the southern part of North America, in the region that is now Louisiana. Enduring great hardship, the colonists built new communities in the New World 1492-1500s The Explorers In 1492, Christopher Columbus, an Italian explorer and excellent sailor, crossed the Atlantic Ocean in search of a shorter trade route to Asia Competition: low
In the early part of the century, just getting to a port of embarkation might mean days or weeks of travel on foot, by rivercraft, or in horse-drawn vehicles. Sometimes immigrants had to spend several days awaiting boarding, during which they were lodged and fed by the steamship company.Source: Destination America by Charles A
Immigration: The Irish Competition: low
Industry working Irish soon found themselves lifted up into boss and straw-boss positions as common laborers more and more arrived from southern and eastern Europe- Italians, Slavs, and Hungarians. The British Passenger Acts attempted to deflect the immigration from the British Isles to Canada instead of the U.S., making the fare a cheap 15 shilling compared to the 4 or 5 pound fare to New York
Immigration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Competition: low
Those with security concerns cite the 2005 civil unrest in France that point to the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy as an example of the value conflicts arising from immigration of Muslims in Western Europe. Over a million Jews from the former Soviet Union have immigrated to Israel since the 1990s, and large numbers of Ethiopian Jews were airlifted to the country in Operation Moses Competition: low
As a result, relations became openly hostile, with many Americans becoming anti-immigrant, fearing the customs, religion, and poverty of the new immigrants, considering them less desirable than old immigrants. It was, however, apt to generalizations about these regional groups that were subjective and failed to differentiate between distinct cultural attributes The Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act in 1921, followed by the Immigration Act of 1924 Competition: low
Reply jj says: September 26, 2012 at 2:49 pm sure Reply mirelis says: August 27, 2012 at 11:23 am this website is so cool and i love it i was doing an absract and i got all the information from here adn i am just thanking you for making this website about immigrants. The remaining 40 percent of immigrants come from an incredible mix of countries: Canada, Guatemala, Colombia, the United Kingdom, Jamaica, Germany, Haiti, Honduras, and many others
What was life like for immigrants in 1800s when the came to america ? - Yahoo! Answers Competition: low
That year Congress also began to expand its list of unacceptable immigrants beyond convicts and prostitutes to include such people as beggars, contract laborers, the insane, and unaccompanied minors. In terms of air travel to over sea land, the trip immigrants took nearly a month of sea travel and they did not have the benefits of radar or GPS to guide their paths
Why did immigrants come to the US in the 1800s Competition: low
Last edit by Miss.pelling Answer History Related Answers: What reasons did immigrants come to the US in the 1800s? Some of the reasons were:To make a better life for themselves and their family.The freedom or tolera Most of the immigrants coming to the US in the mid 1800s were? German Why did the immigrants come to the US in the late 1700s and early 1800s? To escape religious persecution, to find better opportunities
Where did immigrants come from between 1880-1924 Competition: low
Last edit by Miss.pelling Answer History Related Answers: Where did immigrants come from between 1880-1924? Prior to 1880, a large majority of immigrants came from Great Britain, Germany, or Scandinavia. This law favored immigration from nations like Great Britain, but discriminated against central and eastern European nations like Poland, Russia and Syria
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