Saturday, September 28, 2013

Where did the voice of siri come from - Expected Income 480 euro

Analysis of the search querywhere did the voice of siri come from
The average cost per click Adsense0.5 €
The expected traffic per day16
The expected traffic per month480
Income per month480 €

Top competitors on query "where did the voice of siri come from"  Competition: low
Now clearly Amazon saw something inherently valuable in Ivona's technology and something more valuable if it could bring text-to-speech in-house, giving Ivona access to future prototypes both to speed up development and smooth the implementation. Siri's voice-navigated artificial intelligence functions give such good demo and have so much potential, both as an alternative UI and for accessibility, that speech and voice have much more visibility now than they did two years ago

Siri On The iPhone 5 - Business Insider  Competition: low
The 30 Most Impressive Science Fair Projects In The Country Insane Video Of A Jaguar Attacking A Crocodile Pakistan Government Releases Close-Up Photos Of Island That Emerged... Every morning I check the weather, so I asked Siri, "What's the weather going to be like today?" She quickly responded, "Nice weather coming up through Tuesday," and then dropped this awesome surprise on me: "up to 93 degrees and sunny." Here in New York City we've been treated to a wonderful snap of fall weather for the last week!  Competition: low
In iOS 6, the next-generation of Siri will add a whole new bag of tricks, including the capability to launch apps, perform voice-activated Facebook and Twitter updates, and pull in sports scores and movie times. The Samsung Galaxy S III isn't quite out yet in the U.S., but already, its Siri-like voice assistant -- known as S-Voice -- has just been thrown into the deep, dark shadow of Apple's forthcoming Siri update  Competition: low
S Voice: Instead of "what is the best smart phone", the S3 hears "what the best smart phone" so consequently returns with: "I'm not sure what you mean by what the best smart phone". Peter Hudson 29 May, 2012 22:37 Once Siri comes out of Beta, I would imagine they will have given it access to 3rd party apps and international listings  Competition: low
Last updated: Tuesday Aug 14, 3:35pm EDT Will I need some type of service contract to use the Ubi? No service contracts needed! The Ubi uses your own wireless Internet connection to go online. Last updated: Tuesday Aug 14, 3:46pm EDT Is there any limit on the number of Ubis I can use simultaneously? You can have as many Ubis as the number of wall outlets in your home or office  Competition: low
Bing starts with a more restrictive set of search settings, to ensure that the young, the ancient, and those prone to pearl-clutching won't be accidentally offended.Plus, as others have pointed out, once those settings are trimmed back, Bing works great when searching for, say, videos of a certain natureI don't know about the videos of the certain nature (not my thing). When I'm trying to troubleshoot an issue, google's results are better and far easier to read.This is just my experience and opinion, you may have better luck.And yes, this is all political

Haha, Microsoft Uses Siri to Make Fun of the iPad in a Commercial  Competition: low
That's not surprising (as Samsung loves to pick at Cupertino all the time), but what's hilarious is that Microsoft is using Apple's own Siri to do the ribbing in the commercial

Voice-to-Text and Mobile Voice Recognition Blog by Vlingo  Competition: low
Already capable of everything from surfing the web to email to social networking and e-commerce and more, all mobile phones shared one thing in common: they had a constrained user interface. In this new screen (Figure D), check the box for the app you want Vlingo to read incoming messages from.Figure DYou can enable both texts and emails.If you enable email, you also have to make sure you select which account you want Vlingo to read

Interview with Paul Auster (Author of The New York Trilogy) November, 2010  Competition: low
How much do you share during the writing process? PA: Siri and I have been together for 30 years and have shared our work with each other from the very beginning. In his latest work, Sunset Park, the New Jersey-born writer illuminates the 2008 economic collapse through the eyes of a group of young squatters and Miles Heller, an Ivy League dropout who photographs objects left behind by evicted families  Competition: low
Adaptive Internet Explorer 10 Doubles Its Desktop Market Share WebRTC, Online Code Editor Team Up for Real-Time Coding Where Next? Promotion Tech-savvy travelers from around the globe are collaborating to inspire the future of travel  Competition: low
Reminders and tasks are location-aware through the new Reminders app in iOS 5, so you can ask Siri to remind you to pick up your dry cleaning when you leave work. What can Siri do for me? You can ask Siri to set a reminder for you, send a text message, get weather reports, set calendar appointments, send e-mails, search through your contacts, set alarms and timers, or get directions

Siri vs. Android: Which Is Better at Understanding Voice Commands?  Competition: low
The reason is that it's actually just emailing the note to your personal email address (though you can add recipients, BCC, etc.) which takes a bit more time. LDiscuss KShow all discussions additional replies submitted and awaiting reviewSubmitted discussions can be approved by the author or users followed by this blog  Competition: low
Cornstarch My galaxy note 2 uses Wolfram Alpha for voice to text and formula match on my S Note as I handwrite my mathematical formula then it translate it to textbook formula then calculates it using Wolfram Alpha Trueblue711 Are you kidding? S Voice is terrible. I like direct dial, tapping the top of the phone on lists to scroll to the top, rotating the phone on the lock screen to take a picture, and turning the phone over to mute audio  Competition: low
Resource Guide: 10 Tech Skills You Should Develop In the Next 5 Years Where will you and your job be in 5 years? Take a look at the top skills you need to start developing now to keep on top of things in the tech world. Topics: Smartphones, Mobile OS, Mobility About Ben Woods With several years' experience covering everything in the world of telecoms and mobility, Ben's your man if it involves a smartphone, tablet, laptop, or any other piece of tech small enough to carry around with you

iPhone Siri  Competition: low
iPhone 4s Funny iPhone Siri Siri, My Love Funny Video on iPhone Siri What is iPhone Siri? Siri for Android Vlingo Skyvi Evi Best iPhone Siri videos Previous Next Siri on iphone 6 this is a future development of the siri in iphone 6

Siri - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia  Competition: low
Fazio filed a class action lawsuit against Apple on behalf of the people who felt misled about the capabilities of Siri and failing to function as depicted in Apple's Siri commercials. The traffic to the site was reaching hundred of thousands of hits, then traffic to the site dropped "like a stone" when Apple lawyers contacted his hosting provider ( and requested them to shut it down

Why Apple's Amazing Siri May Herald the End of the iPhone - Forbes  Competition: low
Quite frankly, not that I WANT to pay more for gadgets, but one of the prices (no pun intended) Apple is paying for the massive popularity of the iPhone is that so many people can pay the price to get one. As Clayton Christensen has shown, industries tend to get their start with tightly integrated products because that is the only way to get performance to be good enough for broad adoption  Competition: low
I assume including languages takes up space and Apple can't include them all, but there are millions of people in the United States who speak languages other than French, German, or three variations of English, and it would be very helpful for those people to be able to at least choose and download their native tongue from Apple and install it on their iOS device to make Siri more useful. Alternative Voices I have nothing against Siri's voice per se, but it would be cool to be able to use alternate voices and give my iPhone 4S a more unique "personality" than every other iPhone 4S in the world

Siri won`t stop talking and I can`t get into settings? - I can`t get into settings to turn Siri off. Siri wont stop talking. How do I get the voice to stop? :: Ask Me Fast  Competition: low
it seems like a setting for a sight impaired?Iphone talking cant get to settingsCant turn off voice on s3....have to double tap on everything and can`t get to settings?I have an iphone 4s ... (in this case, Select NEITHER and press OK) Using your device: If VoiceOver is on and you want to turn it off from the device instead of from iTunes, REMEMBER that a DOUBLE-TAP acts like a SINGLE TAP and you need to use three fingers to scroll when VoiceOver is on: 1

25 of the Coolest SIRI Voice Commands for the iPhone 4S (list) - Gadget Review  Competition: low
But then we remembered that SIRI was an app before Apple joined the show and Apple has sent emails out to all current SIRI users that effective October 15th, they will no longer have access to SIRI unless they upgrade. Set Reminders Working in concert with the iOS 5 reminders app, users can tell SIRI to remind them of something and the software will automatically create a reminder  Competition: low
How to launch apps with Siri How to shop for Apple products using Siri Thanks to the latest version of the Apple Store app, you can shop for anything Apple right from your iPhone, iPod touch, iPad, or iPad mini. How to create a time-based reminder with Siri How to create a location-based reminder with Siri How to create a Reminder in a specific List with Siri How to maintain a shopping list with Siri How to create, view, update, and cancel calendar events using Siri Since is meant to be your personal assistant, it only makes sense to have it schedule and manage your meetings and events on your iPhone 5, iPhone 4S, iPod touch 5, iPad 4, iPad 3, or iPad mini  Competition: low
Resource Guide: 10 Tech Skills You Should Develop In the Next 5 Years Where will you and your job be in 5 years? Take a look at the top skills you need to start developing now to keep on top of things in the tech world. Integrating Security into Development, No Pain Required In this white paper, senior SANS Analyst Dave Shackleford discusses new ways developers and security teams can work together to create more efficient quality control processes  Competition: low
One this is for sure, I think I bother people I voice text because my messages are so much longer than usual haha Reply 9Kris Isaksen 2 years ago Thumb upThumb down 0This could be very cool. Reply MecandesGuest 2 years ago Thumb upThumb down 0The integrity of your entire post is shot in the foot at the end when you say you previously speculated that they would use an animated assistant  Competition: low
Whereas Siri usually requires an extra click-through to instruct Siri to open Safari, the Google app hits the web with every query; and almost always with quick, accurate results  Competition: low
share flag spam offensive disagree off topic Like MuhammadMarsh 5 pts @JohnWard: If that's true, then why is iphone about 2 years behind everything else? Can't be a leader if you don't even know how to move forward. The site may have a "cute" name, but it offers up serious editorial content and video reviews that users rely on to make important decisions about their next mobile purchases  Competition: low
Apple would have to come up with a way for developers to explain to Siri what their apps can do, and provide all the appropriate terminology for those actions. As you can imagine, this would be difficult even for simple apps, and nearly impossible for others, particularly if they deal with complex concepts that do not lend themselves well to vocalization

SIRI RISING: The Inside Story Of Siri's Origins -- And Why She Could Overshadow The iPhone  Competition: low
Siri's creators planned, though never implemented, a way for Siri to assist waylaid travelers: The assistant could preempt the frustration caused by a delayed plane by suggesting alternate flights, trains departing shortly, or car rental companies with vehicles available. When the virtual assistant first launched in early 2010, it was a standalone iPhone app called Siri created by a 24-person startup with the same name, a company Apple would later acquire

Apple - iOS 7 - Siri  Competition: low
With the Eyes Free feature, ask Siri to call people, select and play music, hear and compose text messages, use Maps and get directions, read your notifications, find calendar information, add reminders, and more

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