Analysis of the search query | where to find mana energy for nulgath in aqw |
Competition | Low |
The average cost per click Adsense | 0.03 € |
The expected traffic per day | 1 |
The expected traffic per month | 30 |
Income per month | 30 € |
Top competitors on query "where to find mana energy for nulgath in aqw"
AdventureQuest Worlds: Character Profile Page Competition: low
Moglin Punter You kicked a moglin 100 yards! A perfect punt! PTR Tester Awarded to players who have helped with PTR Testing Eye Was There Awarded to those who were present during the One-Eyed Doll LIVE Musical Event (June 25th 2010)! Stubborn You stubbornly denied the possibility your path could possibly be the WRONG path. Ctrl Alt Delete This badge was awarded to you for helping Ethan from Ctrl + Alt+ Del recover the Winter-een-mas crown! Desoloth Freed You have opened the DragonGate and set free the ancient elemental dragon Desoloth
AdventureQuest Worlds - Free MMORPG browser game - free to play Competition: low
for DOOM and gear! Alteon once saved Swordhaven, now it's YOUR turn! Save the city this Friday! Chaorrupted creatures have invaded the heart of Swordhaven, and you've GOT to clear them out of the town before it's too late! Battle to clear the city walls and flush the Chaorruption out of the sewers! Defend the city from Chaos creatures! Drakath AttacksChaos War Breaks Out Across Lore! Slay the Chaorrupted creatures invading the cities and towns across Lore this Friday... Use your Book of Lore to begin the adventure with thousands of players as new chapters of the story unfold each week! To defeat Chaos, Good and Evil need to work together! Our Releases are Your Critical HitsNew Zones, Quests, Items, Classes...
AQWorlds Wiki - . Competition: low
Welcome! This is an AE first! We have decided to host the Encyclopedia on a wiki, instead of on the Battleon Forums, as the format of the wiki makes it easy to navigate
DARK MYSTIC AQW: Quest ID Competition: low
Even Pellets.1297 - The Moth Defeats the Man?1298 - Can you find them?1299 - You've Been Looking Everywhere!1300 - Go for Grease!1301 - Dust Bunny Destroyer1302 - Creepy-Crawly Collector1303 - Shambush Ambusher1304 - Bleak Despair1305 - An Apple Slice? Yum!1306 - Don't Drink!1307 - Flying... and Falling1308 - Doppelganger Wants to Hit You1309 - Catapult Climb1310 - For Science!1311 - Scientific Accessories1312 - Exquisite Dead Guy1313 - Hall of Stolen Heads1314 - I Want a Rock1315 - Take Out the Trash1316 - Tokens of Vindication1317 - Dwarfhold Membership Dues1318 - Good Membership Dues1319 - Evil Membership Dues1320 - Yokai Membership Dues1321 - Vampire Membership Dues1322 - Lycan Membership Dues1323 - Mythsong Membership Dues1324 - Arcangrove Membership Dues1325 - Sandsea Membership Dues1326 - Skyguard Membership Dues1327 - Doomwood Membership Dues1328 - Troll Membership Dues1329 - Horc Membership Dues1330 - She Might be a Giant "Fan"1331 - Bugged by Rares!1332 - Rarely Defeated!1333 - Ug1334 - Uga1335 - Ug Ug1336 - Uga Ug1337 - Malfunction Junction1338 - Missing Equipment1339 - The Treasure that You Seek1340 - These Trees1341 - Ewwww.. Competition: low
Items Required: Gem of Nulgath x10 Nulgath Rune 7 x1 Dropped by Dark Makai Rewards: 100,000 Gold 13,000 Exp Items: You may also choose one of: Guardian Crystal Phoenix Blade of Nulgath Tainted Phoenix Blade of Nulgath Thanks to Tendou no Mazo. (This quest subject to change) Well the mini larval version of me has got a job to do and that's to collect Mana Energy! Bring me some Mana Energy from the Mana Golem and Charged Mana Energy from the Mana Elemental and I'll let you spin this wheel of mine
AdventureQuest Worlds: Character Profile Page
Moglin Punter You kicked a moglin 100 yards! A perfect punt! PTR Tester Awarded to players who have helped with PTR Testing Eye Was There Awarded to those who were present during the One-Eyed Doll LIVE Musical Event (June 25th 2010)! Stubborn You stubbornly denied the possibility your path could possibly be the WRONG path. Ctrl Alt Delete This badge was awarded to you for helping Ethan from Ctrl + Alt+ Del recover the Winter-een-mas crown! Desoloth Freed You have opened the DragonGate and set free the ancient elemental dragon Desoloth
AdventureQuest Worlds - Free MMORPG browser game - free to play
for DOOM and gear! Alteon once saved Swordhaven, now it's YOUR turn! Save the city this Friday! Chaorrupted creatures have invaded the heart of Swordhaven, and you've GOT to clear them out of the town before it's too late! Battle to clear the city walls and flush the Chaorruption out of the sewers! Defend the city from Chaos creatures! Drakath AttacksChaos War Breaks Out Across Lore! Slay the Chaorrupted creatures invading the cities and towns across Lore this Friday... Use your Book of Lore to begin the adventure with thousands of players as new chapters of the story unfold each week! To defeat Chaos, Good and Evil need to work together! Our Releases are Your Critical HitsNew Zones, Quests, Items, Classes...
AQWorlds Wiki - .
Welcome! This is an AE first! We have decided to host the Encyclopedia on a wiki, instead of on the Battleon Forums, as the format of the wiki makes it easy to navigate
Even Pellets.1297 - The Moth Defeats the Man?1298 - Can you find them?1299 - You've Been Looking Everywhere!1300 - Go for Grease!1301 - Dust Bunny Destroyer1302 - Creepy-Crawly Collector1303 - Shambush Ambusher1304 - Bleak Despair1305 - An Apple Slice? Yum!1306 - Don't Drink!1307 - Flying... and Falling1308 - Doppelganger Wants to Hit You1309 - Catapult Climb1310 - For Science!1311 - Scientific Accessories1312 - Exquisite Dead Guy1313 - Hall of Stolen Heads1314 - I Want a Rock1315 - Take Out the Trash1316 - Tokens of Vindication1317 - Dwarfhold Membership Dues1318 - Good Membership Dues1319 - Evil Membership Dues1320 - Yokai Membership Dues1321 - Vampire Membership Dues1322 - Lycan Membership Dues1323 - Mythsong Membership Dues1324 - Arcangrove Membership Dues1325 - Sandsea Membership Dues1326 - Skyguard Membership Dues1327 - Doomwood Membership Dues1328 - Troll Membership Dues1329 - Horc Membership Dues1330 - She Might be a Giant "Fan"1331 - Bugged by Rares!1332 - Rarely Defeated!1333 - Ug1334 - Uga1335 - Ug Ug1336 - Uga Ug1337 - Malfunction Junction1338 - Missing Equipment1339 - The Treasure that You Seek1340 - These Trees1341 - Ewwww..
Items Required: Gem of Nulgath x10 Nulgath Rune 7 x1 Dropped by Dark Makai Rewards: 100,000 Gold 13,000 Exp Items: You may also choose one of: Guardian Crystal Phoenix Blade of Nulgath Tainted Phoenix Blade of Nulgath Thanks to Tendou no Mazo. (This quest subject to change) Well the mini larval version of me has got a job to do and that's to collect Mana Energy! Bring me some Mana Energy from the Mana Golem and Charged Mana Energy from the Mana Elemental and I'll let you spin this wheel of mine
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